Uh-huh, Yi and Di live and eat, and move with the water and grass in the cold and summer. They have rulers and ministers, but no family or written records. As for strings, bows and poisonous arrows, the strong and the weak are combined. The size of the country, the rise and fall. Chang, these are all enough to be studied! But if he submits to rebellion and comes back, he can benefit China. This cannot be unknown. Since ancient times, the barbarians and the Di people in China have not necessarily obeyed if they have the Tao, and they may not stop coming if they have no Tao. This is due to their decline and prosperity. Although it is tried to be outside the rule, when it is time to control the favor and power, it cannot be lost. What you gain may not necessarily be a benefit, but what you lose may be enough to cause trouble, but it is not prudent! Write the "Appendix of Four Barbarians".
New History of the Five Dynasties? Appendix Yi and Di, there are many species names. The great ones claim that they are well-known in China, the second ones are small and far away, and the third ones are insignificant and insignificant. They are countless. Its territory is surrounded by nine states, and its northwest is always strong and is a threat to China. The three generations of wolves are found in "Poems" and "Books". Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Huns have been in power. Between the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Turks were the most powerful. Later, there were Tubo and Uighurs. During the Five Dynasties, there were seventeen or eighteen people who saw China by name, and Khitan was the most prosperous.
The Khitan has become famous in China since the late Wei Dynasty. Or it may be said that it is the same species as Kumoxi but a different species. His residence is called Xiao Luo Ge Mo Li. If there is no inside, it is a river. This means that the south of Huangshui and the north of Huanglong are the hometown of Xianbei, so they are also regarded as the legacy of Xianbei. During the Tang Dynasty, it was bordered by Shiwei to the north, Gaoli to the east, Xi State to the west, and Yingzhou to the south. The leader of the tribe is called the Dahe clan, which is later divided into eight tribes. The first is the Yijiuli tribe, the second is the Yishihuo tribe, the third is the Shihuo tribe, the fourth is the Nawei tribe, the fifth is the Pinmo tribe, and the sixth is the The Neihui Ji Department is called the Ji Jie Department on the seventh day, and the Xi Zong Department is on the eighth day. The leader of the tribe is the trombone leader, and he often recommends a leader to build banners and drums to unify the eight tribes. When his age is long, or his country suffers from disasters and animal husbandry declines, the eight tribes will gather together to replace him with flags and drums. The person being replaced thought that this was the original agreement and did not dare to fight. A certain leader of the tribe came to power in a distant chariot. At that time, Liu Rengong was occupying Youzhou. He sent out several troops to attack Xingling. Every year when the autumn frost fell, the weeds were burned. Many Khitan horses died of starvation, so he bribed Rengong with good horses to seek grazing land in the city. , please listen to the covenant. The people of the eight tribes thought that the distant chariot was not doing anything, so they chose Abaoji to replace him.
I don’t know what tribe Abaoji belongs to. He is a man of great wisdom and courage, and is good at riding and shooting. At that time, Liu Shouguang was tyrannical, and many people from You and Zhuo fled to Khitan. Abao took advantage of the opportunity to enter the fortress, captured the city, captured its people, and built a city to live in Tangzhou County. The Han people taught Abaoji: "The king of China has no successor." ?As a result, Abaoji used threats to control various tribes and refused to replace them. He was established for nine years, and various tribes criticized him because he had not replaced him for a long time. Abaoji had no choice but to pass on his flag and drum, and said to the various tribes: "I have been in power for nine years, and I have gained many Han people. I want to form my own branch to rule Hancheng. Is that okay? All the tribes agree." Hancheng is located on the Luanhe River in the southeast of Tanshan Mountain. It has the advantage of salt and iron, and it is also the Huayan County in the later Wei Dynasty. The land could be used to grow grains, and Abao Ji led the Han people to cultivate it in order to manage the cities, towns, houses, and cities, just like the Youzhou system. The Han people were content with it and no longer thought about returning. Abaoji knew that everyone could use it, so he used his wife to explain the laws and policies, and sent people to tell the leaders of the tribes: "I have a salt pond for all the tribes to eat." However, all the tribes know the benefits of salt, but they don’t know that salt has an owner. Is that okay? Come and reward me. ?The tribes thought so, and they drank wine in the salt pond with cattle. Abaoji ambushed his troops beside him. He was drunk and drunk, and killed all the leaders of the tribe. Then he stood up and never returned.
