What's the use of killing a demon master?

Demonslayer is the suit in King Benevolence 2, and it is the armor used in the demon hunting organization Chuyeya. It consists of five pieces of Chu Ye Ya Zhong Jia, namely the five-piece suit of China armor. Here, we will bring you the properties of "Renwang 2 Demonslayer Suit" shared by Su Xiu, so you can have a look.

Demon Hunter Suit Attribute List

Chuyeya Zhongjia

Armor type: medium armor

Armor used by the demon hunting organization Chu Ye.

Combination Effect-Devil Hunter-Set of 5

2 monster props drop rate +5.0%

3 it is not easy to be found by monster a.

4 Close damage to monsters +5.5%

5 Recover your strength when you knock down the enemy in close range attack 196.