Where is Sanzhishu Village located?

sanzhishu village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Dahong urban and rural areas in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, with the urban-rural classification code of 22. The zoning code is 151232522, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number are 15123. The postal code is 1, the long-distance telephone area code is 471, and the license plate number is Meng A. Sanzhishu Village is adjacent to Xiaohongcheng Village, Hongshankou Village, Xiaogangfang Village, Dahongcheng Village, Xiangyanggou Village, Yushugou Village, Zhengjia No.3 Village, Fanjia No.15 Village, Wangjia No.2 Village, Miaojia No.29 Village, Zhangjia No.41 Village, Xinhong Village, Yushuliang Village and Baiqiyao Village.

There are some tourist attractions near Sanzhishu Village, such as Mengniu Industrial Tourism Zone, Shengle Museum, Dongshan Calligraphy Art Park, Shengle Baiting Garden, Baiye Shaba Reserve, and other specialties, such as bean noodles, warm pot of mutton in Helin, hump meat, potatoes in Helinger, and baked seaweed in Inner Mongolia Fengwei.