If a guest has a host, he will see that his stove is straight and he has accumulated wages. The guest refers to the host: "it's more tortuous, far from its salary;" If not, there will be fire. "Master, hey, but you shouldn't. Suddenly, the house caught fire and the neighbors saved it. Fortunately, they are interested. So kill the cow and buy wine to thank its neighbors. The burning lies in going up, and the rest of the merits sit down, rather than recording sudden words. The people called to their Lord and said, "The country's envoy listens to the guests and doesn't care about cattle and wine, so the weak suffer from fire. Today, I invited a guest to reward me, and I suddenly lost my temper and was overwhelmed by the guests. " The host invited him.
Remarks: (1) Passing by: visiting. ② Side: Same as "side", side. (3) No: If not. (4) Hey (mi) Ran: Don't talk. Well, it's the same as "silence" 5. Interest: the same as "extinguish" and extinguish. [6] Zhu's rotten person: a person burned by fire. Burn it. Burn it. (7) Not recorded: but not invited. However, it is; Admission, employment, here refers to the invitation. Ambassador Xiang (Xi Dang): If at the beginning. Township, the same as "township", once upon a time; Make, if. Levies: With "awakening", I woke up, I woke up.
A guest who visited the host saw that the chimney of the stove was straight and there was firewood piled up next to it, so he said to the host, "Change the corner of the chimney and keep the firewood away from it." Otherwise, there will be a fire. "The host was silent and refused. Soon, the house caught fire and the neighbors came together to put out the fire. Fortunately, the fire was put out. So, (the owner) killed the cow and held a banquet to thank the neighbors. The people who were burned by the fire were arranged in seats, and the others were arranged in order of superiority and inferiority, but the guests who suggested "curve" were not invited. Someone said to the host, "If you had listened to the guests, the banquet wouldn't have cost money, and there wouldn't have been a fire. "Now it's my treat. (Why) the person who suggested' sudden salary' didn't get thanks and benefits, but the burned person became a guest? " The host just woke up and invited the guests.
2. Laughter: When the guests arrive, the host has food and the guests are unhappy.
There are guests, the host has food, and the guests are unhappy. Master Xie said, "The family is poor and the city is far away, so we can't eat meat."
The guest said, "Please kill my mule and eat it."
The master said, "Why did you come back?"
The guest pointed to the chicken on the doorstep and said, "I'll borrow your chicken to ride home."
When a guest came to visit, the host only prepared vegetables to entertain the guest, and the guest was very unhappy. The host apologized and said, "Because there is no money at home and the market is far away, there is no meat for you."
The guest replied, "Then please kill my mule and eat it."
The host said, "Then how do you go back?"
The guest pointed to the chicken in front of the steps and said, "I'll borrow your chicken to ride home."
3. A guest, Liu Po, raised his whip and came to the original translation:
On Mianchi Road, there is a vehicle-mounted earthen urn stuck at the pass. It's cold, the snow and ice are slippery, and you can't advance or retreat. At dusk, there are thousands of official and private travelers, with Luo Yong at the back and nothing to do. A guest, Liu po, came over with a whip and asked,' how much is the urn on the car?' Answer:' seven or eight thousand.' Just then, I opened my bag and made a compensation; Tell the boy to get on the bus, break the knot and push the urn down the cliff. It's time to get on the bus, the car is light and crowded, and the crowd is noisy.
On the road in Mianchi, a car full of crocodiles blocked the narrow road. It was very cold at that time, and the road was covered with ice and snow. It's steep and slippery, so you can't get in or back. It's getting late, there are crowds of officials and businessmen on the road, and there are thousands of horses and chariots, squeezing behind, but there is nothing they can do. At this moment, a man named Liu Po (riding a horse) came up waving a whip and asked, "How much is the crock on the bus?" The driver replied, "* * * is worth seven or eight thousand." Liu Po immediately opened the bag, took out the fine silk and gave it to the driver. He also told his little servant to get on the bus, broke the rope that bound the crock and pushed all the crocks under the cliff. After a while, my body became lighter and I can move forward. Let's clap and move forward.
4. The translation of ancient Chinese is good for me, but bad for the guest, who does not exist; I am profitable, but I am profitable. It means: I have interests, but the guests have no interests, so there will be no guests. My interests are big, the interests of the guests are small, and the guests will not come for a long time.
Said by: Mozi's way of business.
Original text: the way of management is good for me, but bad for customers, customers do not exist; I am profitable, customers are profitable, and customers will not last long; Hello, guest. I'm not well. The skin doesn't exist. Will the hair be attached? If the customer is equal to me, then the customer will be long, and I will be long! Win-win!
Interpretation: What is business? "Life" means strangeness, and "meaning" means satisfaction.
Serving strangers to satisfaction can achieve "career"!
To satisfy others, we must give them much-needed value!
Being a reliable person and doing things will naturally lead to long business!
Extended data
Mozi is the only philosopher born as a farmer in the history of China. Mozi founded Mohism, which had a great influence in the pre-Qin period, and was called "one of the best" with Confucianism. He put forward the viewpoints of "universal love", "non-aggression", "Shang Xian", "Shang Tong", "ambition", "ghost", "death", "unhappiness" and "frugality". Take universal love as the core, frugality and sage as the fulcrum.
Mozi founded a set of scientific theories with outstanding achievements in geometry, physics and optics during the Warring States Period. At that time, a hundred schools of thought contended and were called "non-Confucian Jimo". After Mozi's death, Mohism was divided into three schools: Xiangri Chi Mo, Xiangfumo and Denglingmo. According to the historical data of Mozi's life, disciples collected his quotations and completed Mozi, a book handed down from ancient times.
Mozi abandoned Confucianism, set up a new theory, gathered around to give lectures, and attacked the tyranny of Confucianism and vassal States with fierce words. A large number of craftsmen and lower-class literati began to follow Mozi, gradually forming their own Mohist school and becoming the main opposition of Confucianism. Mohism is a school that advocates benevolent governance. In the contention of a hundred schools of thought at that time, it was called "non-Confucian Jimo".
The word "management way" is also the "management way" that the enterprise has been practicing since its establishment. Being a business is like being a man. When * * * wins, helping others to achieve themselves will be more successful, and a responsible enterprise will be respected! For the leaders of enterprises, a leader who only knows how to get rich and doesn't know how to distribute wealth to gather people's hearts and give money to the public will not get public support.
The so-called "high morality" and "high morality" can make people "popular". A leader who can't win the support of everyone can only end up with a "low morality, low expectations and unsuccessful" ending. "A small victory depends on wisdom, and a big victory depends on virtue". With "virtue" and "great love", there will be a big pattern and a good ending.