The word Chang was born in Wei Yingchuan (now Xuchang, Henan) of the Three Kingdoms. Because he was a teacher, he was called "Zhong Taifu". His calligraphy is learned from Cao, Cai Yong, and others, and he is good at all aspects, especially in small letters. Simple and rigorous structure and natural brushwork have created a new look from official script to regular script. And Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty was also called "Zhong Wang". His calligraphy has always been valued by people. The original clock has long been lost. Since the Song Dynasty, the lower case "declaration form" and "recommended season table" engraved on the law posts have been copied by people in the Jin and Tang Dynasties.
His main works are:
Declaration Form: In the fine print, Liang Wudi Xiao Yan said that "the potential is clever and dense, and it is better than self-transportation". The brushwork is simple and vigorous, natural and graceful.
Recommended seasonal straight table: written in small letters in the second year of Huang Chu (22 1). Its layout is ethereal, its structure is broad and flat, and there is proper limit. Although there are many immature places, the structure is not as neat as that of Jin and Tang Dynasties, but it is interesting and wonderful.