Who is better, Zhao Mengfu or Zhiyong?

Calligraphy is a matter of opinion and wisdom. Both of them are superb but not at the top level. There is no way to compare. It can only depend on personal preference. Zhiyong was the seventh-generation grandson of Wang Xizhi, and he directly learned from his ancestors. He was relatively good at cursive writing and left few works. Zhao Mengfu was good at various calligraphy styles, and because he was relatively recent, he left a huge amount of ink marks and inscriptions. His small regular script, running regular script and running script are famous all over the world (the seal script and official script are of average quality, he just knows how to write). Zhang Cao was revived because of him, and seal cutting also became a literati art under his influence, which had a great influence on later generations. Moreover, he not only studied Wang Xizhi, but also learned from the strengths of others. Wang Xianzhi, Li Yi, Liu Gongquan all studied, and he also extensively studied Mi Fu and others. At the same time, he also studied, and he also studied the six dynasties tablets. In short, he absorbed the essence of many people into his own something.