If a ruler wants to rule the world peacefully and be famous, he must respect the virtuous and the inferior. Yi said: "From top to bottom, the way is bright." He also said: "If you use the noble and the lowly, you will win the people." King Fu Ming's kindness goes down, and he will cherish the distant and bring the near. There are no wise men in the husband's dynasty, just like a swan without wings. Even though it has a view of thousands of miles, it still cannot achieve what it wants. Therefore, those who travel across rivers and seas rely on boats, those who travel long distances rely on rides, and those who want to dominate the king rely on others. Xian; Yi Yin, Lu Shang, Guan Yiwu, and Baili Xi are the overlord's ships. It is not the right thing to neglect one's father, elder brother, and descendants; it is not the right way to let the cooks catch and kill people and to fight against the slaves and prisoners; it is not the right way to hold on to the country and establish one's merit and fame. The craftsmen of Judah build palaces by measuring the size and size to know the wood, and comparing the effects to know the number of people. Therefore, Lu Shangpin and the world knew that Shang was about to perish, and the king of Zhou was also in charge; Guan Yiwu, Baili Xi Ren, and the world knew that Qi and Qin would definitely dominate, so why not just ride on the boat! When a husband becomes a king and hegemony, there are inherent people, and when a country is destroyed and a family is destroyed, there are also inherent people; Jie is used for Xin, Zhou is used for Wei Lai, Song is used for Tang Yang, Qi is used for Su Qin, and Qin is used for Zhao Gao, and the world knows that it is destroyed; it is not his person who wants to If you have merit, it is like the day of the summer solstice and you want the night to be long, or you are shooting a fish and pointing to the sky and you want to shoot it. Although Shun and Yu were still sleepy, what's more, it's worse than a secular master!
During the Spring and Autumn Period, the emperor was weak, the princes were in power, but all rebelled against the government; the masses were violent and the few were violent, the strong robbed the weak, the Southern Yi and the Northern Di invaded, and China was like an endless line. Duke Huan then used Guan Zhong, Bao Shu, Xi Peng, Bin Xuwu, and Ning Qi to save the country, fight against the Rong and Di, and threaten Jingman, in order to respect the Zhou Dynasty and dominate the princes. Jin Wengong used Jiufeng, Xianzhen, and Yang Chufu to strengthen China, defeat and strengthen Chu, unite the princes, and court the emperor to show off the Zhou Dynasty. King Zhuang of Chu used Sun Shu'ao, Sima Zifan, and general Zizhong to conquer Chen Congzheng, defeated the powerful Jin, and became invincible in the world. Duke Mu of Qin used Bailizi, Uncle Jian, Prince Liao and Youyu to occupy Yongzhou and defeat Xirong. Wu Yong Yanzhou Lai Jizi, and Yizhou, showed his power to Jifu. Duke Xi of Zheng was rich in a country with thousands of chariots, and he was honored as a prince, but his righteousness was not in line with the people's hearts. He killed his ministers without first gaining the virtuous ones. In the end, Jian Gong used Zi Chan, Pi Chen, Shishu, and Xingren Ziyu to eliminate the traitors and move in the good ministers. He went to strengthen Chu and unified China. The country was peaceful and there was no danger of overpowering Chu for more than 20 years. Therefore, the wonders of Yu You's palace kept Duke Xian of Jin awake all night long; while Chu You had Ziyu as a minister, and Duke Wen sat on the side table for him, which was far beyond the disgust and difficulty of a wise man. Husband, Duke Xianggong of Song Dynasty humiliated Chu by his son Mu Yi's words. Cao Cao Bu Bu's advice by Xi Fuji was defeated and died in the army. Therefore, the key to the Five Beginnings is to judge oneself and appoint virtuous people. The country's appointment of virtuous people is auspicious, unworthy ones are misfortunes, and the affairs of the past are regarded as personal affairs. This is inevitable. If it is consistent, this is a ruler who cannot be careless. The country was in chaos but good ministers were seen. The state of Lu was in great chaos. Ji You saw the virtuous people. Duke Xi came to the throne and appointed Ji Zi. The state of Lu was peaceful, with no worries at home and abroad. It had been in administration for twenty-one years. After Ji Zi died, Zhu attacked the south and Qi attacked. In the north, Lu was unable to defeat its troubles, so it sought advice from Chu to obtain the whole ear (or body), so it was said that the trouble must have started from this point. The young master cannot use the garrison. The young master then disobeys the king's orders and takes advantage of the Jin Dynasty. He invades the subordinates internally and is trapped by military chaos externally. This is a danger to the weak. Duke Xi's character was not always virtuous in the first twenty-one years, but gradually turned into unworthy one. The son of this period benefited from his survival and suffered from his death. If a husband gains a good person and loses a good person, the profit and loss will be like this, and if the master fails to use it, he will be very sick and suffer. If the husband's wisdom is not enough to see the wise, there is nothing he can do. If the wisdom sees it, but the strong cannot make a decision, he hesitates, and the big one dies, and the small one falls in disorder, this is very sad and sad. Duke Shang of the Song Dynasty did not know how virtuous Confucius was. He knew that if Confucius died, he would die, so he rushed to save him. Those who rushed to save him knew that he was virtuous. For example, Duke Zhuang of Lu did not know how virtuous Ji Zi was. He knew that Ji Zi was about to die, so he summoned Ji Zi and taught him state affairs. Those who teach state affairs know how virtuous he is. These two monarchs knew that they could see the virtuous people but could not use them, so they killed Duke Shang of Song Dynasty, and Duke Zhuang of Lu made Duke Shang of Song Dynasty the heir of Confucius. !
