Confucius' Persuasion and Annotation

original text

When Luz met Confucius, Confucius said, "Why are you so happy?" Lutz said, "What a long sword." Confucius said: "I'm not asking this question, but asking you and your son to do what you can to increase their knowledge." How can you do this? " Lutz said: "Is learning beneficial? Confucius said, "Madam, those who have no advice will lose their integrity, and those who have no friends will lose their virtue. Crazy horse will not release strategy and will never return to the bow. Wood is straight with rope, and people are sacred with advice. If learning requires you again, you won't succeed. Killing the wicked is close to punishment. A gentleman must learn. Lutz said: "There is bamboo in Nanshan. Cut it if it's not soft or straight. With this statement, what else do you learn? Confucius said, "We should not be too deep, but benefit from it. "? Lutz bowed again and said, "Respect others and accept their instruction. "


Confucius said to Luz: What do you like? Luz replied, I like long swords. Confucius said: that's not what I asked. With your talent and knowledge, who can match? Lutz said: Can study increase our ability? Confucius said: If you don't have a minister who dares to remonstrate, there is something wrong with your politics. If a scholar has no friends who can correct his shortcomings, his moral character is easily lost. You can't put down the whip for a wild horse, and you can't change the pair casually when shooting with a bow. Trees can only grow straight by pulling with ink ropes, and people can only be noble if they can accept good words. If someone teaches you to ask questions seriously, there is nothing you can't learn. Those who violate benevolence and righteousness and specialize in doing bad things will be punished by state laws at any time. So a gentleman can't help learning. Luz said: there is a kind of bamboo in Nanshan, which is straight and does not knead or bake. After sharpening, it can penetrate the thick skin of rhinoceros, so why do you have to go through the learning process when some things are gifted? Confucius said: If you put feathers in the tail of the arrow and sharpen it, won't the arrow shoot deeper and farther? Lutz thanked him and said: I really benefited a lot.

To annotate ...

(1) Le: Willing to do something.

(2) Qi: the same as "Qi" and pronouns, equivalent to "Who".

(3) Yes: it means a rhetorical tone, which is equivalent to "no".

(4) release: release.

(5) Ming: (qíng) equipment for correcting crossbows.

(6) exhortation: outspoken criticism.

(7) learning: learning from teachers.

(8) Kneading: processing.

(9) Rhino skin: the leather products of rhinoceros.

(10) Closure: the end of the arrow. Feather: Used as a verb to attach an arrow feather.