Liang General usurped the Tang Dynasty, Jin King Li Keyong sent people to Khitan, and Abaoji sent 300,000 troops to the east city of Yunzhou. Place wine. Drinking heavily, shaking hands and making friends. Ke Yong gave him a lot of gold and silk, and he expected to raise his troops to attack Liang. Abaoji left behind thousands of Jin horses. After returning, he broke the promise and sent an envoy, Paohao Mei Lao, to hire Liang. Liang sent his minister Gao Qing, general Lang Gongyuan and others to apply for the job. After more than a year, when Qing returned, Abaoji sent an envoy to the village to follow Qing. He hired Liang with good horses, mink fur, and morning glow brocade, and presented himself as a minister in order to obtain a title. Liang Fu sent Gong Yuan and Sinong Qing Hunte to repay their efforts with an imperial edict and a record of events. They asked Liang to raise an army to destroy the Jin Dynasty, and then granted him the title of nephew's country. He also sent three hundred of his sons to the capital of Wei. . When Ke Yong heard about it, he felt great hatred. At this age, he will take advantage of his illness, and when he is about to die, he will use an arrow to belong to Zhuang Zong, and he will definitely destroy Khitan. Hunte waited until Khitan, but Abaoji was unable to keep his promise, and Liang also did not seal the title. At the end of the Liang Dynasty, Khitan envoys arrived four times.
In the thirteenth year of Emperor Zhuangzong’s reign, Abaoji attacked Yuzhou in Jin and appointed Li Siben as his Zhenwu Jiedushi envoy. At that time, Zhuangzong had already captured Wei Bo, and was heading south to compete with Liang for the world. He sent Li Cunju to send troops to the north. When Cunju arrived at Qigou Pass, his troops rebelled. He supported the general Lu Wenjin and killed Cunju, and he fled to Khitan. The Khitan conquered Xinzhou and guarded it with Liu Yin under the command of Wen Jin. Zhuangzong sent Zhou Dewei to attack Yin, while Wenjin led hundreds of thousands of Khitans to attack. Dewei was afraid of them and led his army away, but the Khitan pursued them and defeated them. Dewei went to Youzhou, and the Khitan surrounded it. Between You and Ji, captives rode all over the valley. The captured Han people tied their heads to trees with long ropes, and the Han people freed themselves and fled at night.
Wen Jin also taught the Khitans to build trains, tunnels, and raise earthen mountains to attack the city. The liquid of molten copper and iron sloshed around the city, and those who got into it often rotted and fell. Dewei refused to defend for more than a hundred days, and Zhuangzong sent Li Siyuan, Yan Bao, Li Cunshen and others to rescue him. The Khitans were defeated by Si Yuan and others, so they were removed.
The Khitans were more stubborn and arrogant than the Yi Di. When their parents died, they took it as courage not to cry. They carried their bodies deep into the mountains and placed them on a big tree. After three years of age, they took their bones and burned them. They cursed: "Xia" When I eat towards the sun, I eat towards the yin in winter, so that when I shoot and hunt, I will get more pigs and deer. ?The customs are quite similar to those of Xi and Mohe. When he arrived at Abaoji, he also subordinated himself to other small countries, and mostly used Han people. The Han people taught him to use half of the official script, plus or minus it, and wrote thousands of words to replace the covenants carved on wood. They also arranged marriages and official titles. Naishan proclaimed himself emperor and called himself the Emperor of Heaven. The surname is named after the place where he lives, which is Shili. In Shili, the translator calls it Yelu. The famous year is called Tianzan. Taking his place of residence as Shangjing, he built a tower in between, named West Tower, and built the East Tower thousands of miles to the east, the North Tower three hundred miles to the north, and the South Tower south of Konoha Mountain, and went back and forth between the four towers. Khitan likes ghosts and cherishes the sun. On the first day of every month, people worship the sun facing the east. When gathering in large gatherings and discussing state affairs, they respect the east direction. The gates and rooms on the fourth floor all face the east direction.
Zhuang Zong challenged Zhang Wenli and surrounded Zhenzhou. The king of Dingzhou was afraid that the town would be destroyed and the Jin soldiers would attack him, so he sent his son Yu to speak to the Khitan to enter the fortress to lead the Jin soldiers. Yu said to Abaoji: "My father sent a direct envoy to Bu Yuqian, saying: Therefore, King Zhao Wangrong, the sixth king of Zhao, Zhenzhou Jincheng Tangchi, Jinbo Mountain Ji, Yanji Zhaonu, Luo Qiyingting." Zhang Wenli obtained it and was attacked by the Jin Dynasty. He was afraid of death, so he kept it to wait for the emperor. ?Abaoji was overjoyed. His wife told the law and refused, saying: "I have a lot of sheep and horses, and the west tower is enough for entertainment. Now I will leave this and go far away to meet people's needs. I heard that the Jin army has conquered the world, and there are victories and defeats in battles. Why do I regret pursuing it?" Abao Ji Yueran said: "Zhang Wenli has millions of gold and jade, and he has left them for the queen, who can take them." ?So the empty country invaded. When Yu Zhi summoned Khitan, everyone thought that he could not be summoned for future troubles, but they refused to listen. The depression has gone, and Chuzhi has been ruined by his children. Abaoji failed to attack Youzhou, then attacked Zhuozhou and fell there. After hearing that Zhizhi was abandoned and the capital was established, he attacked Zhongshan and crossed the Shahe River. They all turned to Zhuangzong. Zhuangzong himself had five thousand cavalry, and met the Khitan vanguard in the new city. The Jin soldiers galloped out of the mulberry forest, their men and horses well-armored, and the sun shining brightly. The captives were stunned, but after a while, the Jin army took advantage of them, and the captives dispersed. However, the ice in the sand river was thin, and all the captives were trapped. Abaoji hopes to withdraw his insurance. It was snowing heavily, and the Khitan troops were hungry and cold, and many died. Abaoji and Gu Lu Wenjin pointed to the sky and said, "God did not bring me here." ? Then lead the troops to go. Zhuangzong crept behind him and saw where he was staying. There was a ring of straw on the ground, and the corners were neat and orderly. Even after he left, there was no chaos. He sighed and said: "The prisoner's law is strict, how can it be like this!"
