Zheng Banqiao is good at calligraphy, and is a school of his own. A salt merchant asked him for something and took 100 gold as a reward. Gong Zheng was too proud to look back, and the salt merchants didn't do anything. Zheng likes dog meat best. One day, he went out to visit the city. Coming back in the evening, I suddenly smelled a smell of dog meat, and Shunxiang found a place. He saw only a bamboo fence, a thatched cottage and Chai Men, who was half-hidden, and went straight in. His master was surprised to come uninvited. No sooner had I smelled dog meat than I strolled in. I know rudeness is inevitable, but I also ask for a taste. "The host was very happy and said," I've heard a lot about you, and I'm afraid I won't be invited. I am lucky to have you today. "After he bowed and entered the room, Zheng Gongfu took a big bite on the case, stroking his stomach and said that he would not eat when he was full. The host took him into the study and chatted over tea. Knowing that his master is also a master of calligraphy and painting, he said to him, "Eat your delicious food, please use words as a reward." The master smiled and nodded. Gong Zheng wrote crazily with a pen until his wrist was weak. One day, Gong Zheng happened to come to a business and saw all the hanging banners written in a place outside the city. He was shocked and questioned the business. The merchant informed him one by one and called out a servant and said, "Do you know this man? ""When Gong Zheng saw that he was frightened, he was the owner of the dog meat that day.
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Thin: close, close
Ming: Tea, here as a verb, drink tea.
I: Once upon a time.
Although Zheng Banqiao is cold, he can't help himself. When he sees the name of a famous painting, he will be very excited and want to show his talent.