Huang Chunyao is from Taoan, and his name is Yun Sheng. Jiading county people. I have been demanding myself by the standards of sages since I was a child. I used to keep a diary, and I must write down what I did during the day at night. Wear messy robes, eat brown rice and don't take a penny casually. In the sixteenth year of Chongzhen, he went to the Ministry of Rites to take the exam. An outstanding person said he wanted to recommend him as the first, but he flatly refused. After winning the Jinshi, he went home without waiting for the candidate officials of the Ministry of Rites.
When Nanking Nanming regime was first established, the people who asked for officials rushed to go, only Huang Chunyao didn't go. Someone asked him why he didn't go, and he replied, "A man has always had a good relationship with me, but now he is in cahoots with the person who presides over state affairs. If I go, I will be won over by him. A gentleman should take the right path when he first enters the society. How can he damage his name and give in to an affair? " I didn't go after all.
When Jiading City was surrounded by Qing soldiers, he and his younger brothers Yao Yuan, Hou Tongzeng, Gong Yongyuan and Zhang Ximei held fast to the city. When the city was breached, the two brothers came to the Zhu Sheng Temple in the west of the city. When he was about to commit suicide, the monk in the temple stopped him and said, "You are not an official yet, so don't die." The aphrodisiac said, "When the city falls, people should be martyred. This is just a matter within the scope of a scholar's duties. Now, if I borrow this clean place, I will die a fair death. "
Then he asked the monk for a pen and wrote, "On July 4th, the first year of Hong Guang, Huang Chunyao, a scholar, committed suicide in a temple in the west of the city. Hey, you can't contribute to the country, you can't stay childlike in seclusion, you can't gain anything from reading, you can't get results from learning, and you are honest and bright. This is the heart. " After writing, he put on his clothes and hat, made two obeisances to the north, and hanged himself.
Yao Yuan's name is Gong Wei, and he 15 was an intern. When I was a child, I was very smart. I just studied with my teacher and decided to learn from him. Soon I learned from my brother and completely learned his ideas. I usually talk about moral cultivation and often state what my brother didn't say. Be careful not to make friends at will.
Chunyao wrote to him after he was admitted as a scholar, saying, "When palace examination announced the roll call, when people saw Ding Jia (the champion, the second place, and Tanhua) coming to the temple first, they were all amazed and envied, thinking that he was a fairy, but now I am sighing infinitely. Between heaven and earth, there are people who are willing to do it for thousands of years and hundreds of years, but now people refuse to do it for thousands of years and hundreds of years, just want to do it for three years. That's ridiculous! "
Yao Yuan won this letter, which further honed his moral integrity. When he died, he saw his brother's headscarf fall to the ground, so he came down to pick it up and put it on him, and then hanged himself with his right hand.
The poems, ancient prose and exam-oriented articles written by Chun Yao are rooted in the Six Classics, and widely read historical records and Han books before and after, and spread to the world with sages as the criterion. He was only forty-one years old when he died. His owner, posthumous title, and his name, Wen Zhen. Yao Yuan was only 22 years old when he died, holding the manuscript of "Ancient". When the two brothers died, the blood in their mouths was sprayed on the wall and penetrated into the brick seam for about an inch. This kind of blood has not faded for a long time.