Although the Khitan gained nothing After returning, he had the ambition to get a glimpse of China. He was worried that the Jurchen and Bohai Sea were behind him, and he wanted to attack the Bohai Sea. He was afraid that China would take advantage of his weakness, so he sent envoys to hire Tang Dynasty to make peace. In the same light, the messenger arrives again. When Zhuang Zong died, Ming Zong sent his enshrined official Yao Kun to express his condolences to Khitan. Kun arrived at Xilou, while A Baoji flew eastward to attack Bohai. Kun pursued him to Shenzhou to see him. Abaoji, with his brocade robe hanging down his back, sat opposite his wife in the dome, and Yankun came to pay homage. Abaoji asked: "I heard that there are two emperors in the south and north of Henan. Do you believe it?" Kun said: "The emperor thought that Weizhou's army was in chaos, so he ordered the general manager to order the generals to fight against it, and Luoyang was transformed. The fierce question has come to this day." The general manager returned to Hebei and went to the capital to embarrass himself. He was highly recommended by the public and became a popular figure. Abaoji looked up to the sky and cried loudly: "The King of Jin and I are brothers, the emperor of Henan is my son." I heard about the chaos in China yesterday and wanted to send 50,000 soldiers and horses to help my son, but the Bohai Sea has not been cleared, so my wish failed. ? He also said: ? Since I have no son, you should consult with me so that the new emperor can be independent? , Heaven and earth, human affairs, can he violate it? His son suddenly wanted to say to him: "The messenger didn't say much. Isn't it an exaggeration to plow into the fields and seize cattle?" Kun said: "Following nature and obeying people is nothing compared to what a common man does." As for the Emperor of Heaven who had obtained the country but did not replace it, how could it be evil to take it by force? Abaoji comforted Kun and said: "This is the right thing!" He also said: "I heard that there are 2,000 maids here, and 1,000 music officials, flying eagles. He was a running dog, addicted to alcohol and lust, appointed unfaithfully, and did not care about the people. This was the reason for his defeat. When I heard about the disaster, I stopped drinking wine with my family, freed the hawks and dogs, and dismissed the music officials. I also have thousands of musicians and officials from various tribes, which are not used except for public banquets. If I behave like my son, will I be able to live in peace for a long time? He also said to Kun: "I can speak Chinese, but I never speak the right way to the people of my tribe. I am afraid that he will imitate the Chinese and become cowardly." ?Yin Jiekun said: ?You should return first. I will gather thirty thousand soldiers and horses between the new emperor You and Zhen, and make a covenant with me in Youzhou, so that I will never invade you again. ?A Baoji attacked the Bohai Sea, took the city of Fuyu, and called it the Dongdan Kingdom. His eldest son Renhuang Wang Tuyu became the king of Dongdan. Abaoji died of illness. Shulu protected him and returned to the West Tower in mourning. He appointed his second son, Marshal Prince Yaofuzhi. Kun returned from the west tower.
At the time of Abaoji, Han Yanhui, who was from Youzhou, joined the army for Liu Shouguang, and Shouguang sent Yanhui to Khitan. When Yanhui saw that Abaoji refused to worship him, Abaoji became angry and left him alone, instead sending him to herd sheep and horses. After a long time, he knew his talent, summoned him and spoke to him, and he was surprised, so he used it to plan his master's plan. Abaoji attacked Dangxiang and Shiwei and subdued the small countries, all of which extended Hui's plan. After Yanhui fled back, he went to work for Zhuangzong. Zhuangzong's guests scorned Wang. Yanhui was afraid and asked to return to Youzhou Province for his mother. Walking through Changshan Mountain, I hid in Wang Deming's house. After staying for several months, Deming asked him where he was going. Yanhui said: "I want to go back to Khitan." Deming thought it was impossible, and Yanhui said: "Abaoji's loss of me is like losing two eyes and breaking limbs. Now that I have been restored, I will definitely be happy." ? Then he returned to Khitan. When Abaoji saw it, he was overjoyed and thought it had fallen from the sky. A Baoji's title was "Zheng Shi Ling", with Yan Hui as his prime minister. Khitan called him "Chong Wen Ling Gong", and he died in captivity.
