Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty was a seven-year-old scholar. In the twelfth year, I saw the last generation of Bi Shuo under my father's pillow and secretly looked at it. Father said, "Why did you steal my secret?" Xihe just laughed. Mother said, "Do you think we should use brushwork?" Seeing that he is young, his father is afraid that he can't keep a secret. He said, "I'll teach you when you are an adult." Xihe invited him to say, "If you use it today, you will be able to cure adults, and you will be afraid of covering up children's orders." Father was very happy, so he followed. If the month is not profitable, the book will make great progress.
When Mrs Wei saw this, she kept talking. Wang Ce said, "This son must know how to use a pen. When he sees his book, he will become smart. " Snoring like thunder, he said, "This child is going to stamp my name! '
When the Jin Emperor was in the Jin Dynasty, he offered sacrifices to the northern suburbs, and even wished the edition, and the work was cut into the wood.
Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty, the son of Wang Kuang, was good at calligraphy at the age of seven. When he was twelve years old, he saw a book about calligraphy under his father's pillow and secretly read it. His father said, "Why did you peek at my secret book?" Wang Xizhi smiled and didn't answer. Mom said, "You are looking at the way to raise a pen." My dad took a test. He was young, and I'm afraid he wouldn't understand the mystery. He said to Wang Xizhi, "I'll give it to you when you grow up." Wang Xizhi bowed down and asked, "Now give me the book. If I wait until I am an adult to study, it will delay my child's good talent as a child. " Father was very happy and gave him the book at once. In less than a month, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy has made great progress.
When Mrs Wei knew this, she said to Wang Ce, the official, "This child must be watching the tricks of using a pen. I saw his calligraphy recently and became an old man. " Wang Ce said with tears: "This child will definitely cover up my reputation in the future."
During the Jin Dynasty, the imperial court held a sacrificial ceremony in the northern suburbs. When replacing the bamboo board, the worker cut off his words and infiltrated the board for three points.
2. Wang Xizhi translated the original text in classical Chinese. 2. Wang Jin learned Chinese characters, and the number of words was small. It was also a good book at the age of seven.
In the twelfth year, I saw the last generation of Bi Shuo under my father's pillow and secretly looked at it. Father said, "Why did you steal my secret?" Xihe just laughed.
Mother said, "Do you think we should use brushwork?" Seeing that he is young, his father is afraid that he can't keep a secret. He said, "I'll teach you when you are an adult." Xihe invited him to say, "If you use it today, you will be able to cure adults, and you will be afraid of covering up children's orders."
Father was very happy, so he followed. If the month is not profitable, the book will make great progress.
When Mrs Wei saw this, she kept talking. Wang Ce said, "This son must know how to use a pen. When he sees his book, he will become smart. " Snoring like thunder, he said, "This child is going to stamp my name! Jin emperor, a northern suburb, is willing to make a version, cutting it by work, and being astute.
Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty, the son of Wang Kuang, was good at calligraphy at the age of seven. When he was twelve years old, he saw a book about calligraphy under his father's pillow and secretly read it. His father said, "Why did you peek at my secret book?" Wang Xizhi smiled and didn't answer.
Mom said, "You are looking at the way to raise a pen." My dad took a test. He was young, and I'm afraid he wouldn't understand the mystery. He said to Wang Xizhi, "I'll give it to you when you grow up."
Wang Xizhi bowed down and asked, "Now give me the book. If I wait until I am an adult to study, it will delay my child's good talent as a child. " Father was very happy and gave him the book at once.
In less than a month, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy has made great progress. When Mrs Wei knew this, she said to Wang Ce, the official, "This child must be watching the tricks of using a pen. I saw his calligraphy recently and became an old man. "
Wang Ce said with tears: "This child will definitely cover up my reputation in the future." During the Jin Dynasty, the imperial court held a sacrificial ceremony in the northern suburbs. When replacing the bamboo board, the worker cut off his words and infiltrated the board for three points.
