I also did my duty in the Ministry of Industry, and took an examination of the method of clearing money in and out. When he worked in Taiwan Province Province, he rehabilitated the wrongs and worked out the National Salt Law, which won the hearts of the people. He regards talents as the vitality of the country and attaches importance to selection and use. Famous ministers such as Shangshu and Dali Temple Director were recommended and selected by him. Liu is not afraid of power and severely punishes officials who neglect their duties and violate the law and discipline. He is famous for his abundant bamboo shoots. Emperor Kangxi called him a * * * merchant for many times. He listened to him talk about the book of Hutuluo, Taoism and the principles of nature, or recited famous books such as Taiji Tudui and xi Ming, and ordered him to compile the biography of Shangshu. He is often praised as "an old man with a cupboard". He was given a plaque in Lianpingtang and a couplet at the same time:
Qingyun Baishi talks about the same direction,
Ji, moonlight, wind, more.
Liu Qian is good at calligraphy. According to legend, he wrote the plaque of "Hall of Supreme Harmony" on the order, and the word "Tai" was not marked, that is, the temple gate was hung. When the viewer was startled, Liu Qian threw a pen to make up the dots under the big characters, which was powerful and seamless, and all the viewers were amazed. The reputation of "flying pen Liu Qian" spread like wildfire.