After Yao Qu changed his name to De Guang. Abaoji was buried in Konoha Mountain, and his posthumous title was Great Sage Emperor, and his name was later changed to Yi. In the third year of Deguang's reign, he changed the Yuan Dynasty to Tianxian, sent envoys to hire Tang Dynasty with his famous horse, and asked for a stele to engrave an inscription on Abaoji. Mingzong was generous and sent An Niande, the commander of Feisheng, to apply for the job. The king of Dingzhou rebelled, and the Tang Dynasty sent Wang Yanqiu to fight against it. They all went to Khitan with wax pills to ask for help. Deguang sent Tu Nei, Zha La and others to rescue the capital with five thousand horses. Du Nei and Tu Nei attacked Yan Qiu in Quyang, and were defeated by Yan Qiu. De Guang also sent Ti Yin He Miao Yi Tu Nei to ride seven thousand, and Yan Qiu was defeated by Tang He. He Miao and several cavalry returned to Youzhou, where they were captured by Zhao Dejun, while Yan Qiu captured Dingzhou, captured Tu Nei and Zhi La, and sent them all to the capital. Emperor Mingzong executed more than 600 people including Tu Nei and others, but spared Hemiao and selected more than 50 of his strong and healthy people as "Khitan Zhi".
At the beginning, Abaoji died, and his eldest son, King Dongdan, suddenly wanted to be crowned king. His mother told the law and sent her youngest son Fuyu, Shaojun Anduan, to take his place and make him his heir. However, Shulu especially loves Deguang. Deguang was wise and courageous, and he had already submitted to all his subordinates. An Duan was gone, but all the subordinates wanted to state the law and ideas, and finally established Deguang. Sudden desire could not be established. In the first year of Changxing, he traveled across the sea from Fuyu to the Tang Dynasty. Emperor Mingzong gave his surname Dongdan and changed his name to Muhua. Because he came from Liaodong, he took Ruizhou as the Huaihua Army and paid homage to the Huaihua Army Jiedu, Ruishen and other prefectures for observation and disposal. The five members of his tribe were all given names. Han was named Han Youtong, Mu Ge was named Mu Shunyi, Sa Luo was named Robin De, Yi Mi was named Yi Shiren, and Gai Li was named Gai Laibin. He was also given the names of Di Huaihui and He Miao whom he had obtained before. He was named Lie Zhien, Zhili was named Yuan Zhigan, Fulang was named Fu Huaizao, and Ji Er was named Xiao Huaiyou. The rest are Khitan direct ones, and they are all given names. In the second year, Tuyu was given the surname Li and his name was changed to Zanhua. Three years later, he became an envoy to the army with praise.
The Khitan invaded and destroyed other countries since the time of Abaoji, and dominated the north. When he saved the capital, he was defeated by Wang Yanqiu, and lost ten thousand of his cavalry, as well as Hemiao and others, all of whom were famous generals. However, Shulu missed him unexpectedly, so he sent envoys to China with humiliating words and generous sums of money, hoping to return to Hemiao and Hemiao. The Tang Dynasty killed his envoys and refused to retaliate. At this time, China's power is rising.
Seven hundred miles north of Youzhou is Yuguan, facing the sea in the east, and Tu'er and Fuzhoushan mountains in the north. The mountains are all cut off, and they merge with the sea in the northeast. It is only open to traffic, and the land beside it can be cultivated. In the Tang Dynasty, garrisons such as the East and West Nashishi, Luchou, Mizhuan, Changyang, Huanghua, Zimeng, and Bailang were built to restrain the Khitan here. The garrison soldiers often farmed their own food, but only gave their clothes to Youzhou. Over time, they all had fields and houses to raise their children and grandchildren, and it was their own benefit to stick to it. Since the end of the Tang Dynasty, You and Ji were separated, and the garrison troops were abandoned and dispersed. As a result, the Khitans were trapped in the camp, and the people of You and Ji suffered a lot from the invaders. From Zhuozhou to Youzhou, there were no human traces for a hundred miles. They were often escorted by soldiers when they transferred to pay, and the Khitans often ambushed Yangou to capture it. At the end of Emperor Zhuangzong's reign, Zhao Dejun took control of Youzhou, established Liangxiang County in Yangou, and built a city fifty miles east of Youzhou, all garrisoned with troops. After destroying Hemiao and others, Sanhe County was established to the east. From then on, the people of You and Ji were able to farm and herd, and they could get through by losing wages. Deguang then moved westward to Hengzhang and lived in Kuilabo, leaving the area between Kouyun and Shuo. When Mingzong was worried about it, he used Shi Jingtang to suppress Hedong, and the generals of Datong, Zhangguo, Zhenwu, Weise and other armies controlled it. Between Yingshun and Qingtai, we mobilized and distributed salaries and worked hard near and far.
