In addition, a symbol foot is a symbol graph. Generally speaking, the upper and lower structure, the upper symbol seat, the lower symbol foot; Those with left and right structures have left symbol seats and right symbol feet. As mentioned earlier, in Fu Yu, the second half of The Emperor's Ball Five Prayers for Rever, the words Li, Guang, Qi, Hong, Hong and Ting are enough. Another example is the words collected in "Thirteen Questions of Wishing for Heaven Doctors", with "Shang" as the symbol and "food" as the symbol, and various words are as follows. Energy, dirt, beauty, etc. It's the symbol of the foot. However, they have different names. The symbolic seat is called Xiang Fu Jiang, and the symbol is called Fu Bing. Fu Jiao is called "Pioneer". The book says, "this method takes the word' Shang' as the general, the word' food' as the military symbol, and each word as the pioneer. Without exception, it can cure all diseases. Judging from the procedure of writing the operator, the operator's foot is the last step. Taoism says that the strength of the divine power operator can be divided into several parts, which is the last fight, so you must concentrate on it and stop at once. So, where's Fuqiao? Of the three films, Fuqiao is the most important. So-called. Got it. One refers to the mystery and the other refers to the key. Taoism believes that man and nature are one, and symbols and laws come down in one continuous line. Whether a symbol is effective or not depends on whether it has "mysterious skills" and "spiritual skills". 109 Volume says: Generally speaking, it is too expensive to print symbols, spells and tactics into a script, but you should be agile and know nothing. A knowledgeable person is the key to the center of human body. Heaven knows what inspires everything, earth knows what leads to the source, and man knows what leads to god's movement. It is the door of heaven and earth and the way of yin and yang. .
As for whether there is a symbol in the symbol, the shape of the symbol is not important. What matters is whether the symbol painter has practiced kung fu and moral practice. The Xuanshu of Mixed Yuan said: "The mystery of Tao and law is true and is due to deep understanding. I giggled when I knew I was happy. A little Zhu Fu is the spirit, and the wonderful body in the unique skill is real. It is also said that virtue is the study of symbols and honesty is the foundation of law. Say to keep the way and follow the right path, rely on German calligraphy, be proud of symbols, and use symbols. Then all diseases will disappear, and the mysterious orifices in all evil screen symbols will have different shapes because of their genres. For example, the symbol contained in the Buddha's Five Clouds Sutra is between the seat and the foot of the symbol, and then a circle is drawn. There is a god in this circle, and this circle is the symbol. " I wish you thirteen families are food. This word is called recruitment potential for operators.