The most holy: Confucius.
Yasheng:? Mencius.
The sage of wine: Du Kang; the sage of calligraphy: Wang Xizhi;
the sage of grass: Zhang Xu; the sage of history: Sima Qian;
the sage: Confucius; Sage: Ouyang Xiu;
Second Sage: Mencius; Medical Sage: Zhang Zhongjing;
Martial Sage: Guan Yu; Le Sage: Li Guinian;
Tea Sage: Lu Yu; Chess sage: Huang Longshi;
Poetry sage: Du Fu; Painting sage: Wu Daozi;
Ciography sage: Su Shi; Qu sage: Guan Hanqing.
Extended information
The Four Sages of Confucianism:
The Four Sages of Confucianism refer to Confucius, Yan Hui, Zengzi and Mencius. Confucianism emerged in the Spring and Autumn Period, and later gradually became the orthodox thought of China's feudal society. Many thinkers contributed to the emergence and development of Confucianism, and four of them were honored as "sages" by later generations. They are: the sage Confucius, the sage Yan Hui, the sage Zengzi and the sage Mencius.