1. If you take equanimity as possession, you will not be greedy; if you take busyness as pleasure, you will not be bitter; if you take diligence as wealth, you will not be poor; if you take endurance as strength, you will not be afraid.
2. If you use the skills of ice and frost to encourage yourself, your character will be pure and noble; if you use the capacity of the sky to accommodate people, your virtue will be broad and your factory will be great; if you learn from each other, you will be fine; if you use caution, you will be wise. If you act to benefit your life, the road will be far away.
3. If knowledge is insufficient, one will worry too much; if power is insufficient, one will be angry; if faith is insufficient, one will talk too much.
4. Use the word "light" to make friends, the word "deaf" to stop slander, and the word "engraved" to blame yourself.
5. Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass reaches the sky. I asked you when you will return here, and don't linger when you come back.
Li Shutong is a famous musician, art educator, calligrapher, drama activist, and one of the pioneers of Chinese drama. After returning from studying in Japan, he worked as a teacher and editor. Later he was ordained as a monk. His Buddhist name was Yanyin, and his nickname was Hongyi. Later, he was also known as Wanqing Laoren. He was later revered as Master Hongyi.