3. What is the classical Chinese translation of Wang Xizhi's learning book? Wang Xizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was good at calligraphy at the age of seven. At the age of twelve, he saw his father's "Pen Shuo" hidden under the pillow, so he stole it. Father said, "Why did you steal the book?" Wang Xizhi smiled and didn't answer. His mother said, "He wants to see the way you hold the pen." Seeing that he was still young, his father said, "I'll teach you when you grow up." Wang Xizhi knelt down and begged, "If I grow up, I'm afraid it will delay my talent." Father was very happy and began to teach him. In less than a month, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy has made great progress.
According to the specific types of problems, step disassembly/cause principle analysis/content expansion, etc.
The specific steps are as follows:/The main reasons for this situation are ...
4. Wang Xizhi translated ancient books by Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty. Seven years old is a good book. In the twelfth year, I saw the last generation of Bi Shuo under my father's pillow and secretly looked at it. Father said, "Why did you steal my secret?" Xihe just laughed. Mother said, "I want to see your brushwork." Seeing this, my father said, "I will teach you when you grow up." Xi's invitation: "If you treat adults, you will be afraid of shielding their talents." Father was very happy, so he followed. If there is no full moon, books will advance greatly.
Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty was good at calligraphy at the age of seven. When he was twelve years old, he saw the ancient Pen Shuo under his father's pillow and stole it. Father asked, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi just laughed and didn't answer. Mom said, "He wants to see the way you use a pen." Seeing that he was young, his father said to Wang Xizhi, "I will teach you when you grow up." Wang Xizhi sincerely asked his father, "Give it to me now. If you wait until adulthood, I am afraid that you will bury your childhood talents. " Father was very happy and gave it to him. In less than a month, calligraphy has made great progress.
5. Classical allusion of Liu Xiang and Shi Kuang's exhortation to learn from China: Shi Kuang's exhortation to learn.
Original text:
Duke Jinping asked Shi Kuang, "I still want to learn at the age of seventy, and I'm afraid I'm going to die!" Shi Kuang said, "Why not light a candle?" Gong Ping said, "An is a minister. Are you kidding me?" Shi Kuang said, "How dare a blind minister play with the monarch? I've heard:' fewer and more studious, like the sunrise; Strong and eager to learn, such as the light of Japan and China; Old and studious, bright as a candle. "What is the difference between a bright candle and an ignorant candle?" Gong Ping said, "Good!"
Emperor Gong Ping of Jin asked Shi Kuang, "I am seventy years old this year. I am afraid it is too late to study! " Shi Kuang said, "Why not light a candle at night?" Gong Ping said, "How can a courtier tease his king?" Shi Kuang said, "A foolish courtier dares to tease his king! I heard:' Learning when you are young is like the sunshine at sunrise; When you are young, you are eager to learn, just like the bright sunshine at noon; Learning when you are old is like lighting a candle. "Which is better, lighting a candle or groping in the dark?" Gong Ping said, "Well said!"
1. Shi Kuang: Zi Yezi, a famous musician, is blind.
2. Yu: Item.
3. Desire: thinking.
4. Twilight: It's too late, too late.
5. Candle lighting: light torches and torches. Whether there were candles in the pre-Qin period is still controversial, but it should be understood as lighting tools in this paper. At that time, candles were called torches.
6. Ann: What?
7. play: ridicule.
8. The blind priest: I, Shi Kuang, am blind, so I am called the blind priest.
9. Why not: Why not. Why, why.
10. Candle lighting: just like lighting a candle.
⒒ Walking: Walking in the dark. Ignorance, darkness.
12. In: onomatopoeia
13. Good: good at it.
14. Good: Good.
15 Jin Pinggong: King of Jin in the Spring and Autumn Period.
6. Wang Xizhi/KLOC posted a translation of classical Chinese on 0/7. Sima Yi didn't leave today, so he took the first book as a comfort to show the number of the first book. How can I wait a long time to become a hermit? Seventeen posts is Wang Xizhi's famous cursive masterpiece, named after the word "seventeen".
The original ink has long been lost, and now the seventeen articles handed down from generation to generation are block prints. Zhang Tangyan Garden recorded seventeen original inks: "Seventeen are one foot and two feet long, that is, 107 lines and 943 words.
