Bibliography of the history of political philosophy

Introduction /00 1

Thucydides/David Bao Luoting 00 1

A quiet political educator /002

The Causes of the Peloponnesian War /004

Arguments of Athenian imperialism /007

Judicial inefficiency /009

Athenian nobility /0 13

The ugliness of Athenians /0 17

Defects of Athenian imperialism /020

Plato/Leo Strauss 026

Republic /027

Politician /059

Law /068

Xenophon/Christopher Brewer 079

Education in Ju Lushi /08 1

Memoirs /093


Aristotle/Kearns Lauder 107

Theory and practice/108

Happiness, virtue and gentlemanly character/1 1 1

Justice and friendship/1 15

Cleverness, statesmanship and politics/1 19

Man and polis/122

Citizens and political power/126

Government type/13 1

The best regime/134

Education, self-cultivation and the best way of life/137

Cicero, Malcus Tullius/James holden 142

Philosophy and politics/143

Best lifestyle/145

The best political system/148

The essence of justice/155

Saint Augustine/Ernst Yanfu 162

The essence of civil society: the opposition between Christian morality and secular morality/166

Monotheism and folk religion/177

Two polis and separation of church and state/180

Christianity and patriotism/184

Rabbi Alpha/Marbersenmadi 19 1

Theology and political science/192

Moral system/194

Philosopher, King and Prophet Legislator/197

Buddhism and wisdom of life /20 1

The boundary between war and law /204

Democracy and Morality /209

Moses Maimonide/Ralph Lerner 2 12

Man, Society and Law /2 14

The Prophet and His Role /2 18

The King's Talent and the Age of the Savior /223

Questions about natural law /227

Thomas Aquinas/Ernst fortin 232

Christianity and politics: the essence of political system /237

Moral Virtue and Natural Law /243

Faith and philosophy of the Bible /252

Marsilius/Leo Strauss in Padua 257

Deviate from Aristotle /258

On People's Sovereignty /263

Aristocratic politics /268

On the Unity of Belief /274

Denying natural law /277

Nicolo Machiavelli/Leo Strauss 28 1

Founder of modern political philosophy /28 1

Prince /286

On Li Wei /289

Evaluation /303

Martin Luther John Calvin/Duncan B Forest 305

The basis of political theology /307

Dual country /3 12

What is a person /322

Authority and its limits /325

Law /337

Politics is a bounden duty /343

Richard Hook/Duncan B. forest 349

Debate with Puritans /349

Metaphysics /352

The necessity of government /355

The relationship between church and state /357

Francis Bacon/Howard White

Novel materialism /36 1

Technological progress and the salvation of mankind /364

Imperialist tendencies /369

New Daxi Island /372

The relationship between natural philosophy and political philosophy /380

Hugo grotius/Richard Cox 384

Humanity and human rights /385

Methods and their types /386

Supreme government /388

War justice /39 1

Thomas Hobbes/Lawrence Burns 393

State of Nature and Natural Law /394

Social contract and state /40 1

Theology /4 12

Rene descartes/Richard Kennington 4 17

Political Philosophy in Method /4 18

Political Philosophy in Meditation /427

Conclusion 436

John milton/Walter Burns 438

Against the monarchy /440

Aristocratic politics /443

Remedies of aristocratic politics /445

About the Reformation /448

On Freedom /450

Benedict Spinoza/Stanley Rosen 455

Metaphysics /455

Political theory /462

Freedom of philosophy /468

John Locke/Robert godwin 477

Natural state /478

Natural Law /483

About real estate /487

The formation of political society /496

The establishment of the government /500

People have the right to resist tyranny /504

Save the individual and save the whole /506

Freedom is the theme /508

Montesquieu/David Lowental 5 1 1

Introduction /5 1 1

The form of government /5 15

Political freedom /52 1

Nature /524

Business /527

Religion /53 1

Conclusion no 532

David hume M/Robert Hill 534

Idealism /534

The basis of reasoning is habit /537

The difference between good and evil does not stem from reason /540

The basis of morality is emotion /543

Pain and happiness are the standards of good and evil /545

Moral judgment can never go wrong.