Zou Zi said to the King of Liang: "Yi Yin is a concubine of the Xin family, and Tang is established as the three Dukes, and the world is in peace. Guan Zhong is a dog thief of Yin, and the world is mediocre. Qi Duke Huan took it and regarded him as his father. He was ridiculed on the road for a long time and sold the skins of five sheep. Duke Mu of Qin commissioned him to take charge of the government. Kuaizu was born in Song Dynasty, and he died in Zhongshan. When they are ten, they are surrounded by each other, and when they are ninety, they are all together. Therefore, the poem says: "The continuous kudzu grows in the wilderness. Good workmanship can get it, but it is regarded as a pile of grain. If good workmanship is not available, it will wither and die in the wild." , a few rows of beggars, withered and dead in the middle field, just like the continuous kudzu.
The signs of eyebrows and eyelashes are directly reflected in color; the wind of sound moves the heart. Ning Qi struck the horns of an ox and sang a song, Duke Huan heard it and lifted it up; Bao Long knelt on a stone and climbed the ridge, Confucius got off the carriage; Yao and Shun met each other without disobeying Sang Yin, and King Wen did not wait for a long time to promote the Grand Duke. Therefore, it does not take a long time for the sage to get married; the meeting of capable people can be known without waiting for a test. When you accept a scholar, you don't necessarily have to share wealth with him, but you know he is honest; you don't necessarily have to face difficulties and dangers with him, but you know his bravery when you make decisions; you know how brave you are when giving and giving. It's honest. So when you see a tiger's tail, you know it's bigger than a raccoon; when you see an elephant's tusks, you know it's bigger than an ox. From this, you can tell by what you see. , it is enough to know the general outline.
Yu was the king of Xia, and Jie was the king of Xia; Tang was the king of Yin, and Zhou was the king of Yin. In Yue, Duke Wen used the Jin Dynasty to dominate, and Duke Li killed him in the palace of Jiangli. King Wei made Qi stronger than the world, and King Min killed him in the temple beam. Duke Mu used Qin to show his name and title, and the second generation was robbed. Wang Yi, the kings are all the same, but their achievements are not equal, and their appointments are different! This is why King Wuling of Zhao died of starvation in the sand dunes in the fiftieth year of his life, and he served as king. Ye. When Duke Huan gained Guan Zhong, he united the nine feudal lords and unified the world. If he lost Guan Zhong, he would be appointed as a traitor to Yi Ya. He would not be buried for a long time, but he would make the world laugh. He would honor and disgrace his own body. Therefore, there is no restraint in the affairs of the Wei Dynasty. The land was recovered; Zhao appointed Lin Xiangru, and the Qin soldiers did not dare to leave Yanling; he appointed Tang Sui, and the country was uniquely established. There are few people who can establish a reputation through success and maintain a safe and stable life. The country does not want to be big, but to win the hearts of the people; it does not want to have many ministers, but to win the hearts of the people. People will go to those who have virtuous assistants. When the soldiers returned, King Wen asked to remove the punishment of cannons and burns, and the people of Yin obeyed; when Tang removed the three men who set up nets, the people of Xia obeyed; the King of Yue did not destroy the old tombs, but the people of Wu obeyed, because what he did was in line with the people's wishes. If they are in different places, they will be in harmony with each other, but if they are