Aunt Gongsun was a beautiful woman in the early Tang Dynasty. Not only was she beautiful, but her sword dance was also outstanding. She was good at sword dancing, and there was no one in the whole country who was better at sword dancing than her. When she performed sword dancing on the street, the road was blocked by people watching. At first glance, it was a sea of ??people and a dark place.
Once an official saw why so many people were blocking the road here, so he sent someone to check it out. When he learned that it was Mrs. Gongsun who was dancing the sword, the official went down. He went to watch it in front of the car. After watching it for a while, he was deeply attracted by Gongsun's dancing. When the performance was over, he went to invite him to perform in the palace.
Aunt Gongsun agreed to the official's request. When she went to the palace to perform for the emperor, the emperor praised her and said that she was the number one dancer in the Tang Palace. No one looked down upon her. Aunt Gongsun was inheriting the throne. On the basis of traditional sword dance, a variety of "sword" dances have been created, such as "Xihe Sword" and "Sword Huntuo". This also shows Aunt Gongsun's talent in sword dancing.
It is said that Zhang Xu, the grass sage of the time, became enlightened and mastered peerless calligraphy just because he watched Aunt Gongsun’s sword dance. Du Fu, the great poet, once watched Aunt Gongsun's sword dance. At that time, Aunt Gongsun had one sword and one person, and she showed off her heroic momentum with every step.
The poet Du Fu also wrote a poem for Gongsun, entitled "Sword Dance", which fully expressed Gongsun's unique sword dance: In the past, there was a beautiful lady named Gongsun, who danced with swords Move everywhere.
As the number one dancer in the Tang Dynasty, Aunt Gongsun was highly regarded by people. Because Gongsun's dance skills are unique in the world, she not only carried forward the traditional swordsmanship, but also created many new swordsmanship dances based on traditional swordsmanship. It is said that Zhang Xu, the representative of cursive script, was inspired by watching Aunt Gongsun's sword dance. With his skills, he furthered his attainments in calligraphy, mastered peerless calligraphy, and became a generation of grass sage.
Although Aunt Gongsun possesses unique skills, she can only live in the world and cannot become wealthy and live like ordinary people. In the end, she can only grow old slowly. However, her skills have a long history and have influenced three people. Saint, without her we would not be able to read Du Fu's "Sword Art". Without her, we would not be able to see the flying words of Cao Sheng, and we might not be able to see the beautiful paintings of Painting Saint.