Is it Wang Xizhi or Wang Xianzhi who practiced calligraphy well with eight jars of water?

It's Wang Xianzhi.

Wang Xianzhi, a Chinese character, is the seventh son of Wang Xizhi, from official to official, and people respectfully call him "Wang Daling". He likes reading since he was a child. When he was a teenager, he thought his handwriting was very good. One day, he asked his father, "Is it good enough to practice calligraphy for another three years?" Wang Xizhi just laughed and didn't answer. His mother shook her head and said, "It's far away!" He offered it and asked, "What about five years?" Mom's head is still shaking. Xian asked anxiously, "How many years will it take to practice good handwriting?" Father Wang Xizhi went to the window and pointed to a big bucket in the hospital and said, "You, if you write eight big buckets of water like this, you will have a skeleton and stand firm!" Wang Xianzhi was unconvinced and secretly determined to show some skills to her parents. So he followed his father's words every day and persisted in practicing basic strokes for two years. One day, he showed his "painstaking efforts" to his parents. Wang Xizhi said nothing. His mother took these dedicated works and thought carefully. After a long time, she said, "Well, it's a bit like iron." After listening to his mother's evaluation, he is still not satisfied. After practicing hook for two years, his mother said, "It's a bit like a silver hook." In the fifth year, Xianzhi began to practice calligraphy and practiced hard for more than a year. He showed his work to his father. After reading it, Wang Xizhi saw that the word "big" was tight and loose, so he picked up a pen and added a little below it, which became the word "too". He also gave his handwriting to his mother, who read it carefully for three days. After reading it, she sighed: "My son wrote for two thousand days, and this is the only one like Xihe!" Look carefully, what a fool! It turns out that this point pointed by my mother was added by Wang Xizhi under the big characters! I am ashamed and feel that my writing skills are far from perfect, so I put myself into my study and study hard every day. I don't know how many days and nights have passed, and I wrote a whole 18 tank of water, and my calligraphy has made great progress. Later, he finally became a world-famous calligrapher, and like his father, he was called the "Two Kings".