in harmony, they will be close to each other without seeing each other. If a wise person is established in this dynasty, the heroes of the world will follow each other and follow each other. How can you know this? Guan Zhong is the thief of Duke Huan, Uncle Bao? Guan Zhong was able to go north because of Uncle Bao's strength. Those who were worried about themselves echoed the sentiments of Uncle Bao. Zhou killed Prince Bigan, Jizi was sent to prison and pretended to be mad. Chen Linggong killed Xieye and Deng Yuan left Chen. From then on, Yin joined Zhou and Chen died in Chu. He killed Bigan and Xieye and lost Jizi and Deng Yuan. King Yanzhao captured Guo Wei, and Zou Yan and Leyi came from Qi and Zhao, and Su Zi and Qu Jing came from Zhou and Chu, so they raised their troops to attack Qi. The King of Qi Min is in Ju, and the people in the Yan school are not equal to Qi. However, those who can be confident in this are because of gaining scholars. Therefore, there is no country with permanent peace and stable people. If you gain the wise, you will be safe and prosperous. Those who do are in danger and perish. From ancient times to the present, there has never been anything else like this. But he left in order to catch his predecessors. Taigong knew this, so he sealed Bigan's tomb after raising the disciples. The saints are so kind to death, how much more so for those who are alive in this world! Then it cannot be recognized.
Duke Jinggong of Qi asked Confucius: "Why is Duke Mugong of Qin's country so small and remote that he dominates?" He replied: "His country is small but his ambitions are great. Although his country is remote, his actions are outstanding. As a result, if he plans for peace, his orders will not be stolen; if he personally puts the five officials in the prison, talks to them for three days, and then teaches him the government, then he can take it. Although the king can do it, hegemony is small." >
Or: "Will you say that Duke Huan is benevolent and righteous? Killing his brother to stand up is not benevolent and righteous; will you call Duke Huan respectful and thrifty? Will you say that Duke Huan is respectful and thrifty? Will you say that Duke Huan is courteous and thrifty? Will you say that Duke Huan is courteous and thrifty? Will you call Duke Huan clean? ? Those who have no one to marry in the boudoir are not clean. These three are the actions of ruining the country and losing the king. However, Duke Huan took advantage of Guan Zhong and Xi Peng, united the nine princes, brought peace to the world, and became the leader of the five tyrants in the Zhou Dynasty. If you neglect Zhong Xi and Peng, you will not be buried, and the insects will flow out of the house. How can you be different from others?" Ren Zuo is in a hurry. On the first day of Zhou Gongdan, the scholars in the white house came with seventy people, and all the scholars from the world came; Yanzi took a hundred people with the same food and clothing, and the scholars from the world also came; Zhongni practiced Taoism and wrote articles, and the scholars from the world also came. That’s it. Boyazi was playing the harp, and Zhong Ziqi listened to it. He played the drum squarely and aimed at Mount Tai. Zhong Ziqi said, "It's so good to play the harp! It's as towering as Mount Tai." Between the few choices, Zhong Ziqi set his sights on flowing water. Qi Fu said: "It's so good to play the harp! The soup is like running water." When Zhong Ziqi died, Boya broke the qin and lost all its strings.
This is not the case with the drum and harp alone, but the same is true with the sage. Although there are sages, there is no way to pick them up, but the sages are so loyal to you! If you don't reach a thousand miles by yourself, you will arrive after Bole.
