Zhong Hui is a scholar, very learned, not a martial man who doesn't understand justice and reason. It makes sense that he is loyal to Wei. Therefore, Zhong, Ling, Wu and Zhuge Dan are all loyal subjects of Wei, not because he has any ambitions. And his counsel, still above the three men, holds the relieving, even if there is no northern rebellion, but also from Chang' an, pointing to Luoyang. At this time, Sima's family has lost momentum, which is very worrying.
Zhong Hui's anecdotes and allusions
Yu Zhong and Zhong Hui became famous when they were teenagers. Zhong You introduced the two of them to Wei Wendi Emperor Xelloss. Yu Zhong was so nervous that he was sweating all over, while Zhong Hui was as calm as if nothing had happened. Cao Pi asked, "Yu Zhong, why are you sweating so much?"
Yu Zhong said, "Your majesty is mighty, and my ministers are trembling and sweating like rain." Cao Pi asked Zhong Hui again, "Why don't you sweat?" Zhong Hui said in the tone of his eldest brother, "Your majesty is mighty in the sky, and I am afraid of sweating." Xelloss laughed.