Wang Chang’s personal information, Wang Chang’s personal information

Personal information of Wang Chang

Wang Chang (date of birth and death unknown), courtesy name Hanying, was originally from Xi'an (now Qu County). He moved to Nanjing in the early Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty. In the 17th year of Chenghua (1481), he ranked third in the general examination, was granted a Jinshi background, and was appointed to the Ministry of Punishment as a middle-ranking official. When Xiaozong ascended the throne (1488), he was given a first-grade uniform and sent as an envoy to Korea. However, because he was in mourning in the country, he declined the banquet with female musicians. During his tenure, he often said things that others dare not say. He was appointed as Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War based on performance evaluation, and later as Minister of War. The yellow selection list of martial arts is kept in the Imperial Palace Seal and Ribbon Supervisor. Anyone who meets the officials of the Jin Dynasty must pay heavy bribes before they can enter the palace for verification. Please copy the supplementary list and submit it to the Ministry of War to eliminate the old disadvantages. In the fifth year of Zhengde (1510), the eunuch Liu Jin plotted to be executed. He openly stated the old chapter and abolished all changes and installations made by Jin. At that time, thieves and thieves were emerging one after another in Shandong and Sichuan. Please increase military equipment and send more ministers, set regulations on rewards and punishments, and order governors and other officials to strictly supervise the army and the people and improve armaments. The selection of generals and the recommendation of ministers are all talents. Try the seventh chapter and ask for a retreat. After returning home, he established a poetry club with his old friend. Be open, honest and self-sufficient, and distinguish between public and private affairs. At the end of the day, there was nothing on the walls except books. As a gift to the prince's Taibao. Character information