It's a famous post of xuanhe. Emperor Taizong asked for the books of two kings, and the books of Wang had 3,000 pieces of paper, with a rate of one foot and two feet, and the words of the book were volumes. "
This post is a set of letters, which according to textual research is addressed to his good friend Zhou Fu, the secretariat of Yizhou. It took 14 years to write a book from Yonghe three years to Shengping five years (AD 347-36 1 year), which is an important material for studying Wang Xizhi's life and calligraphy development.
A Qing man's bag has an article "seventeen posts" for reference. This post has been highly praised by predecessors.
For example, Huang Song Bos said, "This post is easy to escape, and the dragon is also in the book." Zhu Yue said, "Play with his brushwork and get rich calmly, but the weather is detached, and he does not want to get rid of it."
The so-called one by one flows out of your mind. Some people think that this post is "ancient brushwork, with the meaning of seal writing".
These comments are all to the point. In particular, the writing is leisurely and unconstrained by law, as if it flowed naturally from one's chest, which is the most profound and accurate.
Sun once said: "() has degenerated, and every effort should be made to become an adult", that is, Wang Xizhi and Wang Xizhi and the following all deliberately exert themselves in writing and deliberately express their artistic style, thus losing the natural beauty of writing. This kind of comparative comment is very enlightening for calligraphy appreciation.
/kloc-Sima Qian didn't go on 0/7, and I got the first book as comfort, and I got the first book to show the figures. I have been pregnant for a long time for the benefit of the people, so why wait for the first step? This seems to be a dream. I don't know how to know Longbao's safety without words, but I appreciate you meeting your uncle very late. Today I can pay tribute to silk, clothes and wealth. I haven't known the difference between a plan and the first step for sixteen years. For 50 years, there is nothing to think about, such as coming in summer and autumn, or coming back first. What can I say: after eating for a long time, it's still not as good as it is. Many times, I can get my cocoa back and protect my love, but I am disappointed and satisfied. I can't live without my uncle for five years. When Ye was late, I realized that I was close at hand, but I had no chance to save my life. But there was a sigh. When I was young, I thought it was a good idea to avoid and save gas, and the purpose of this letter is to ask Gao to treat deafness. There is a test: those who don't take the test are the medicine that Zhu Churen took, so they no longer believe it. Answering his book one step at a time today can make Bida take the first step. The government is 70 years old this year, and he knows that he has always been in good health. This Daqing also wants to be silly. I feel lucky to take care of people who lean down and push my ears, but I am afraid that the road ahead will turn around and force my ears to make me want to visit. Last summer, respect for the elderly was given to many people, so that they could be content with the status quo and enjoy the benefits far away. Rescuable land, mountains, rivers and Qiyang (the capital of Xiongshu) left Taiwan, and they were unprepared to learn from each other. So, if you tell the public that you want to meet some people, it will be a timely signal that you really want to set foot in the town. Fairy events, but translation: the heart is on the other side, salt wells and fire wells have their own shortcomings, and their horizons are not wide. The news shows that the first step need not be a minor problem. How comforting was Zhang Nian's first step? How far are the sons of Wuchang? How many times have you asked the old lady? Save lives, worry, worry, be content with the status quo, be quiet, and think about letting things happen the next day. (1 1) The country will express its feelings, and the enterprise will take a few steps. The mission Xie Renzu translated: How can I say that Yang (Yang) has a cloud, but Hu's mother went to Yongxing from her sister's safety, so she went for seventy years, and I urgently asked her maid-in-waiting for a letter. If you don't know where you are today, it's not easy to show that you knew it in the Han Dynasty. You drew this painting when you were in Han and Emperor. Since the three emperors and five emperors prepared paintings, they have been wonderful and impressive, and they have been able to draw. Those who don't want to copy, don't believe, tell you what to do, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions. Zhuge Xian once had a question about the events in central Sichuan. The scenery of the gates and houses in Chengdu was made by Sima Cuo in the Qin Dynasty, which made people think deeply, but they didn't believe it. (1 1) It means that they should be told widely. The first step is to be aware of salt, and the first step is to be aware of eating, but the first step is to be aware of eating. I hope I can make a successful speech, so I can't see you, so I can laugh. I need this herb. The sun is shining, and the clouds are clearing away. This kind of good fruit can be planted for his son. I am very happy that this kind of walnut was born. The only way to plant fruit in the field today is to treat it as an accident. The first step is a great benefit to my son. He also knows whether there is a famous place and the situation of mountains and rivers is the reason why he can't stop looking. Yu Anji's past and today are often remembered as a general in the temple, and he is not eager to take the first step because of his old age.
