What is the format of writing letters in French?

Format of the letter:

At the beginning:

① The information of the sender and the sender (der Absender) should be written in the upper left corner, including the contents: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and recipient (der Empf? Nger) information

Note: If the recipient is a company, the company name should be written after the recipient information.

Next, write down the place and date of writing in the correct position.

(3) Next, write clearly the reasons for writing letters on the left, such as looking for a job.

Body parts:

1) address

Note: put a comma after the salutation.

(2) Then start the body part of the letter on a new line (this part is divided into sentences, followed by address forms, so the first letter does not need to be capitalized, except for the words at the beginning of capitalized words)


(1) greetings (details are as follows)

② Signature