2. Wang: Wang studies calligraphy hard. Wang Caisi is quick, but his calligraphy is not satisfactory. So, he made up his mind to practice calligraphy well. Finally, under the guidance of Uncle Yin Bao, he finally realized the true meaning of calligraphy and became a great calligrapher and writer.
3. Wang Xizhi: "Wang Xizhi eats ink." Wang Xizhi, who was called "the sage of books" by later generations, was a dull child when he was young, and walked around with his beloved goslings every day. Wang Xizhi practiced hard every day, but was called a dead word by his teacher, Mrs. Wei. Wang Xizhi is very upset. Inspired by the goose, Wang Xizhi wrote the golden word "zhi" in his study, but he ate the steamed bread with ink by mistake, leaving a story of Wang Xizhi eating ink.