Duke Wei of Zhou asked Yu Ningzi: "Is there a way to recruit scholars?" He replied: "Yes, the poor will be promoted, the dead will be saved, and the useless will be raised; scholars from all directions will come from all directions. That's it. The poor will not be able to reach it, the dead will not survive, and the useless will not be able to rise. The soldiers from all directions will be surrounded by the enemy. The king will be respected if the scholar is alive, and the king will be humbled if the scholar is dead." Duke Wu of Zhou asked, "Is this the case for a scholar?" He said to him, "I don't know that my husband, King Ping of Chu, has a scholar, saying that he is a guest in Xu Qiu of Chu, and the king will kill him. The people of Jin fled to Jin, and the people of Jin used it for the battle of Chengpu. Another scholar said that Emperor Miao Ben was killed and fled to Jin. The people of Jin used it for the battle of Yanling. Jieyu, the king killed him and fled to Jin; the Jin people used it for the battle between the two halls. Another scholar said that Wu Zixu, the king killed his father and brother, fled to Wu; Helu used it, so he raised an army and attacked Ying. , so the Chu State offended the kings of Liang, Zheng, and Song Dynasty, but it did not happen this quickly. The three offenses against its soldiers were the third to destroy the bones of the people, and the first to destroy the country. From this point of view, if the soldiers survive, the country will survive, and the soldiers will perish. Then the country will perish; Zixu will be angry and die, and Shen Baoxu will be angry and survive; how can Shi Hu be so noble?" Duke Ai asked Confucius: "How can a person be chosen?" Confucius replied. : "Don't take pliers, don't take those who are healthy, don't take those who have sharp mouths." Ai Gong said: "What is it?" Confucius said: "Pliers can bring great benefits and cannot be used to their full potential; those who are strong must want to recruit others, and cannot do the law. Also, those who are sharp-tongued are often mischievous and untrustworthy, and they may not be able to prove it in the future. If the husband's bow and arrow are harmonious, then look for him. Those who are not loyal, trustworthy, and wise are like wolves and cannot be approached. Therefore, first be close to those who are benevolent and sincere, and then be close to them. Then, if there are those who are knowledgeable and capable, then let them go. Therefore, it is said: be close to benevolent and make them. Ability. The art of learning from others is to observe their words and then observe their actions. Those who speak express their feelings and express their feelings. Those who can act must be able to speak, so first observe their words and then observe their actions. , the husband used words to punish his behavior, even if there is a traitor, there is no way to escape his love. "Ai Gong said: "Good." The teacher saw twelve people, the white house in the back street saw forty-nine people, the good people were a hundred, the priests were a thousand, and the officials were ten thousand. At this time, if you sincerely make Duke Zhou arrogant and stingy, there will be few wise men in the world. Those who are stubborn will be greedy and lose their wealth. Ministers who have lost their wealth will not be able to survive as kings.
Duke Huan of Qi set up a court for the scholars who wanted to see, but the scholars never came every year. So I, in Dongye, there was someone who used the art of ninety-nine to see. Duke Huan said: "How can ninety-nine be enough to see?" ?" I said to you, "I don't think that ninety-nine is enough. I heard that the Lord set up a court to wait for the scholars, but the scholars did not come every year. The reason why the scholars did not come is because you are the wise king in the world; The scholars all think that they are not as good as the king, so they can't do it. My husband is very weak, but the king is still polite. How can he be more virtuous than Jiujiu? The mountains of Taishan do not ignore the soil and rocks, and the rivers and seas do not go against the stream. So Cheng Daye, the poem goes: "The ancestors had something to say, and they asked Chu Cun for advice." Duke Huan said that it was good because of etiquette. Scholars from all over the world came together, and the poem said: "From the hall to the base, from the sheep to the oxen." The words are from the inside to the outside, from the small to the big.
When Duke Jinggong of Qi attacked the Song Dynasty, he climbed to the top of Qidi to look over. He sighed and said: "In the past, my ancestor Huan Gong had a hub of eight hundred chariots to dominate the princes. Now I have a hub of three thousand chariots. And those who dare not stay here for a long time, how can they be without Guan Zhong?" Xian Zhang replied: "I heard that if the water is wide, the fish will be big, and if the ruler is wise, the ministers will be loyal. In the past, there was Duke Huan, so there is Guan Zhong; now Duke Huan is here. Then the ministers under the carriage are still loyal."
Zhao Jianzi was swimming in the river and sighed, "How can I find a wise man?" If you have no feet, you can come here after traveling thousands of miles. This is a good thing for you. If you have enough feet today and can't come, this is my fault." Zhao Jianzi said: "There are thousands of people coming to my house for dinner. If there is not enough food in the evening and the market is closed in the morning, can I be said to be a bad scholar? "The ancient boatman said to him: "The swan flies high and far away, and what it relies on is the six feathers on its back and the hair on its belly. The 篳 has no size, and if it is full, it cannot fly to benefit it. If it is full, it cannot fly to benefit it. I don’t know if there are thousands of people in the door, will the six feathers be used? Chun Ye."
King Xuan of Qi sat down with Chun Yu Kun as his attendant. King Xuan said, "Sir, what do you think of me?" Chunyu Kun said, "The ancients liked four things, but the king liked three things."
