Why did Wang Xizhi write to jiaozi?

When Wang Xizhi was seven years old, he began to learn calligraphy from the calligrapher Mrs. Wei. In less than three years, he showed his talent. Fiona Fang Bailey knew that he was a young genius. In the praise, ten-year-old Wang Xizhi was a little carried away.

One day, Wang Xizhi went to the market to play. What he saw was the signboard of "Duck Feet Shop", which was written mechanically with no skill. He found the shopkeeper who was packing jiaozi, an old lady with white hair. When he saw that he had wrapped a jiaozi, he threw it over the low wall without looking. Then Jiaozi fell in love with the pot. Wang Xizhi was secretly amazed and couldn't help but ask: ". The old lady said, "It takes 50 years to master it, and it requires deep practice. "

This sentence moved Wang Xizhi, and Wang Xizhi then asked, "You are so capable, why don't you find a famous writer to write a signboard?" The old lady said unhappily, "It's really difficult to invite celebrities. Let's just say that Wang Xizhi, who just appeared, made people grow wings at an early age. To tell the truth, his writing skills are really not as deep as mine. Don't learn from him. "

Wang Xizhi's face suddenly turned red. He showed my identity to the old lady and admitted my shortcomings. In order to make amends, he immediately wrote a signboard for "Duck Feet Shop" and a couplet: "Every time you can't get through, learn to taste and grow."

Wang Xizhi has only studied calligraphy for three years, and he is proud of himself. He learned a lesson from the words and deeds of the old lady in the dumpling shop, so he made me understand that complacency will only prevent people from advancing in the hall leading to knowledge, so we should be modest in doing things. Moreover, Wang Xizhi is also a child who will correct his mistakes when the old lady points out his shortcomings. We should follow his example!