Deguang was very respectful to his mother and always stood by her side. State affairs would be informed before proceeding. Shi Jingtang rebelled, and Tang sent Zhang Jingda and others to punish him. Jingtang sent an envoy to seek help from Deguang. De Guangbai said to his mother: "I dreamed that Shi Lang called me, and the messenger arrived. Isn't it an evil act of nature!" My mother called a witch to ask about good or bad luck, and the shaman said it was good, so she agreed. In the ninth month of that year, the Khitan left Yanmen, and their chariots and horses traveled for dozens of miles, and they were about to arrive in Taiyuan. They sent someone to say to Jingtang, "Can I defeat the enemy today for you?" Jingtang reported, "The emperor is in trouble, and he will be there." Success does not depend on speed. The soldiers are coming from far away, but the Tang army is very powerful, so I hope to treat them less. ?The messenger has not arrived, but the troops have been handed over. Cinda was defeated.
Jingtang went out to the north gate at night to meet Deguang, and asked him about his father and son. He asked: "If the soldiers are coming from far away, who can win the battle quickly?" Deguang said: "I said that the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty can guard Yanmen and control all the dangerous points. Things are unknown. Now the soldiers are advancing deeply without any obstruction. I know that great things will be done. Moreover, our troops are numerous and difficult to sustain, so we should defeat them quickly. This is why he wins. ?Jingda was defeated, retreated to Jin'anzhai, and Deguang surrounded it. The Tang Dynasty sent Zhao Dejun and Yanshou to rescue Jingda, but Dejun and his son refused to rescue Jingda. Deguang said to Jingtang: "I have traveled three thousand miles to do justice, and my justice must be thorough." Then he built an altar in the south of the Jin city, established Jingtang as the emperor, took off his clothes and quilt, and wrote in the book: "Your son is the king of Jin, I regard you as your son, and you regard me as your father." ?Already Yang Guangyuan killed Zhang Jingda and demoted to Jin Dynasty. Jin Gaozu entered Luoyang from Taiyuan, Deguang was sent to Luzhou, and Zhao Dejun and Yanshou surrendered. Deguang said to Jin Gaozu: "A great thing has been accomplished." I ordered Prime Minister Wen to follow you to cross the river, and I will stay here until you enter Luo and then go north. Before the farewell, he held his hands and hooted, took off his white mink fur and dressed the great ancestor, and left behind twenty good horses and one thousand two hundred war horses. He said: "The descendants of the descendants will not forget each other!" It was the ninth year of the heaven's appearance.
Gaozu had already entered Luo, and Deguang was in the north. He took Zhao Dejun and Yanshou back. Dejun, a native of Youzhou, served as a military academy for Liu Shouguang and Shouwen, and was acquired by Zhuangzong during his campaign against Yan. He was named Li Shaobin. His son Yanshou, whose real surname was Liu, was from Changshan. His father, Jun, was the magistrate of Bi County. Liu Shouwen conquered Bi County. Dejun got Yanshou and his mother's clan name and accepted him, so he regarded Yanshou as his son. Yanshou was a person with a graceful appearance and soft appearance. She dabbled in history and books. Emperor Mingzong named her Princess Xingping as his wife. During the Zhuang and Ming dynasties, Dejun held Youzhou for more than ten years, and was especially trusted in order to extend his life. During the reign of Emperor Yanshou Mingzong, he was the envoy to the Privy Council. After the emperor was deposed and established, he was again the envoy to the Privy Council. The Emperor Gaozu of the Jin Dynasty came from Taiyuan, and the deposed emperor sent General Yanshou to fight against it. And Dejun also asked to suppress the thieves with troops. The deposed emperor noticed that he had different ambitions, so he sent Zi Feihu to attack him. Dejun went south to Wu Hao, and he would extend his life in the Western Tang Dynasty. Yanshou belonged to him with soldiers. The deposed emperor appointed Dejun as the commander of all camps, and Yanshou as the envoy to the south of Taiyuan. Dejun asked Zhenzhou Jiedushi to extend his life. The deposed emperor said angrily: "Dejun and his son have strong troops and want a big town. If they can defeat the Khitan and conquer Taiyuan, they can do it for me." If the bandits want to kill you, I fear that both dogs and rabbits will be killed. ?Because the envoy Qu Dejun and others were sent to march. Dejunyin sent people to recruit Deguang, hoping to establish himself as emperor. Deguang pointed to the huge stone in front of Qionglu and said to Dejun's envoy: "I have promised Shilang." If the stone is rotten, it can be changed. When Deguang arrived in Luzhou, he locked up Dejun and his son and left. Deguang's mother saw this and asked: "What's wrong with you, father and son, in seeking to be the emperor?" Dejun felt ashamed that he couldn't do it right, so he dedicated it to his land and house. Shulu asked where it was and said: Youzhou. ?Shu Lu said: ?Youzhou belongs to me, why should I offer it? Next year, Dejun will die, Deguang will make Yanshou the governor of Youzhou, and he will be granted the title of King of Yan.
