Zuo Zhuan-There is virtue in the world, followed by meritorious deeds, followed by words. Although it has not been abolished for a long time, it is called three immortals.
Wang Shouren, also known as Wang Yangming, was born in Zhejiang in the Ming Dynasty. Wang Yangming is a "master of mind" in the history of ancient philosophy in China. His philosophical thinking on the meaning of life is rebellious and challenging. His contribution lies in the unprecedented improvement of people's subjective consciousness, which is also a history of ideology. Today, there is a "Four Monuments Pavilion" in Yuyao, Zhejiang, and there is a monument pavilion to commemorate him. Wang Yangming is said to be "a Confucian scholar in the name of academics and a capable minister in managing the world." In his former residence, there was a couplet that read, "Lide made meritorious deeds, made a statement that the truth is immortal, and learned to teach 91 as a teacher."
Zeng Guofan and Zeng Guofan's personality are a little controversial, but he is also a very important figure in the Qing Dynasty, a strategist, philosopher and politician, and has also made achievements in literature. Therefore, the "three immortals" all have three words, and Lide has made meritorious deeds. He is controversial in China's modern history: he was both the culprit of suppressing the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and an advocate of the Westernization Movement. Zeng Guofan has a lot to think about and learn from, from governing the country and the army to managing the family and cultivating oneself. Mao Zedong thinks that Zeng Guofan's learning is "valuable" because it is not limited to words and chapters themselves. Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai-shek and Liang Qichao all worshipped him as a personality idol. Mao Zedong once wrote a letter to li jinxi, which said: "A fool loves his own man and serves Zeng Wengong alone." It's modern people. For me, the person I admire most is Zeng Wengong, that is, Zeng Wengong. Chiang Kai-shek warned his children many times: "You should read more books and letters like Ceng Wenzheng and Hu Linyi". Some people use couplets to summarize Zeng Guofan's life: "Lide made meritorious deeds, made a statement that the three immortals are immortal, and he was a perfect teacher."
Another way of saying the Three Immortals is Zhuge Liang, Wang Yangming and Zeng Guofan.
These statements are all from word of mouth, and there is no clear source.
It has also been suggested that there are still many people in history who have achieved three immortals in virtue, merit and discussion.
Regarding Wang Yangming and Zeng Guofan, Fu once said: In the past 500 years, only two people have been able to show their knowledge in their official careers: Wang Shouren in the Ming Dynasty and Zeng Guofan in the Qing Dynasty.
There is a couplet in the stele pavilion commemorating Wang Yangming in Zhejiang: once the university was renamed, a tall building revealed Ruiyun. Banner: True Three Immortals.
Zeng Guofan is known as "China's first perfect person through the ages"