King Xuan said: "What is good for the ancients, how can it be good for others?" "Chun Yu Kun said: "In ancient times, the king was fond of horses, and the king was fond of horses; in ancient times, he was fond of taste, and the king was fond of taste; in ancient times, he was fond of sex, and the king was also fond of sex; in ancient times, the king was fond of scholars, but the king was not fond of scholars. King Xuan said: "There are no scholars in the country, but if there are, few people will talk about it." "Chun Yu Kun said: "In ancient times, there were Hualiu and Qiji, but they don't exist today. The king chose them from the crowd, and the king liked horses; in ancient times, there were leopards and elephants, but they don't exist today. The king chose them from the crowd, and the king liked the taste; in ancient times, there were There is no such thing as Mao Yuan Xi Shi today. The king chose him among the people because he was lustful. The king will treat the people of Yao, Shun and Yu and Tang well and treat them well. Then the people of Yu and Tang will not be good to the king. King Xuan was stunned and had no response.
Wei Jun asked Yu Tianrang: "I have been granted the title of marquis for thousands of miles, and the rewards are all the royal palace and silk, but the scholars are not coming. Why?" Tian Rang said to him: "The rewards given by the king cannot be accomplished; the punishments given by the king cannot be ignored. It is like raising a stick to call a dog, or stretching a bow to greet a chicken. Even if there is fragrant bait, it cannot be punished." It is bound to cause harm. "
When the Zongwei gathered together, they were expelled and returned to their homes. They summoned Tian Rao and other twenty-seven people to ask, "Who among the scholar-bureaucrats can go with me to the princes?" "Tian Rao and others were all wrong. Zongwei said: "How can a scholar-official be so easy to obtain but so difficult to use! Rao said to him, "It is difficult for non-scholar officials to use it, but it is difficult for you to use it." Zongwei said: "What if we can't use scholar-bureaucrats?" "Tian Rao said to him, "If there is smelly meat in the kitchen, then there will be no dead men in the sect. Now my husband's three liters of grain is not enough for his men, but your geese and ducks have more than enough grain. The gorgeous embroidery is gorgeous. The hall has suffered from wind and rain, but the scholars were not allowed to wear clothes; the pears and millets in the orchard were picked up by the women in the harem, but the scholars were not able to taste them; and the husband's wealth was despised by the king; the deceased was valued by the scholar. , Isn't it difficult for you to use your wealth that you don't care about, and to make your soldiers die that you care about? Then Zong Wei looked ashamed, walked around the table and thanked him, saying, "This is the fault of the guard." "
Duke Ai of Lu asked Confucius: "In today's time, who is the virtuous gentleman? He said to him: "Duke Ling of Wei." The duke said, "I heard that within the confines of his boudoir, there is no difference between his aunt and his sister." He said to him: "I am observing the imperial court, but not between the emperor and the emperor." Duke Ling’s younger brother is called Prince Qu Mou. His knowledge is enough to rule a country of thousands of chariots, his trust is enough to protect it, and Duke Ling loves it. Another scholar said: "Wang Cai, if there are wise men in the country, they must go forward and serve them, and they will all be successful. If they cannot be reached, they will retreat and share their salary, and Ling Gong will respect them." Another scholar said, "Qing Zu, if there is a major issue in the country, then go ahead and deal with it, it will not help," and Duke Ling said it. When Shi ■ went to guard, Duke Linggong stayed in his residence for three months. He did not play the harp and harp. He waited for Shi ■ to come in and then came in. This is how I know he is a virtuous person. "
When Jiezi was fifteen years old, he came to meet him. When Zhongni heard about it, he made people look at him and said: "There are twenty-five handsome men in the corridor and twenty-five old people in the hall. Zhongni said: "With the wisdom of twenty-five people, they are wiser than Tang Wu; and with the strength of twenty-five people, they are as powerful as Pengzu." If you use it to rule the world, it will definitely be avoided! "
Confucius was living idle, sighing and saying: "The Tongtan Bohua is not dead, and the world is settled." Zilu said, "I would like to hear what he is like as a human being." Confucius said: "When he is young, he is sensitive and eager to learn; when he is strong, he is brave and unyielding; when he is old, he is wise and able to follow others." Zilu said: "If he is young, he is sensitive and eager to learn, so it is good. If he is strong, he is brave and unyielding, so who can be inferior?" Confucius said: "Because I don't know." I have heard that if you use the masses to attack the few, you will always be defeated; if you use the noble to defeat the humble, there will be no failure. In the past, when Zhou Gongdan controlled the government of the world, he had seventy subordinates. Isn't it unethical? Just because you want to win scholars, if you have the right knowledge and are able to succeed in the world, you are considered a gentleman! "