When the Khitans were in charge of Zhuangzong and Mingzong, they captured the two prefectures of Ying and Ping, and established the Jin Dynasty. They also captured the Jieduguan of Youzhou north of Yanmen, uniting sixteen prefectures. Therefore, Youzhou was designated as Yanjing, the eleventh year of Tianxian was changed to the first year of Huitong, the country was renamed Daliao, and hundreds of officials were appointed, all of whom were based on China and involved Chinese people. Every time Emperor Gaozu of the Jin Dynasty sent an envoy to ask questions, he was honored as a minister, and he was given three hundred thousand pieces of silk every year. The rest of the treasures and jade were rare, as well as all kinds of food and drink in China. Deguang asked the emperor not to call him a minister, but instead wrote a letter, calling him "Emperor", as a family courtesy. Deguang sent Zhongshu to order Han Jiong to enthrone Gaozu as the Yingwu Mingyi Emperor. Emperor Gaozu sent Zhao Ying, Feng Dao and others back to enshrine Deguang and his mother's title in the Taichanglu Book. Throughout my life, I will serve him with great respect.
When Emperor Gaozu died and he ascended the throne as emperor, Deguang was angry that he did not inform the emperor first, but also did not show his respect, and instead of calling himself a minister, he called himself a grandson. He sent several envoys to blame the Jin Dynasty. All the Jin ministers were afraid, but Jing Yanguang was not rude to the Khitan envoys. De Guang is angry. Yang Guangyuan rebelled against Qingzhou and recruited him. In the spring of the first year of Kaiyun, Deguang invaded the southern part of the country and divided them into three groups: from Yanmen in the west, attacking Bing and Dai, Liu Zhiyuan defeated Yu Xiurong; in the east, he went to Yuhe, and fell into Bozhou, in response to Guangyuan; Deguang He and Yanshou Nan captured Beizhou. Deguang garrisoned Yuancheng, and his troops reached Liyang. The Emperor Chu of the Jin Dynasty went on a personal expedition and sent Li Shouzhen and others to the east of Majiadu to defeat the Khitan. Deguang and Jin were separated by a river. More than a month later, when they heard that Majiadu was defeated, they led the troops to attack Jin and fought in Qicheng. When Deguang came to the formation, he saw the bright banners of the Jin army, but the soldiers and horses were well-organized and looked fearful. He said to his left and right: "Yang Guangyuan said that half of the Jin army's soldiers and horses had starved to death. How prosperous!" After the soldiers were engaged, half of them were killed and wounded, so the formation There are broken arrows and arrowheads, and the cloth is thick enough. At dusk, Deguang led him away and divided his troops into two, one leaving Cangzhou and the other returning from Shenzhou. In the first month of the second year, Deguangfu invaded the country and invaded Zhenzhou. He divided his troops and captured nine counties including Gucheng. Du Chongwei guarded the town and did not dare to come out. The Khitans plundered Xing, Ming, and Ci to the south, and burned everything within a thousand miles of the Anyang River. When the Khitan saw the big mulberry tree, they scolded him: "I know that the purple coat comes from your body, how can I allow you to live evil!" He tied the firewood to the tree and burned it. At that time, the emperor was ill and could not go on an expedition, so Zhang Congen, An Shenqi, Huangfu Yu and others were sent to guard him.
Crossing the Zhang River before meeting, met the Khitan, fought in Yulin, and were almost captured. Shen Qi came to rescue him from behind. When Khitan saw the dust rising, he said that reinforcements were coming and led him away. However, Cong En was timid and did not dare to pursue him, so he also led his troops south to Liyang. Khitan was already in the north, and the emperor was ill for a short period of time, so he issued an edict to personally conquer the country. The army was stationed in Chanzhou, and Du Chongwei and others were sent for the northern expedition. The Khitan returned to Gubei. When they heard that the Jin army was arriving, they immediately led the army to the south and fought vigorously in Yangcheng and Wei Village. The Jin army was hungry and thirsty, so they dug wells that often broke and drank from the mud. Deguang was sitting in the Xi chariot and called to the crowd: "The Jin army is all here. We can capture them alive and then pacify the world." ?There was a strong wind in the sky. The Jin army fought hard and the Khitan was defeated. Deguang's funeral carriage rode away on a white camel. When they arrived at Youzhou, their leaders and generals were beaten to death by hundreds each, but only Zhao Yanshou was spared. At that time, there was drought and locusts all over the world, and the Jin people were fighting hard, so they sent the Kaifeng army general Zhang Hui to the Khitan to pretend to be an official, and to be a minister in order to make peace. Deguang's words are not inferior. However, the Khitans are also tired of fighting. Deguang's mother said to the Jin people: "The Han people in the Southern Dynasties have always been evil. Since ancient times, I have heard that the Han people came to make peace with the Tibetan people, but I have not heard that the Tibetan people left to make peace with the Han people. If the Han people really have a change of heart, then why should I regret it?" Jin no longer sent envoys, but sent several letters to Zhao Yanshou.
