Wang Ningzhi is the son of the famous Wang Xizhi. Both cursive script and official script are very nice. But it is a great failure in politics and life. During his tenure as the secretariat, he did not actively organize his subordinates to prepare for the war in the face of enemy invasion. Instead, he closed the city gate, prayed for the ancestors to protect the people's peace, and asked the ghost soldiers to open the way and guard the city gate. It is conceivable that the city gate was naturally breached. The gate has been breached, and he still hasn't escaped. He even believed that the enemy would not execute him because of the protection of the gods. The result was beheaded by the enemy.
In the face of such a husband, can Xie Daowen not be disappointed? Know that he is addicted to the snake god? Don't you care about your life? A generation of talented women are studying ink and writing, humming love poems. But in the end, I picked up my sword and recruited hundreds of people to teach them the ability to resist. At the end of the siege? She led hundreds of families to fight bloody battles.
Needless to say, the enemy was outnumbered and failed. Sun En, the leader of the enemy, knew early that Xie Daowen was a clever and strange girl. In the face of this scene, Xie Daowen was not afraid at all. Sun En was in awe. He killed Wang Ningzhi, but not Xie Daowen and her children. Also escorted Xie Daowen and the children back to Huiji.
Husband and wife are birds of a feather, and they live together after marriage, while Wang Ningzhi is only addicted to his own beliefs after marriage? No matter how his wife Xie Daowen feels, when a woman can't even get her husband's care and safety, she can only grow up to protect herself. Such a woman, even an enemy, will be in awe of her.