In ancient times, there was an old man named Uncle in Feng Tang Town, Chaozhou City, who lived alone on Houlongshan Mountain and enjoyed a poor life. Once, an emperor was in trouble and fled to Houlongshan in a panic. At this time, he has not eaten for many days and is hungry. The old man was heartbroken to see him like this. It's a pity that his family is poor and can't give the emperor anything decent. In desperation, he had to get some sweet potato leaves for the emperor to eat.
Later, the emperor made a comeback and returned to Beijing to reign again. The emperor attached great importance to feelings. After settling down, he remembered this incident in Feng Tang and was very grateful to the old man. So he sent someone to meet the old man in Houlongshan, Feng Tang, and planned to invite him to enjoy life in Beijing. The officers and men who received the order rushed to Houlongshan, and the old man was terrified. He thought that the emperor didn't respect his poor greetings, even gave him rough and cheap food to eat, and sent someone to arrest him and go back to be punished.
So he hid in the mountains and refused to come out. Knowing that he was hiding in the mountains, the officers and men went up the mountain to look for him. But I couldn't find him, so I thought, either let Yamakaji go or force him out. But when the whole mountain was burned down, the old man still didn't come out. The officers and men were puzzled and went up the mountain to search. It turned out that the old man was burned to death with a tree in his arms. The emperor in Beijing was very sad after hearing this, and ordered people to carve this tree into the image of an old man and make him a god.
The day the old man died was the first day of the second lunar month. In order to commemorate the old man, now, five villages in Houlongshan, Feng Tang Town worship the old man together on the first day of February every year, and hold a traditional festival in Chaoshan area-"Old Fever" together.
2. Legend of Jade Lake Temple in Jieyang
At a fork in the road in Yu Lian Village, Yuhu Town, Jiedong County, Jieyang City, there is a big banyan tree and a small temple under it. According to legend, this banyan tree was planted by Jigong. In those days, Jigong wandered around and flew leisurely in the sky. When he passed Yu Lian Village, the hip flask in his hand shook carelessly, and a small seed fell from the sky, just at this fork in the road.
Soon, the seeds were nourished by heaven and earth and grew into towering trees. The villagers think that this big tree was planted by Jigong, which will have aura and keep them safe. So, they built a small temple under the tree, which enshrined the old man. So far, this small temple is still full of incense, and people who come to worship are in an endless stream.
Extended data
Chaoshan area is located at the junction of Guangdong Province and Fujian Province, and on the southeast coast of China. It has always been a commodity distribution center in eastern Guangdong, southeastern Jiangxi and southwestern Fujian, and Chaoshan people call it the "national corner at the end of the province".
Chaoshan area is adjacent to Zhangzhou in the east, Huizhou in the west, Nanhai in the south and Meizhou and Longyan in the north. There are mountains on three sides and sea on one side. The climate is pleasant. Although there are abundant Chaoshan plains in the territory, typhoons and earthquakes often occur.
With the reputation of "cultivating fields like embroidering", the three treasures of Chaoshan: the Chaoshan girl who got the kitchen under the hall (locally called Zi Niang), elegant and exquisite Chaoshan handicrafts, are known as the highest-end Chaozhou cuisine in China.
Chaoshan has been called Chaozhou for nearly 2000 years in history, such as Chaozhou (Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties), Chaozhou Road (Yuan Dynasty) and Chaozhou House (Ming and Qing Dynasties). It didn't appear until 1904.
1904, Zhang Yunan, a native of Songkou Town, Meixian District, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, saw the great development potential here. They established Chaoshan Railway Co., Ltd. to build a railway from Chaozhou Fucheng to Shantou Port. 1906, the Chaoshan line railway was completed, and the front of the "Chaoshan" locomotive was equipped and opened to traffic. As a result, the word "Chaoshan" began to spread.
Baidu encyclopedia-Chaoshan