Yanshou saw the decline of Jin and the world was in chaos. He tried to take a peek at China, and Deguang also tried to allow Yanshou to destroy Jin and establish it. Yanshou received a letter from the Jin Dynasty. He pretended to be a good person and reported to the Jin Dynasty. Deguang's general Gao Mouhan also deceived Yingzhou to surrender to the Jin Dynasty, which made the king and ministers of Jin Dynasty happy. In July of the third year, Du Chongwei, Li Shouzhen, Zhang Yanze and others were sent to send troops to extend life. The troops moved toward Yingzhou, and Mou Han left the city empty. When the Jin army arrived at the city gates, they saw that the city gates were all open. They suspected there was an ambush and did not dare to enter. Liang Hanzhang was sent to pursue Mou Han and he was killed in battle. Chongwei and other troops stationed themselves in strong positions. Deguang heard that Jin sent troops and entered Kou Zhenzhou. Chongwei went to the middle of Xitun and crossed the river with Deguang to join the army. Deguang divided his troops and led the Jin army from Xishan, and then attacked Luancheng County. There were thousands of cavalry in the county, but they all surrendered to the captives. Every time Deguang captured someone from the Jin Dynasty, he stabbed him in the face and wrote: "I will not kill you if you are ordered to do so", so he returned south. Chongwei and others were surrounded and had no food supplies, so they raised their troops and surrendered. Deguang was so happy that he called Zhao Yanshou and said, "All the Han children I got will be with you." ?Because he was given dragon and phoenix ocher robes, so that he could wear the clothes to protect the Jin army, and he was also given great authority by the ocher robes. He sent his master to live in the children's prison. Zhang Yanze will ride two thousand horses and enter the capital first. The emperor and the empress dowager of the Jin Dynasty surrendered and took the blame. Deguang sent Jieli to give the emperor an imperial edict, saying: "My grandson, don't worry, just take care of a place to eat and drink." When Deguang was about to arrive in the capital, a minister asked him to greet him with a Dharma chariot. Deguang said: "I bow my armor and stomach to determine the Central Plains. I have too much time to pay attention to the rituals of Taichang." ? Stop without using it. When the emperor and the empress dowager came out of the suburbs to greet him, Deguang did not see him and said: "How can two emperors meet on the road?" On the first day of the fourth year of the lunar month, hundreds of civil and military officials from the Jin Dynasty gathered in the north of the capital to pay homage to the emperor, wearing plain clothes and veils. treat. Deguang was dressed in armor and a mink hat, and he immediately stood on the high hill, where all the officials fell down to await his punishment. Deguang entered the gate of Zifengqiu, climbed to the city tower, and sent a general to declare to the people: "I am also a human being, so I have nothing to fear." I had no intention of coming here, but the Han soldiers lured me here. ?Then he entered the Jin Palace. The concubines and prostitutes in the palace greeted him, but they all ignored him and stayed in Chigang in the evening. He was granted the title of Marquis of Yiyi as the emperor and moved to Huanglong Mansion. Guisi moved into the Jin Palace and guarded all the gates with Khitan. All the gates, verandas, halls, and palaces had dogs hanging on their skins, thinking they were tired of winning. On the first day of the Sino-Japanese War, Deguang Hufu came to the Guangzheng Hall. In Yiwei, he was crowned by the Chinese, and all the officials were always there, and his daily life was like a Jin ritual. However, the felt fur was on the left, the horse was riding on the chariot, and the rank and order were listed. The Jin people bowed their heads and did not dare to look up. On the first day of the second lunar month, on the first day of the second lunar month, the Sixth Army of Jinwu, the Provincial Battle in the Palace, and the Taichang Music and Dance Chen Yuting were crowned with virtue and glory, wearing crimson gauze robes, holding large guis to look at the court, and granted amnesty. The Jin Kingdom was changed to the Daliao Kingdom, and in the fourth year of Kaiyun, it was Together for ten years.
