His father was Emperor Taizong Wen, and his mother was Yi Zhenguan, the mother of Empress Wende. The prince is like his mother and brother, and the emperor is like his mother and brother.
He was pampered all his life, enjoyed all kinds of father's love, was pampered by all kinds of condescending moments, and repeatedly attracted the attention of courtiers, even historians had to feel deeply.
His record is inexhaustible in all the volumes of Tang Shi. Although he was demoted for taking office, he regained his seal within four years, which is unique in Tang Shi. He is Li Taihou, King of Pu.
Book of the Old Tang Dynasty: "The King of Wei is too fond of kings."
"Wei Zhenggong's remonstration": "Wang Wei, born of Empress Wende, was favored by Taizong."
Zhenguan dignitaries: "The King of Yue, born of his eldest grandson, is a prince, his wife and brother-in-law, extremely intelligent, and is favored by Taizong."
"Don Yao Hui": "What Taizong loves is like a dagger."
"New Tang Book": "Wang Aizi is Your Majesty."
Zi Tongzhi Jane: "Wei Wangtai is favored in the world."
Yuan Gui: Deeply loved by Emperor Taizong.
Looking through the historical materials related to the Tang Dynasty, the beloved son of Emperor Taizong can be seen everywhere. And the rhetoric of "Your Majesty loves his son" is just a general remark made by historians casually, or is it a heartfelt feeling?
In fact, through the history books in black and white, the answer is already inside. Even through the yellowed picture scroll thousands of years ago, we can still deeply feel a father's love for his son-even if the father is the towering emperor of the Tang Dynasty-Tiankhan.