7. What kind of person is Wang Xizhi who translated the right army in classical Chinese?
Wang Xizhi (303-36 1 year, 32 1-379), Han nationality, was a famous calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and was known as the "book saint". Langya (now Linyi, Shandong) was born, then moved to Huiji, Yin Shan (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang), and lived in seclusion in Jinting County in his later years. Successive secretary, general Ningyuan, Jiangzhou secretariat, later literature and history records, right general. His calligraphy is good at calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy. The style is peaceful and natural, the brushwork is euphemistic and subtle, and it is beautiful. The masterpiece Preface to Lanting is known as "the best running script in the world". In the history of calligraphy, he and his son Wang Xianzhi were called "two kings".
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8. The time and place when Mozi people introduce actions and behaviors into prepositions is equivalent to "in", "in" or "in terms of (up and down)". They suggest learning from good words: using prepositions. People who swim under Mozi's door are healthy, considerate and willing to follow suit. Lu has five brothers. His father died, but his eldest son was a heavy drinker and didn't bury him. His fourth brother said, "When I bury my son, I will sell him wine." He advised me to bury him kindly, but he was responsible for the wine. The fourth brother said, "I didn't give my son wine at last, but I buried my father." Why should I bury my father alone? " If the son is not buried, people will laugh at him, so they advise him to be buried. "This son is just, and so am I.. Am I just alone? " If a child doesn't learn, people will laugh and persuade him to learn. There was a man who traveled to Mozi's school. He was in good health and quick thinking. Mozi wants him to study with him. Mozi said to him, "If you study for a while, I will make you an official." After some kind encouragement, he promised to study. After studying for a year, he asked Mozi for an office. Mozi said, "Lu has five brothers. Their father passed away. The eldest son loves to drink and refuses to pay for burying his father. His four brothers said, "You pay to bury our father, and we'll buy you wine." After coaxing, the eldest son buried his father. After the burial, the eldest son asked the fourth brother for wine. The fourth brother said,' We can't give you wine. You buried your father just as we buried our father. If you don't bury it, people will laugh at you, so we encourage you to bury it. Since you have done a good deed, we are also doing a good deed. We only have morality. Where is it? If you don't study, people will laugh at you, so encourage you to study.
9. Wang Xizhi pretended to sleep and translated 50 words in classical Chinese:
When the right army general Wang Xizhi was less than ten years old, General Wang Dun loved him very much and often arranged for him to sleep in his own bed. Once Wang Dunxian paid the bill, and Wang Xizhi had not got up. After a while, Qian Feng came in, screened out his men, and discussed things. He didn't expect Xihe to be still in bed, so he talked about the rebellion plan. When Wang Xizhi woke up, he had heard what they were saying. Knowing that he couldn't live any longer, he dug out the water, stained his face and bedding, and pretended to be asleep. Halfway through the discussion, Wang Dun remembered that Wang Xizhi had not got up yet. They were very alarmed and said, "I'm going to kill him." I opened the curtain and saw him throwing up everywhere. I believe he really slept soundly, so he saved my life. At that time, people praised his wisdom.
10. Translation of Wang Xizhi's anecdotes and ancient prose;
At that time, his protege was instructed to ask Wang Dao for a son-in-law, and Wang Dao asked his protege to observe his sons and nephews under the east wing. When his apprentice returned, he said to Chi Jian, "The young people in the Wangs are very nice, but when they heard that someone was going to choose a son-in-law, they all looked very stiff. Only one person eats with his stomach exposed in the east bed, as if he didn't know about it. "
Chi Jian said, "This man is the best son-in-law!" When I asked, it was Wang Xizhi, so I married my daughter to him. A widow in Huiji keeps a goose, and her singing is very beautiful. Wang Xizhi wanted to buy it, but he didn't buy it, so he drove to see it with his relatives and friends.