Deguang tried to allow Zhao Yanshou to destroy the Jin and establish himself as the emperor. Therefore, the Khitan attacked the Jin, and Yanshou often served as the vanguard. All the gains from plundering were dedicated to Deguang and his mother Shulu. Deguang had destroyed the Jin Dynasty and had no intention of prolonging life. Yanshou did not dare to say so because Li Song wanted to be the crown prince. Deguang said: "I have no love for the King of Yan. Although my flesh and skin can be used by the King of Yan, I can cut it off." I heard that the Crown Prince is the son of the Emperor. How can King Yan do this? He ordered him to be transferred to another rank. Zhang Lijin, a Hanlin scholar, planned to stay in Beijing to extend his life, become the prime minister, record the affairs of the minister, and supervise the Chinese and foreign military affairs. Deguang used his pen to record the affairs of the ministers and the military governors at home and abroad. He thought he was a stayer in Zhongjing and the prime minister. Before Yanshou, he was the privy envoy and was granted the title of King of Yan. They are all the same as before. He also took Li as his right servant She and his servant, Tong Zhongshu and his subordinate Ping Zhangshi, and became prime minister together with He Ning, the former Prime Minister of Jin Dynasty. Li was a Hanlin scholar during the Ming Dynasty. Emperor Gaozu of the Jin Dynasty came from Taiyuan. Emperor Fei of the Tang Dynasty sent Zhao Yanshou, the governor of Li, to march to Tuanbai Valley. Yanshou was locked up by Deguang, and Li moved to Khitan. Deguang valued literature and still considered himself a Hanlin bachelor. Li often wanted to return home, and fled to the border, where he was captured by his pursuers. De Guang scolded him, and Li said: "I am a Han Chinese, and my clothes, food, and speech are different. Now I want to return, but I can't. Life would be worse than death." Gao Tangying, the chief minister of Deguang, said: "I warn you to treat others well and lure them away, so that you can escape."
?Because Tang Ying was flogged a hundred times and treated Li as before, his love was like this. General Deguang visited the court, and a minister gave Yanshou a Diao Chan crown and Li a third-grade crown, but neither Yanshou nor Li refused to accept it. And the one who prolongs life is called the king and is crowned with self-differentiation. Li said: When I was in the Shang Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty sent Feng Dao to be registered in the Northern Dynasty. Dao was given two Diao crowns. One of them, the prime minister Han Yanhui, crowned him. The other ordered me to crown him. Now he can conquer the evil!? He will be crowned Diao Chan and come to court. On the first day of March, Bingxu, Deguang wore boots and robes and went to the Chongyuan Hall. Hundreds of officials entered the pavilion. Deguang was very happy. He looked at his left and right and said: "The rites of the Han family are so rich." I am able to sit in this hall, am I not the true emperor? His mother Shulu sent people to deliver a letter and a letter from Abao Jiming Hall to bestow Deguang. The Ming Palace is like the system of the lower palace of the Chinese mausoleum. When the king dies and is buried, a room is built next to his tomb, which is called the Ming Palace. Officials are placed according to their duties. When they are old, they live as if they were born. There is a scholar in the Ming Palace. The palm of the hand answers the imperial edict, and every country has a Daqing funeral. The scholar writes the order of the ancestor and gives it to the king. The letter often says "report to the emperor".
Deguang had already destroyed the Jin Dynasty, so he sent his tribal chiefs and their generals to serve as provincial governors and military governors, and borrowed money and silk from all over the world to reward the troops. The Hu soldiers did not provide food and grass for their men and horses, so they sent thousands of horses to the four fields to plunder the people. They called them "Dacao Valley". The people were poisoned by it for two or three thousand miles from east to west, and they complained far and near. When Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty came from Taiyuan, many Khitan guards were killed in the town where he was located and returned to the Han Dynasty. Deguang was greatly frightened. It was already hot, so Xiao Han was appointed as the military envoy of Xuanwu Army. Han, a large Khitan family, was named Abo. Han's sister also married Deguang, and Abo had no surname. The Khitan called Han his uncle, and the general was appointed as Jiedushi. Li Song named him Xiao Han, so The original surname was Xiao. Deguang had left Han to guard Bian, and then returned to the north, bringing with him thousands of people from the Jin Dynasty, including ministers, maids, and generals. He crossed the river from Liyang and went to Tangyin. He climbed Chou Death Hill and told Gao Xun, the envoy to declare Hui, "I was in the country above and enjoyed hunting and eating meat. When I entered China, I was always unhappy. If I were to return to my homeland, I would die." No hatred either. ?Xun retreated and said to the people: ?The prisoner is about to die. ?Liang Hui of Xiangzhou killed the Khitan general and closed the city for defense. Deguang led his troops to defeat it. All the men in the city were slaughtered, regardless of age, and all the women were driven north. In the Later Han Dynasty, Wang Jihong conquered Xiangzhou and obtained tens of thousands of skulls, which were buried in large tombs. When Deguang arrived in Linming, he saw that the towns there were desolate and desolate. He smiled and said to the people of Jin: "The king of Yan is the chief culprit in China up to this point." ? He also looked at Zhang Li and said, ? You are also powerful. ? De Guang traveled to Luan City, fell ill, and died killing Hu Lin. Khitan broke its abdomen and removed its intestines and stomach. It was actually filled with salt and carried to the north. The people of Jin called it "Emperor". King Yongkang was about to be established, and he was named Deguang as the Sisheng Emperor, Abaoji as Taizu, and Deguang as Taizong.