Dong Yu, with clear pronunciation and mellow voice, is plain and easy to learn ... People learn from scholars, but refuse to teach them. As the saying goes, "You must read it a hundred times first." As the saying goes, "Read it a hundred times and you will understand what you mean." From the "Scholars" cloud: "There is no day for bitter thirst." Encounter: "When I was in my thirties." Or ask the meaning of "Sanduo" and say: "Those in winter are at leisure, those in the night are at leisure, and those in the rain are at leisure." As a result, students are a little divorced from their studies.
Dong Yu, the word season is straight. Simple and honest, I like to learn from the Lord since I was a child. During the reign of Emperor Xiandi Xingping of the Han Dynasty, Li Que and others made an insurrection in Guanzhong, and Dong Yu and his brothers went to a friend's place to stew. Dong Yu and his brother went into the mountains to collect firewood and came back to sell a few dollars (living). Every time Dong Yu goes to collect firewood, he always takes a book with him and takes it out whenever he has time. His brother laughed at him, but he still read his book.
Dong Yu studied Lao Zi very well and made comments. I have also made great efforts to Chunqiu Zuozhuan, and based on my research experience, I wrote Bieyi.
There was a man who wanted to ask Dong Yu for advice. Dong Yu refused to teach, saying only, "You must do it first and learn it a hundred times." He said, "After reading a book a hundred times, its meaning will be revealed."
The consultant said, "(You have a point), but I just don't have time."
Dong Yu said: "It should take more than three minutes." .
Someone asked what "Sanyu" meant. Dong Yu said: "winter is a year of slack time, so you can study;" Evening is the extra time during the day, so you can study. As for rainy days, there will be layoffs at any time of the year. " Because of this, many students gradually followed Dong Yu.