Zhuge Qiao, Zhu Gejin's second son, is Zhong Shen. He and his brother Zhuge Ke are very famous in Wu. After arriving in Shu, he was appointed as a captain of Xu. Zhuge Liang regarded him as his own son, fearing that he would become a mediocre man, and his discipline was very strict. Zhuge Liang was stationed in Hanzhong during the Northern Expedition, and Zhuge Qiao was asked to do the hard work of supervising the army and transporting rations with the soldiers. He died in 228 at the age of 25.
Zhuge Zhan (July 227-June 263,165438+1October) was born in Langxie (now south of yinan county, Shandong). In the Three Kingdoms period, the prime minister Shu Han was the son of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu Han. When Wargo attacked Shu, he and his eldest sons Zhuge Shang, Shu Jiang, Li Qiu and others defended Mianzhu (now Deyang, Sichuan). Later, he didn't listen to Huang Chong's advice and went out of the city to fight Wargo. Killed in battle, Mianzhu lost.
Zhuge Huai, Zhuge Liang's youngest son. Wang Lan, a famous teacher in the Jin Dynasty, suggested that the court call the descendants of famous ministers in the Han Dynasty to work in Beijing, but Zhuge Huai didn't arrive. Upon investigation, I learned that I had planned to make Zhuge Huai knighted. He declined politely, saying that he could stand on his own feet, had no talent to make up for the country, and was willing to die at home. Emperor Jin agreed to his request. (cutie's "Zhuge Zhong's Collected Works of Wuhou, Story Volume 1, View of Truth").