Mr. Huang Zejin, a wealthy contemporary painter, once said: "There is no standard conclusion about who is the most valuable and who is the least valuable in the calligraphy and painting works themselves. Regardless of any work by any calligrapher or painter, only when you encounter it, you will know how to understand it." Only those who appreciate it, like it, and need it can reflect its value. Without people who know how to appreciate it, like it, and need it, it cannot reflect its value, because everything in the world has value. The value varies from person to person. For example, if the priceless national treasures collected in the National Palace Museum are stored in ordinary people's homes, the same thing will not reflect its preciousness and value in two different places. In the hands of individuals, its value is different. Some people will regard it as garbage, while others will regard it as a treasure. If the same person is placed in two different positions, his status will immediately be different. The status of a leader is high, and the status of a subordinate is low. The goodness and badness of all people and things in the world vary from person to person! ”
If you like Feng Dazhong’s calligraphy works, then you are right. As long as it is valuable to you, it has collection value. Regardless of whether anyone's calligraphy and painting is valuable or not, it is all targeted. It is valuable to those who like it and has collection value. What is valuable? It is only valuable if some people like it and buy it. What is collection value? It only has collection value if some people like it and some people need it. If you don't like it, where does the value come from? The value of anything comes from liking it.