Gui Geng: According to legend, Zuo Zhuan mourned for the public for thirteen years. The Gongsun family had nothing to do with Yue Liang, but Xun had it. If you climb the first mountain and shout, you will say yes. It used to be the argot of rations, and it also refers to rations in general. Clear the way and become new.
Geng vortex at turtle point: Taoism calls body fluid in mouth. In the Ming Dynasty, Wang Zhijian expressed different immortal Taoist orders, and recorded the vortex of Guixue Geng in Huachi Shuiyue.
Shi Mao: In the old time system, it refers to the time from 00: 00 to 00: 00 in the morning.
Tao: Liu's surname. Wang Mang, a scholar in the Han Dynasty, passed Hanfu Herry Liu as a character and used a golden knife. Kong Rong, the Great Sage of the Later Han Dynasty, was destroyed in the Song Dynasty without a golden knife. Song and Huang Tingjian stayed in old Pengze Huaitao.
Mortise and tenon: mortise and tenon.
The cursive script is explained as follows:
"Shuo Wen Jie Zi" says: "There are cursive scripts in Han Xing". The cursive script began in the early Han dynasty, and its characteristics are: keeping the outline of characters, damaging the official rules, rushing away and rushing away quickly. Because of the meaning of grass, it is called cursive script.
There are rules to follow in the changes of strokes, such as the urgent chapter of the Three Kingdoms Wu in Songjiang Edition. Today's grass is eclectic and fluent, and its representative works include Wang Xizhi's "The First Moon" and Jin Dynasty's "Getting Time".
Mad grass appeared in the Tang Dynasty, represented by Zhang Xu and Huai Su, and its brushwork was wild and uninhibited, which became an artistic creation completely divorced from practicality. From then on, cursive script was only the works of calligraphers imitating Cao Zhang, Cao Jin and Kuangcao. The representative works of Weeds, such as Abdominal Pain by Zhang Xu in the Tang Dynasty and Autobiographical Postscript by Huai Su, are all existing treasures.