Original text:
Since ancient times, good books, such as Han Wei Zhong and Zhang, were called two kings at the end of Jin Dynasty. Wang Xizhi said: "Looking for all the famous works, Zhong is unmatched, and the rest is not enough." It can be said that Zhong and Xian did not, but, Xian inherited. Another cloud said, "My book is like a clock, and the clock should resist or say. Cao Zhang is still a wild goose. However, Zhang is good at this, and the pool is full of ink, so if I am worried about this, I may not thank you. "This is the meaning of Zhong Tui. Test its professional knowledge, although it failed in the previous regulations; At the same time, you are not ashamed to do things.
The commentator said: "There are four sages, who are unique in ancient and modern times; We can't catch the ancient now, but the ancient is now. "Husband quality is changed by splendor, and beauty is changed by customs. Although the book is written, it is suitable for memorizing words; However, when spring moves, the quality changes, the evolution of red meaning and the smoothness of physics change. When you could be naughty, today is different. The so-called "gentleness". Then a gentleman. "
Why is it easy to carve palaces at acupoints, but not jade at chakras! There is another cloud: "The respect of sons is not as good as ease, and ease is not as good as Zhong Zhang." The Italian thought his discipline was evaluated, but he didn't explain his beginning and end. And Yuan Chang specializes in official script, and Boying is especially good at cursive script, which is both beautiful and relaxed. Imitation of grass is more real and longer than truth. Although it is specialized in small and inferior, it involves many advantages. In the end, bandits are not good to each other.
However, a gentleman should establish himself and cultivate his foundation. ? Yang Xiong said, "Poetry and prose are paths, but a strong man will not do them.". Think twice before you act, and you will be proficient in calligraphy! The husband's diving game is still in the name of seclusion; Loving one's ambition and caring about one's career is still an interest that turns from body to body. Pass on the rites and music, and imitate the immortals wonderfully, and the poor will be transported with the furnace.
A different and curious person; Play a lot; If a person is poor and has a good idea, he can move on. Writers pretend to be dross, algae connoisseurs praise it with essence, righteous people return, and virtuous people believe it. Is it in vain to enjoy the essence?
According to the book of the right army, the last few years are wonderful. When you think about it, you will be peaceful and not excited, but it will be far away. Amethyst has been demoted, so I must work hard and set an adult standard. I don't work alone, but I also look detached.
Or despise what they do, or pity what they have. Self-righteous people will be poor and will never be tempted; There must be a reason why people with low self-esteem are still frustrated. Well, there is no one who can't learn. The exam is about things, and it can be clearly broken.
"Yi" said: "Observe astronomy to observe the changes of time; Look at humanity and turn it into the world. " The book is wonderful and close to the body. The use of false orders is not thorough, or because of secrets; When the waves are rough, they have spread in gv 10. I can feel the feeling of stippling. From the beginning, casting insects, casting seals and pottery are all made of grass.
If the elderly meet fans, they will complain first and then ask; A pupil got several books, but his father cut them and his son regretted it. Know and don't know Husband's submission is not a confidant, but an application to a confidant; It is strange that he should not know! Therefore, Zhuangzi said: "I don't know the fate of fungus, I don't know the spring and autumn." Lao Tzu said, "Corporal laughed when he heard this; If you don't laugh, that's not enough. Can hold the ice monster summer worm! "
Since the Han and Wei dynasties, there have been many writers, and there have been many disputes over items: either the restatement of old chapters is different from the past; Or Gou Xingxin said it was bad for the future; More people means more people, fewer people or fewer people. This paper consists of six articles and is divided into two volumes. The first one is called book spectrum, which makes a family fall behind and gives it a measure. Friends from all corners of the country, save it; I have nothing to take for the purpose of keeping a secret. Write down the arch for three years.
As for those who have been good at calligraphy since ancient times, during the Han and Wei Dynasties, Zhong You and Zhang Zhi had a high level of calligraphy, and at the end of Jin Dynasty, Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi also had excellent calligraphy. Wang Xizhi said: "I have been studying the calligraphy of famous artists recently. Zhong You and Zhang Zhi are really superb, and the rest are not worth seeing. "
It can be said that after the death of Zhong You and Zhang Zhi, Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi inherited them. Wang Xizhi added, "Compared with Zhong You and Zhang Zhi, my calligraphy is comparable to or slightly better than that of Zhong You. Zhang Zhi's cursive script can be compared with his before and after; Because Zhang Zhi is good at research and study, he can dye all the water in the pond. If I study as hard as he does, I may not catch up with him. "
This is to recommend Zhang Zhi, thinking that he surpasses Zhong You. Looking at Wang Xizhi's father and son's specialization in calligraphy, although they did not fully understand the testimonies of their predecessors, they could learn from various calligraphy styles, which is worthy of being a calligraphy career.
