1, original text
Lu Zhoufu said: Mr. Dongpo and Huangmen Gong moved south and met in the Woods and vines. There are soup and cakes on the roadside to buy food. Evil is inedible. Yellow door sighs, Dongpo is exhausted. Xu said to Huangmen, "Jiu San Lang, do you still want to chew?" Laugh. Qin Shaoyou listened and said, "This gentleman got wet after drinking."
2. Translation
Lu said: Su Shi and his younger brother Su Zhe met in Wuzhou and Tengzhou when they were relegated to the south. There are noodles sold by the roadside, and the noodles bought by the two brothers are too thick to eat. Su Zhe put down his chopsticks and sighed, while Su Shi had finished eating noodles.
He said slowly to Su Zhe, Jiu Sanlang, do you still want to chew and savor? Say that finish stood up with a smile. Qin Shaoyou said after hearing this: This is why Mr. Dongpo only cares about drinking, regardless of the taste of the wine.
Step 3 enjoy
This article describes ordinary things in plain language, which is clumsy and clever, plain and interesting, and has great taste. Look at the sentence "The yellow door sighs, and the Dongpo is exhausted." At the moment when one person "sighs", another person has "exhausted" the inedible soup cake, which shows that the food is fast and seems to have no feeling of the "evil" of the soup cake.
The main impact of land travel:
1, literature achievement
Lu You has many literary talents, especially his achievements in poetry. He claimed to have written more than 9,300 poems in 60 years, which can be roughly divided into three periods: before he entered Shu at the age of 46, he tended to be in the form of words; From entering Shu to retiring at the age of 64, it is the mature period of his poetry creation and the period of great changes in his poetry style; After living in his hometown of Yin Shan in his later years, his poetic style tends to be simple.
2. Historical achievements
Lu You also has a gift for history. Lu You's historical achievements mainly lie in his privately written Book of Southern Tang Dynasty, not in the Records of Two Dynasties and History of Three Dynasties compiled by him as a historian. Lu you distinguishes the mistakes of the previous history and makes up for the mistakes of the previous history. Although there are not as many books and characters as Ma Ling's Book of Southern Tang Dynasty, the historical materials have been verified and proved, which is of great value in the supplement and preservation of historical materials.
3. Calligraphy art
Lu You's calligraphy is simple and elegant, and he is good at cursive brushwork. He is elegant and upright, and his brushwork is vigorous and unrestrained in his later years. Zhu called it "exquisite writing and profound meaning", and his "beautiful poetry and clear words" is a rare masterpiece of calligraphy.