Wang Xizhi loves geese
Wang Xizhi loves geese by nature. There was an old woman in Kuaiji who raised a goose. Set out with friends and family to watch. When the old woman heard that Wang Xizhi was coming, she killed the goose and cooked it to serve Wang Xizhi. Wang Xizhi sighed for a whole day. There was also a Taoist priest from Shanyin who raised some good geese. Wang Xi went to see it before. He was very happy and insisted on buying these geese. The Taoist priest said: "As long as you can copy the Tao Te Ching for me, all my geese will be given to you." Wang Xizhi happily copied the Tao Te Ching and returned with the geese in a cage. He felt very happy. Such was his willfulness and frankness.
Hua Tuo treats diseases
Hua Tuo was walking on the road and saw a man suffering from a blocked throat. He wanted to eat but could not swallow. His family took him to seek medical treatment in a car. . When Hua Tuo heard the patient moaning, he stopped the car and went to see the doctor. He told them: "There is a shop on the roadside where I came just now that sells minced garlic and vinegar. If you buy three liters from the shopkeeper and eat it, the pain will naturally be cured." "They immediately did as Hua Tuo said. After the patient ate it, he immediately spit out a snake-like worm. They hung the worm on the side of the car and went to Hua Tuo's house to thank him. Hua Tuo hadn't returned home yet. His two children were playing at the door. When they saw them, the children told each other: "It's like meeting our father. The 'disease' hanging on the side of the car is proof." The patient went forward. Sitting down in the house, I saw about a dozen specimens of this parasite hanging on the north wall of Hua Tuo's house.
Xue Tan studied medicine?
Xue Tan studied singing
Xue Tan learned singing from Qin Qing. Before he had finished learning Qin Qing’s skills, Xue Tan thought he was Having mastered all Qin Qing's skills, he had to say goodbye and go home. Qin Qing did not dissuade him and bid him farewell on the road outside the city. Qin Qing beat the beat and sang a sad song. The song vibrated the trees, and the sound stopped the moving clouds. Xue Tan then apologized to Qin Qing and asked to come back to continue studying. From then on, he never dared to mention going home again.
Qi people grab gold
Once upon a time, there was a man in the state of Qi who wanted to get a lot of gold. He got up early in the morning, dressed up neatly, went to the market and wandered around, thinking in his heart How to get some gold. When he found a gold shop, he stepped through the door, picked up the gold items without saying a word, and turned around to leave. When the shopkeeper saw that he had robbed the gold, he shouted to catch the thief. At this time, several patrolmen happened to pass by and caught him. The inspector interrogated him: "How dare you steal other people's gold in front of so many people?" The man replied: "I didn't see anyone when I took the gold. I only saw gold in my eyes."