A scholar is a "scholar", that is, an able person who assists the king. Legalist Fu Shi, China idiom, pinyin for f m:Jiāb Shi, meaning loyal minister and wise man.
Mencius' main ideas are: benevolence, righteousness and goodness. Mencius' books are not all written by Mencius, but there are records of Mencius' disciples, which are undoubtedly Mencius' words and deeds.
In the aspect of human nature, he advocates the theory of good nature, and thinks that people are born with four moral qualities: benevolence, righteousness, courtesy and wisdom. People can maintain and expand it through internal ellipsis, otherwise they will lose these good qualities. So he asked people to pay attention to the role of introspection.
In terms of social and political views, Mencius highlighted the king of benevolent governance. Benevolence means "saving punishment and collecting taxes" for the people.
He summed up from historical experience that "violence against its people will lead to physical death", and said that all three generations won the world because of benevolence and lost the world because of benevolence. Emphasizing the development of agriculture, caring for the people and people's livelihood, he said in "On My Country": "Seventy people are clothed with meat, and the people are neither hungry nor cold, but they are not kings and have nothing." ?
He also put forward that we should attach importance to the people, and you should mainly attach importance to the people's thoughts. "The wealth of princes is land, people and political affairs." If the monarch is serious, his deputies will admonish him. If he admonishes but doesn't listen, he can change his position.
As for tyrants like Jie and Zhou, subjects can rise up and destroy them. He opposes hegemonism, that is, conquering other countries through merger wars; It is to be benevolent, win the obedience of the people's hearts, and defeat the soldiers without fighting, which is what he called "the benevolent is invincible", and the king can be invincible in the world.
Reference to the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-Mencius