When the old woman heard that Wang Xizhi was coming, she cooked a goose to entertain him. Wang Xizhi sighs all day. I once saw an old woman selling hexagonal bamboo fans in Jishan. Xihe is written on a bamboo fan, each with five words.
The old woman looked angry at first. Xizhi said to the old woman, "As long as it is written by Wang Youjun, the price can reach 100 yuan." The old woman did as he said, and people rushed to buy it. A day later, the old woman brought another fan, but she just laughed and didn't answer. His calligraphy is valued by the world, which is similar to this situation.
Original text:
When Jane asked his protege to ask his son-in-law for guidance, the instructor went to see the children in the East. When the door came home, he said, "Wang's family is not very good, but they are self-sufficient in the letter." The only person who ate in the East Bed didn't smell it.
Wang Xizhi, a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was called the "holy book" and moved to the mountains to live in seclusion in the county's Golden Pavilion. He served as general Ningyuan and Jiangzhou thorn, and later as general history and leader of Huiji.
His calligraphy is good at calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy. The style is peaceful and natural, the brushwork is euphemistic and subtle, and it is beautiful.
Li Zhimin commented: "Wang Xizhi's calligraphy not only shows simplicity and abstinence based on the philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi, but also shows harmony based on the Confucian doctrine of the mean." The masterpiece Preface to Lanting is known as "the best running script in the world". In the history of calligraphy, he and his son Wang Xianzhi were called "two kings".
Extended data:
Anecdotal allusions
1 smart
Legend has it that the emperor at that time went to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices and asked Wang Xizhi to write his congratulatory message on a board, and then sent workers to carve it. The sculptor cut the board layer by layer and found that Wang Xizhi's calligraphy ink had been printed into the board.
He didn't reach the bottom until he cut into a depth of three points. Woodworkers are amazed at Wang Xizhi's pen power, perfect calligraphy skills and his pen power. Cut to the chase is derived from this story.
2, bamboo fan inscription
Wang Xizhi walked across a bridge in Yin Shan. An old woman went to a charity sale with a basket of hexagonal bamboo fans. That kind of bamboo fan is very simple, without any decoration, which can't attract the interest of passers-by. It seems that it can't be sold, and the old woman is very anxious.
Seeing this situation, Wang Xizhi was very sympathetic to the old lady. She went up to him and said, "There are no words on the bamboo fan. Of course not. May I ask you a question? " The old lady doesn't know Wang Xizhi. Seeing his enthusiasm, I gave him a bamboo fan to write letters. Wang Xizhi raised his pen, wrote five words on each face, and then returned them to the old lady.
The old lady can't read, and she feels sloppy and unhappy. Wang Xizhi comforted her and said, "Don't worry. You told the fan buyer that it was written by Wang Youjun. " A Wang Hao left, and the old lady did as he said. This set of people is really Wang Youjun's calligraphy, and they are all eager to buy it. Bamboo fans will be sold out soon.
Wang Xizhi's calligraphy influenced his descendants. His son offered it and was good at cursive writing; Coagulation, as a grass official; Emblem, good cursive script; Fuck it, be good at writing; Huanzhi, good cursive script; Sacrifice is called "little sage".
Wu Zetian tried Wang Xizhi's book, and Wang Fangqing, the ninth great-grandson of Wang Xizhi, presented ten volumes of The Travels of Twenty-eight People to his great-grandfather and compiled Long Live the Tian Tong Post. After Wang Sengqian, Wang Ci and Zhiwang were kings in the Southern Dynasties, regular script was created. During the post-war period, his descendants fell into chaos and lost their genealogy. Later generations are distributed in Shenyang, Helen and other places. Now it is known that the successors are Wang Qingkai, Wang Xiaodan and others.