The difference between normative judgment and factual judgment /548

The origin of the principle of justice /549

Maintaining justice is the responsibility of the government /55 1

Resisting oppression is not a crime /552

The purpose of free government is to benefit the public.

Innovation and Conservatism /555

Jean-Jean-jean-jacques rousseau/Alan Bloom 559

Criticize the injustice of modern society /559

Human nature /562

The emergence of private property and the emergence of civil society /565

Social contract /568

Sovereignty lies with the people /570

The necessity of legislation /572

Government is necessary evil /575

Alternative solutions /578

Emmanuel Kant/Pierre hasner 58 1

Philosophy and Politics /58 1

Human rights /585

Philosophy of history /595

A country ruled by law /602

Permanent peace /605

From history to morality /6 13

William blake Si Tong/Hobert Stalin

British Law Review /6 19

The foundation of society /622

The supremacy of law /625

A cautious reformer /628

Adam Smith/Joseph Cropsey 632

The Natural Foundation of Morality /633

The difference between social animals and political animals /638

Self-protection is more important than morality and reason /642

Democratization of moral standards /645

Natural harmony between self-interest and public welfare /648

Believe in the wisdom of nature /65 1

Summary /654

Federalist/Martin Diamond 657

The purpose of federalists /659

* * * and strategy /663

Principle of separation of powers /668

The necessity of a great democratic republic /672

Disadvantages of better motivation /676

Thomas Paine/Francis canavan 678

Establishing a government on the right basis /679

Human rights /680

Form of government /682

Edmund burke/Little Harvey Mansfield 685

The Characteristics and Historical Position of Burke's Political Philosophy /686

The relationship between political theory and political practice /689

About "Intelligence" /692

On "British Government" /694

On "Political Inheritance" /70 1

On "timeliness" /703

On the Principles of Natural Law /706

Like a gentleman /708

James Mill Jeremy Bentham/Timothy Fowler 7 12

Bentham: the founder of utilitarianism /7 12

Mill's Development of Bentham's Thought /729

George William Friedrich Hegel/Pierre hasner 735

Two kinds of mistakes in criticizing the country /736

Countries originating from conflicts /738

Unity of subjective freedom and objective freedom /740

The purpose of history is a free country /743

The family, civil society and the State /746

The necessity of war and the final conclusion of history /756

Jarek Sid Tocqueville/Marvin Tebaum 764

Characteristics of democracy /767

The question of democracy

Solution of the problem /775

Defending democracy /782

John stuart Mill/Henry Kevin MacDonald 785

The method of political philosophy /785

Philosophy of history /787

Moral thinking /790

National purpose /79 1

Defending representative government /793

Analysis of Representative Government /794

On Freedom /797

Karl Marx/Joseph Cropsey 802

Historical materialism /803

Labor theory of value and its criticism on capitalist society /B 12

Some comments /8 19

Friedrich nietzsche/Werner Ding Danhaus 826

Critical historicism /827

Historical Interpretation and Crisis of the Times /832

The Death of God and Its Significance /836

Theory of Will to Right /840

Superman theory /844

John dewey/Robert Horvitz 848

Philosophy must care about contemporary social problems /849

Scientific methods to solve social problems /85 1

Man's "development" is the ultimate goal and value criterion /854

Governance theory of restrictive pluralism /856

"Indirect result" test method /86 1

Edmund husserl/Richard Wilclay 866

Phenomenology and Western Crisis /867

Criticism of Psychologism /87 1

Historical criticism /874

Life world and history /877

Martin heidegger/Michel gillespie 884

Nihilism and its roots /885

Existence and Time /887

The general alienation of modern people /893

The Origin and End of Western Civilization /896

The dawn of new revelation of existence /898

Postscript: leo strauss and the History of Political Philosophy/Nathan Takov and Thomas L. Gao Pan 903

Turn to the history of political philosophy /903

Research methods of the history of political philosophy /909

Modern political philosophy /9 14

Ancient and medieval political philosophy /9 18

Strauss's Political Theory /927