Marquis Wen of Wei ran from Zhongshan to Anyi. Tian Zifang followed, and the master passed by him. He got off the car and came towards him. Zifang was riding as before, and told the prince: "Please ask the prince for me, and wait for me to sing." The prince didn't say anything, because Zifang said: "Don't you realize that poor people are proud of others, and rich people are proud of others?" "Zifang said: "The poor are arrogant, but the rich dare to be arrogant. The master of the people is arrogant and his country is destroyed. I have not seen anyone who treats his country like a country. The dead also. If a poor person is dissatisfied and walks away, will he never be poor again? The poor are arrogant, while the rich are proud of themselves. "The prince and Marquis Wen talked about Tian Zifang's words. Marquis Wen sighed and said: "Because of my little son, I can only hear the words of wise people, and I can only act with my son and gain friends. Since I am a friend and son, the king and his ministers will become closer to each other, and the people will become more attached to me. This is how I gain the merits of my friends. I want to attack Zhongshan, so I use military force to subordinate Leyang. After three years, Zhongshan is dedicated to me. This is how I gain the ability to have military skills. achievement. The reason why I have not made much progress in this is that I have never seen anyone who is proud of me with his wisdom. If someone could be proud of me with his wisdom, wouldn't he be inferior to the people of ancient times? ”
When Marquis Wen of Jin was walking to the tunnel, the officials all helped him, but he didn’t help him. Marquis Wen said: “Yes!” If a husband is a subject and tolerates his ruler, what is his crime? He said to him, "The crime is serious and he will die." Marquis Wen said: "What does it mean to die again?" He said to him: "If the body dies, the wife will be killed."
"The meeting said: "Is it true that Jun Xi only asks about those who serve as ministers and tolerate their own ministers, but not about those who serve as ministers and tolerate their ministers? Marquis Wen said: "What is the crime of being a ruler and tolerating his subjects?" "The meeting later said: "He who is a ruler and endures his ministers, a wise man does not plan, a wise man does not speak, a benevolent man does not act, a warrior does not die. Marquis Wen helped Sui get out of the car and said to the officials: "I have a disease in my waist and thighs. I hope all the officials will not offend me." "
General Qi Tian Huan came out, Zhang Shengjiao sent him a message: "In the past, Yao asked Xu You to rule the world, but he ignored it and ignored it. Does the general know this? Said: "Wei Ran, know it." "Bo Yishu Qi resigned from the position of princes without doing anything. Does the general know this?" Said: "Wei Ran, know it." ""Zhongzi Yuling resigned from the position of Three Dukes and became a servant to irrigate the garden. Does the general know about it? Said: "Wei Ran, know it." "Wisely passed the throne and changed the name so as not to become a commoner. Does the general know this?" Said: "Wei Ran, know it." "Sun Shu'ao went away three times without regrets. Does the general know this?" Said: "Wei Ran, know it." "These five great men are called shameless in name only." Now the military has taken over the power of a country, raised the drums and supported the flag, was strong and sharp, turned back a hundred thousand troops, was good at killing with axes and axes, and was careful not to be arrogant by those who were ashamed of the soldiers. Tian Huan said: "Today, all the gentlemen are preparing wine-dried wine for ancestor Huan, but Mr. Xiang only taught them the way of the saints. Please listen to your orders." "
When Marquis Wen of Wei saw Duan Qianmu, he was tired and did not dare to rest. When he saw Zhai Huang, he sat in the hall and spoke to him, but Zhai Huang did not say anything. Marquis Wen said: "Duan Qianmu is the rule of officials. If you don't want to, you won't receive the salary. Now if you want to be an official, then come to me, and if you want a salary, then go to the ministers. Isn't it difficult to accept my reward and also be responsible for my courtesy? "
Confucius' Tan was covered by Cheng Zi, and he poured it over his head and talked all day long. One day, Gu Zilu said: "Take a bundle of silk to give to Mr. "Zi Lu is not right. There is a moment, and Gu Gu said: "Take a bundle of silk to give to Mr. Zi Lu said to him, "From what I have heard, it is not possible for a gentleman to marry a man without a matchmaker, and for a woman to marry without a matchmaker." Confucius said: "Therefore, the poem goes like this: 'There are creeping grasses in the wild, and there is no dew. There is a beautiful person, clear and graceful. We meet by chance, and it suits my wish." ’ Now Cheng Zi is one of the wise men in the world, so he will not give it to you and will never be seen again for the rest of his life. A great virtue should not be too idle, but a small virtue can go in and out. "
Duke Huan of Qi entrusted Guan Zhong to govern the country. Guan Zhong said to him: "The humble cannot be compared to the noble. Duke Huan thought that he was a minister but the country was not in good governance. Why did Duke Huan ask? Guan Zhong said to him, "Poverty cannot make you rich." "Gong Huan gave Qi a city rent for one year but the country was not governed. Why did Duke Huan ask? He replied: "Sparseness cannot control marriage. "Gong Huan regarded him as his father. The state of Qi was in great peace, and he then dominated the world. Confucius said: "Guan Zhong is a wise man, but if he does not have these three powers, he will not be able to dominate the south.