Calligraphy critics said: "These four outstanding calligraphy masters are unique in ancient and modern times. However, today's people (two kings) are not as simple as the ancients (Zhong and Zhang), and today's calligraphy style is charming. " However, simple fashion rises with the development of the times, and elegant and charming styles become easier with the secular changes.
Although writing was originally created only to record language, with the development of the times, the style of books will continue to migrate, from mellow to light, from simple to gorgeous; Inheriting the former, innovation is the routine of all things. The most valuable thing about calligraphy is that it can not only inherit the traditions of past dynasties, but also not deviate from the trend of the times; You can pursue the current fashion and don't confuse other people's bad habits.
The so-called "combination of literary talent and simplicity is the style." Why idle gorgeous palaces to live in caves of the ancients and abandon exquisite treasures to ride primitive ox carts? Critics also said: "The calligraphy presented is not as good as Xihe, just as Xihe is not as good as Zhong You and Zhang Zhi."
I think this has commented on the main points of the problem, but it has not been able to tell the whole story in detail. Zhong You is good at regular script and Zhang Zhi is proficient in cursive script. Wang Xizhi has both. Compared with Zhang Zhi's cursive script king, Zhang Zhi is also good at regular script, while compared with Zhong You's regular script king, he is good at cursive script. Although his specialization is a little poor, Wang Xizhi can dabble extensively and learn from others. Generally speaking, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
However, a gentleman must devote himself to fundamental cultivation. Yang Xiong said that poetry is a "Tao", and people with lofty ideals will not only engage in this line, but also will not concentrate on writing and bury their main energy in calligraphy! For those who concentrate on playing chess, it can be advertised as "seclusion"; If you are a fisherman, you can appreciate the fun of "running and hiding".
And how can these be compared with calligraphy? Calligraphy can not only promote the function of rites and music, but also have the magical skills of potters kneading dough, porcelain clay forming utensils and so on, and can also show their skills as craftsmen operating casting and forging machines in the furnace! People who are cool and curious can appreciate various changes in the posture and charm of the ponder word book; Only those who are good at intensive research and exploration can get transformation and transformation from it. Bring new and profound mysteries.
People who write books often choose to accept the dross of their predecessors; Only those who are really good at appreciating can get the essence of connotation. Confucian classics and philosophy can be integrated, and virtue and understanding can naturally have both. Is it futile to learn the essence of calligraphy to express appreciation?
Most of Wang Xizhi's exquisite calligraphy comes from his later years. At this time, he is steady, ambitious, elegant, calm, not extreme and not sharp, so his style is far-reaching. Since then, I have been putting on airs because of my poor skills, and I am at the mercy of adults in order not to be unconventional. Not only the work and use are not as good as their predecessors, but their spirit and interests are also very different.
Some people despise their own ink, others praise their books. People who like to blow their own horn will cut off their way forward because of lack of continuous diligence, and those who think they can't always want to encourage themselves to move forward and will certainly achieve their successful goals. That's true. Without learning and skill, you will succeed. You can understand this truth by observing reality.
I ching said: "when you watch astronomy, you can observe the changes of natural time series;" Understanding the cultural phenomena of human society can be used to educate and govern the world. " What's more, the beauty of calligraphy is often based on the characteristics of people's own appearance.
If the brushwork is not carefully used and the mystery is not mastered, it is necessary to practice repeatedly, explore the accumulated experience, activate the mind and guide the pen in your hand. To learn calligraphy, we should know how to show interest by stippling, comprehensively learn the principle of pen collection, integrate the beauty of insect script and seal script, and condense the rhyme of cursive script and official script.
As for Wang Xizhi's inscription for the old woman selling fans, the old woman complained first and then asked for it; A pupil made some inscriptions on Wang Xizhi's bed, and his father scraped them off, which made his son very angry. This shows that knowing calligraphy is very different from not knowing calligraphy! Another example is a scholar, who will be wronged by those who don't know him and relieved by those who know him; It is also because some people don't understand at all. What's so strange about this?
So Zhuangzi said: "I don't know how long a day is for a fungus that is born in the morning and dies when it gets up;" I didn't know there were four seasons in a year. "Lao Tzu said," People without knowledge will burst into laughter when they hear the sermon. If they don't laugh, they won't cry. "How can you blame the insects in summer for not knowing how cold the snow is in winter?
Since the Han and Wei Dynasties, there have been many people discussing calligraphy, and there are countless good and bad people. Or repeat the previous viewpoints, and there is no new viewpoint to supplement the past; Or rush to produce new ideas, which is not good for the future; Make the cumbersome more cumbersome, and what is missing is still blank.
Today, I wrote six articles, divided into two volumes, and listed my works in turn, named "Book Score". It is expected to be passed down to future generations and applied as a rule of calligraphy art; I still hope that friends from all over the world can talk about it for reference. I don't approve of keeping my life experience secret. Hanging arch for three years (AD 687).