Win (Pinyin: yíng) is a kind of character in the General Standard of Chinese. This word first appeared in the inscriptions on bronze in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The original meaning refers to profit, and it can also refer to profit, and the extension refers to exceeding, exceeding and increasing. "Guanzi Light and Heavy B": "Therefore, it is better for a good man to measure his weight with the people, and then he will win, the people will get the tenth, and the gentleman will get the third."
"Poetry, elegance and Han Yun": "Looking up to the sky, there are stars, doctors and gentlemen, showing vanity and no victory, great life is near, and there is no abandonment." The silk book "On Jing Die" in Mawangdui Han Tomb says: "If you win, you must be quiet, and if you move, you must be right." Xun Bing said, "Three days' grain is worth a hundred Li at noon." Tang Bai Juyi's second story: "People who don't believe in your game won't win or lose until the game is over. "
The Origin and Development of Characters
Pictophonetic characters start from shellfish and clams, pictographic characters. Insect Department of Shuowen: "It's a pity." Zhu fixed his voice through training: "The common word for snail is snail. ..... Later generations are edible snails in water and inedible snails on land. " The parts like mouth and body became two moons in the Warring States, Qin and Han Dynasties, the moon and shrine in the small seal script of Shuowen, the moon and fan in regular script, and the parts like head and tentacles in the Warring States period. ?
"Win" originally means profit. Zuo Zhao Zhuan Gong Nian: "Does Jia want to win, but is it evil?" Also refers to profit. "The Warring States Policy, Qin Ce V": "Call your father when you return:' How many times is the benefit of farming?' Say, "Ten times." How many times did Zhu win? Say:' A hundred times. "'extension' means more than that.