Duke Huan asked Guan Zhong: "I want to make the nobles rot in wine and the meat in the meat. Is it harmless to the overlord?" Guan Zhong said to him: "This is not the case for nobles, but it is not harmful to hegemony." Duke Huan said, "How can we harm the hegemon?" Guan Zhong said to him: "Not knowing the virtuous will harm the hegemony; knowing but not using it will harm the hegemony; using it without trusting it will harm the hegemony; letting it go without trusting it will harm the hegemony; trusting it and then using it again will harm the hegemony." Duke Huan said: "Good." "
When the Lu people attacked Zhao, Zengzi said goodbye to the Lord of Zhao: "Please come out. The enemy will come back after they have finished. Please don't let dogs or pigs into my house." Jun Jun said: "Everyone knows what I mean to you. Now that the Lu people are attacking me and you are leaving me, how can I guard your house?" "The people of Lu committed ten crimes for attacking Zhao, but Zeng Zi fought for nine. After the Lu army, Lord Zhao restored Zeng Zi's house and then welcomed him.
Wei Ye, the rare noble son of Sicheng in the Song Dynasty, When he went in, he ate with his wife, and when he came out, he wore the same clothes. The son of Sicheng died, and his son Wei refused to follow him. When he came, he called him back and honored him. Your Majesty, are you worthy of being a loyal minister? Zihan said: "I could not use Ziwei, so he perished. Now that I have recovered him, it is still the remaining virtues and teachings of Ziwei, so I value him." Moreover, when I die, my ministers who cut traces and uproot trees to follow me will make fun of me and benefit my death? "
Yang Yin met Lord Zhao Jian and said, "I have been living in the countryside for three years, and I have been serving you for five years. I heard that you are a good scholar, so I came to see you. When the master heard this, he went on hunger strike and sighed. He walked on the ground and went to the left and right to admonish: "If you stay in the country for three times, you will not tolerate others; if you leave for the king for five times, you will not be loyal to your superiors." Now you have a scholar who has seen someone. Master Jian said, "I don't know." A beautiful husband is the enemy of an ugly woman; a man of great virtue is alienated by troubled times; an upright person is hated by evil people. "Then he came out to see him, and because he was appointed as the prime minister, the country was in great rule. From this observation, people near and far cannot ignore it.
Yinghou sat with Jia Wuzi and heard his playing the drum and harp. Ying Hou said: "Today's Qin, how sad is it?" Jia Wuzi said: "I am anxious to adjust my tone, so it makes people sad." Those who are anxious are good talents; those who are transferred down are those with low official status.
If you take your husband's good talents and humble him as an official, how can you have no regrets? Ying Hou said: "How good!" "
In the thirteenth year, the princes raised their troops to attack Qi. When the king of Qi heard about it, he was wary and frightened. He summoned his ministers and officials and said: "If you have wisdom, you can use it for the few." "So Dr. Chunyu Kun looked up to the sky and laughed but didn't respond. Wang asked him again, he laughed again but didn't respond. Wang Kunran made a look of displeasure and said, "Sir, are you taking the words of a stranger as a joke? He replied: "I don't dare to use the king's words as a joke. I laugh at my neighbor's ancestral field. I give him a dowry meal, a pot of wine, and three squid, and I wish him: "The crabs are good for the crops, and the evil spirits are eliminated. Hundreds of cars will be passed down to future generations, and there will be more than enough. ’ I laughed at him for giving the ghosts so little but asking for so much. "So the king appointed Chunyu Kun as his minister, gave him a thousand pieces of gold, and hundreds of leather chariots, and made peace with the princes. When the princes heard this, they immediately dismissed their troops and laid off their soldiers, so they did not dare to attack Qi. This was not Chunyu Kun's power. ?
