During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was a man named Xie An. He was not only very knowledgeable, but also good at calligraphy and wrote a good hand.
Xie An didn't want to be an official. At first, he became a writer, and soon he resigned on the grounds of illness. He lives in seclusion in Dongshan, Huiji, Zhejiang Province, and often travels with Wang Xizhi and writes poems and compositions. The imperial court asked him to be an official, but he refused. Later, Huan Wen, the son-in-law of Ming Di Si Mashao, the general of the imperial court, asked Xie An to be a Sima, but he had to agree. By this time, he was over forty years old.
On the day when Xie An was about to take office, officials from the imperial court came out to welcome him. At this time, an official named Gao Ming jokingly said to him, "You used to lie high in Dongshan, and repeatedly refused to come out as an official against the will of the court. I didn't expect to come out today!" "Later, Xie An has always been the prime minister. In the famous battle between the former Qin State and the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he sent his younger brother and nephew as generals, led the troops to fight and defeated Fu Jian's million-strong army.
"Make a comeback" comes from the biography of Xie An in the Book of Jin. It originally meant to come out to work after seclusion, but now people use it as a metaphor to show that they will make a comeback after failure.