Wang Xizhi is very famous. He is an excellent calligrapher. But besides his excellent calligraphy, he was also the son of a famous family in the Jin Dynasty, so Wang Xizhi could be a senior official in the Jin Dynasty even if he was not famous. At that time, there was no imperial examination system in the dynasty, aristocratic children had the right to be officials, and Wang Xizhi was so talented. So he is not only an official of the Jin Dynasty, but also a senior official of Jiangzhou.
However, when an official grows up, there will naturally be people who don't deal with it in the court. This uncle Wang is the man who quarreled with Wang Xizhi. He was also a general in the Jin Dynasty. He was the marquis of Lantian in the Jin Dynasty and a general of a title of generals in ancient times. He and Wang Xizhi are always angry about trivial things. This anger finally continued. During Wang Xizhi's tenure, Wang Shu began to collect some irregular things and then sued him.
Finally, when Wang Xizhi got angry, he quit his job and ran home to pretend to be ill. Although he was later dismissed from office, he was a great calligrapher, and he was very happy even if he stayed at home and fiddled with calligraphy.