When Tian Ji went to Qi to rush to Chu, the king of Chu greeted him in the suburbs and asked: "Chu is a country of ten thousand chariots, and Qi is also a country of ten thousand chariots. They often want to be with each other. What can they do?" He said: "Yi Zhi'er, Qi sent General Shen Ru, and Chu sent 50,000 people, and sent the superior general to take them. When they reached the head of General Qin, he turned back." Qi sent General Tian Ju to send Chu to send two hundred thousand men, and sent the general to capture them and separate them. Qi envoys general Xiaozi, and within the four feudal states of Chu, the king will not follow him as a general. "So Qi sent General Shen Ru, and Chu sent 50,000 men, and sent the general to come and capture the general's head. The king of Qi was angry, so he sent General Xuanzi to Chu. Within four seals, the king sent out his own general, and Tian Ji followed. At that time, the general of the state of Xiang was the commander of the left and right, and King Yi's chariot was of nine vehicles, which could only be spared. At Zhishe, the king was leading Qi Qu from the north, and asked, "Sir, how did you know this so early?" "Tian Ji said: "Shenru is a human being, he insults the virtuous and despises the dishonest, and the virtuous and dishonest are not used, so he will perish; Tian Ju is a human, he respects the virtuous and despises the dishonest, the virtuous take responsibility, and the dishonest retreat. This is the way to separate and separate each other; the way a prince behaves is to respect the virtuous and love the dishonest, and take responsibility for both the virtuous and the dishonest, so the king can only keep his ears. ”
Wei Wenhou was drinking wine in Quyang, where he was drinking heavily. Marquis Wen sighed and said, “I have no hesitation in accepting him as a minister.” Jian Zhong raised his wine and said, "I invite Mr. Fu." Marquis Wen said, "Why?" He replied: "I have heard that parents who have a destiny do not know how to be a filial son; a ruler who has a way does not know how to be a loyal minister." What's the matter with the king of Yurang? Marquis Wen said: "Good!" "He drank it after receiving it, chewed it but did not give in. He said: "Irrespective of Guan Zhong, Uncle Bao regards him as a minister, so he has the merit of giving in." Zhao Jianzi said: "I want to get a good minister from Fan Zhongxing." Shi Xiao said: "How can I use it?" Jianzi said: "A good minister is what people want, so why ask?" Said: "You think Wu is a good minister." A husband serves the king by admonishing the good and recommending it, by declaring the good and substituting the bad, by showing the ability and promoting the virtuous; by reciting the good deeds day and night, and accepting the failures, by listening he advances, otherwise by retreating. Today, the good ministers of the Xing family in Fanzhong are unable to help their king, which makes it difficult; they come from outside and cannot enter. If you abandon it when it is dead, what good thing can you do? If you don’t abandon it, you will be able to live in peace with it. A good general will support his king, restore him to his throne, and then stop after death. How can he say that he has not been able to do so since then? It is not good. Jianzi said: "Good." "
Zilu asked Confucius: "How is it like to govern a country? Confucius said: "It's about respecting the virtuous and being humble." Zilu said: "The Xing family in Fan Zhong respected the virtuous but despised the virtuous. Why did they die?" " Said: "Fan Zhongxing's family respects the virtuous but cannot use them, and the humble and unworthy people cannot leave them. The wise people know that they are not useful to themselves and resent them, and the unworthy people know that they are despised and despise themselves. The virtuous ones resent them, and the dishonest ones denounce them. When the grievances come together, even though the Zhongxing family wants to avoid death, what will they achieve? ”
Jin and Jing fought in Bi, and the Jin army was defeated. With a worried look, he said that the jade is still there, and the worry has not stopped; the trapped beasts are still fighting, how about the state of the country? When Jing killed Ziyu, he said happily: "Don't poison me." Today may be the police of Jin. Lin's father is serving the king. He will be loyal when he goes forward and make amends for his mistakes when he retreats. He is the guard of Sheji. Killing him now is the victory of heavy thorns. Duke Zhao said: "Good!" "That's why he returned to the general.