The first pinyin is dú zhàn? O t ó u, originally named "Sowing Rice" by Yuan Anonymous, said: "I once offered advice and made peace in front of the temple and won the first place." Verb-object structure has positive significance; Generally used as predicate and attribute in sentences.
A leader refers to a head carved on the stone steps in front of the palace. Only the person who wins the first prize can be a leader. This idiom comes from the imperial examination system in ancient China. When candidates perform well in the exam and rank the highest, they will be called outstanding.
Being the best can also be described as having made outstanding achievements in a certain field or aspect, such as outstanding performance in art, science and technology, culture and other fields.
This idiom is usually used to describe people who have achieved the highest honor or achievement in some aspects, especially those who stand out in exams or competitions. At the same time, it can also be used to describe outstanding achievements in a certain field or aspect.
Take the lead in making sentences
1. In our school, everyone is envious of who can take the lead.
His outstanding performance in this exam won the praise of the teacher.
He is the leader of academic circles and enjoys a high reputation.
He took the lead in the game and did well.
The singer was among the best in the competition and won applause from many audiences.
6. His works are novel and unique, and won wide acclaim.
7. This team won the first prize in the competition, showing its great strength.
He won the first prize in the calligraphy competition and showed his talent.
She took the lead in the dance competition and won high praise from the judges.
The above content refers to Baidu Encyclopedia-the best.