When Tai Shigong was studying, he saw that the Gourong tribe was defeated and killed, and the Zhou royal family moved its capital to Luoyi in the East. He began to be named a vassal, so he built Xiqiao to serve the Emperor of Heaven, indicating that the symptoms of Qin offside crime have appeared. The Book of Rites says: "Only the son of heaven has the right to worship heaven and earth, and the princes can only worship the famous mountains and rivers of heaven and earth." At that time, the state of Qin was mixed with the folk customs of Xirong and Beidi, with cruelty before and morality after. In the ranks of ministers defending the royal family, it is on an equal footing with the son of heaven in terms of sacrifice specifications, which makes the gentleman feel afraid.
And Wen Gong surpassed the dragon, was busy with Yi Di, respected Chen Bao and was busy with Qi Yong, while Mu Gong repaired politics and arrived at Donghe, which was neck and neck with Jin Wen and China Hou.
[Original translation] He went to Qin Wengong to cross Longshan, expelled Rongdi and sacrificed to Chen Bao, and developed the area from Qishan to Yongdi, while Qin Mugong cultivated politics and extended the eastern border to the west bank of the Yellow River, which was evenly matched with Qi Huangong, Jin Wengong and other central plains hegemons.
The late ministers were in power, while Dr. Shi Lu and Dr. Liu Qing were good at preaching justice and conquering alliances, which was more important than princes. And Tian Chang killed Jian Gong and went to Qi, and the warlord Ran Yan asked for it, and the sea fought for the meritorious military service.
Since then, the minister in charge of state affairs, doctors have maintained their political status from generation to generation, and Liu Qing monopolized the power of the State of Jin. Regardless of conquest or alliance, his power is above the vassal. Tian Chang killed Qi Jiangong, leaving himself as the king of Qi Xiang, and the princes were indifferent and refused to crusade, indicating that this country has been fighting around how to maintain its military strength.
The death of the Three Kingdoms was divided into Jin, Tian He was destroyed, and the prosperity of the Six Kingdoms began. With the enemy in Qiang Bing, to cheat, and from the horizontal short. You wouldn't believe it. Although you put a qualitative cut, you still can't restrain it.
Finally, Han, Zhao and Wei carved up the State of Jin, and Tianhe annexed Jiang Qi, which started the coexistence of the six countries. The first task is to strengthen military strength and annex each other, so Machiavelli's tactics are widely used, and the theory of joint horizontal is also one after another. All kinds of lies and scams are pouring out, and vows are insincere. Even if the hostages are sent to the other side, they cannot be bound by the other side.
At the beginning of the Qin dynasty, the small country was far away, and Xia Bin was better than Rong Zhai; After the sacrifice, the eldest brother became a vassal. On the moral meaning of Qin dynasty, it is not as violent as that; Measuring the soldiers of Qin dynasty is not as good as Sanjin; However, if you die and join this world, it will be dangerous, convenient and beneficial.
At first, Qin was just a remote small country, and all countries in the Central Plains rejected it and compared it to Rong Di. But since he devoted himself to the public, he has always been a leader among the princes. As for the benevolence and righteousness of Qin, it is not as good as those cruel and surly people in Lu and Wei; The strength of Qin was not as good as that of Sanjin, but it eventually annexed the world. This is not necessarily because Qin has a natural barrier, convenient attack and defense, and a very favorable geographical position, as if God had helped it.
Or: "East, living things; In the west, things are successful. " People who do things must be in the southeast, and people who get real jobs are often in the northwest. Therefore, Yu Xing was born in Xiqiang, Alvin Tang was born in Bo, Zhou Wang also attacked Yin, Qin Huang prospered, and Han prospered.
There is a saying that "the East is where everything begins to sprout, and the West is where everything finally matures." From this point of view, people who start a career must appear in the southeast, while those who win the fruits of victory are often born in the northwest. So Dayu flourished in Xiqiang and Tang Cheng rose in Bozhou. The establishment of the Zhou Dynasty was due to the abundant pickaxes as the base for the crusade against the Shang Dynasty. Qin completed imperial industry because Yongzhou was the base area, and the prosperity of Han Dynasty began from Bashu Hanzhong.
Qin was so proud that he burned all the "poems" and "books" in the world, especially the historical records of governors, and was laughed at for this. "Poetry" and "book" were seen again, so many people hid; Hiding Zhou's room just based on historical records, thus destroying it. What a pity! What a pity! The unique Ji Qin does not contain the sun and the moon, and the words are slightly lacking. However, the contingency of the Warring States period also has its merits, so why ancient times!
Qin unified the world, so the "poems" and "books" were burned, and the national history of various countries was burned even worse, because there were sarcastic words in the books. The reason why the poetry books spread in the world again is that there are many people in the collection, and the national history of various countries is specially collected in the Zhou royal family, so it was completely destroyed at once. What a pity! What a pity! Today, only Ji Qin has been handed down. The sun and the moon are not specified, and the content is short and incomplete. However, during the Warring States period, there were a lot of flexible and emergency countermeasures. Why in ancient times?
Qin took the world more fiercely, but the world changed and became great. Chuan said, "The Queen of France." What is this? Being close to yourself and pretending to be vulgar is easy to talk about humility. Scholars were attracted by what they heard, and when they saw Qin acceded to the throne, they didn't look at its beginning. They laughed at it and dared not say anything. This is no different from eating with your ears, sad husband!
There are many atrocities that Qin captured the world, but it can adjust its countermeasures accordingly with the times and has made great achievements. The ancient books handed down from generation to generation emphasize: "imitate the queen." Why is this? Because of the close relationship between the Queen and her, the changes of contemporary folk customs are similar to those in the Queen's period, and the truth is easy to understand and implement. Ordinary scholars are limited to what they usually hear. When they saw that the Qin Dynasty had been on the throne of the emperor for a short time, they all laughed at it without examining the whole process of its development. This is no different from eating with your ears. What a pity!
After "Ji Qin" and "Spring and Autumn Annals", I set out from Zhou Yuanwang to show the current affairs of the six countries, and it lasted for 270 years until the end of the following year. There's a gentleman in the back. Let's see.
Based on Ji Qin and following the Spring and Autumn Annals, I listed the major events of the six countries from Zhou Yuanwang to Qin Ershi for a total of * * * 270 years, so as to show all kinds of clues about the ups and downs that I have heard and witnessed. If there is a gentleman in the future, please read it.