Wang Xizhi loves geese. Huiji has a solitary basket, and a goose can sing very well, but it is not available in the market, so I took my relatives and friends to see it. I heard Xihe was coming, and I cooked for him. Xihe regretted it for a long time.
There is a Taoist priest in Yinshan who likes to raise geese. Looking back, the meaning is very pleasing and solid for the market. The Taoist said, "To write the classic Tao Te Ching, give a gift to a group of people." Xihe happily finished writing and went home in a cage. He was very happy, and his dating rate was like this.
Wang Xizhi loves geese by nature. An old woman in Shaoxing keeps a goose, which is good at singing. Wang Xizhi wanted to buy it, so he took his relatives and friends to see it. When the old woman heard that Wang Xizhi was coming, she slaughtered the goose and cooked it for Wang Xizhi. Wang Xizhi sighed all day.
There is also a Taoist priest in the north of the mountain who likes to raise geese. Wang Xizhi went to see it and was very happy. He insisted on buying these geese. The Taoist priest said, "As long as you can help me copy the Tao Te Ching, I will give you all my geese." Wang Xizhi finished writing happily and took a goose home in a cage, feeling very happy. Such is his willfulness and frankness.