Cheng Zi said: If the family law is bad, the genealogy of spies will still be inherited. If the genealogy of spies is bad, people will not know where they came from, so the genealogy must be repaired.
The Hu family in Zhitang said: The fundamentals of genealogy of espionage are not clear at all. They confuse their names without any evidence or mistakenly assign their surnames. In ancient times, the households were mixed together and the clans were destroyed. How could they entrust a Han son-in-law with a bone surname? Liu Yi Zhuye is also a person with the ancestry of Li.
Wufeng Hu said: "Extremely great!" It is impossible to write a genealogy. The genealogy is based on the photos and orderly, and the close relatives and distances are not left out. A hundred generations will still be enough to know the original copy. However, the thousands of genealogy spies do not express joy, do not celebrate sorrow, do not mourn, and do not know each other as close relatives. Those who are like strangers go first!
Jing Lian Song said: "What's more, the genealogy is difficult to read. A gentleman should do his best and not believe in what his heart is. But the ancients have said that it is unfilial to not compile the genealogy for three generations."
The Cheng family of Xin'an said: The cultivation of flutter must be based on the original Ming Dynasty and dredging up its source, so we should respect our ancestors! Study all the sects and clarify their currents, so don’t be distant and distant! Distinguishing between the long and the dead, distinguishing between relatives and distance, recognizing the superior and inferior of the younger brother, performing rites to celebrate good and bad luck, showing filial piety to friends, harmonious marriage and caring for each other, so we respect the rituals of the clan.
The Chen family of Zhaoxi said: Anyone who writes genealogy is concerned about his ancestors. People are more important than ancestors. They are benevolent but not benevolent. If you don't keep what you have done, you will be unjust for the sake of righteousness. If you don't do it, you will offend your ancestors.
Dong from Shenshan said: Our ancestors were kind but not clear about it. They are not wise every day, but they are unkind and unkind, which is why they stop the genealogy.
Peng Shi of Bai Ya said: The surname of the genealogy is also given by the emperor. The emperor gave it to the agricultural association. Those who uprightly protect their clan are the way to protect the world. Each person protects his clan and the world is governed.
The Huang family in the valley said: The giant clan in the world. If there is even a slight genealogy, it will lose its origin. When examining its origin, the divisions of generations are getting farther and farther apart, and the clans are becoming more and more numerous, which will inevitably lead to confusion between the distinction between maintaining and showing off.
Yifeng Luo said: Since the abolition of the clan system and the rise of genealogy, the origin of the lineage is Zunzun, and the branches and branches are divided into relatives and relatives. . Introduction
The genealogy of the Kong family is the longest-lasting, most comprehensive, and most complete genealogy in Chinese history. The Kong family regards the revision of genealogy as a family important matter. Through the revision of genealogy, the Kong clan members who live in scattered places and have relatively distant blood relationships can be integrated into one, so as to achieve "detailed lineage, close relatives, good ethics, strict compliance, and sequence of affairs". For the purpose of "mu, prepare for forgetting", revising the genealogy can also effectively prevent and check the infiltration of "outer holes".
The Kong family has been very strict in revising genealogies in the past dynasties. The rules for revising genealogies during the Ming Dynasty will not be included in the genealogy. Violators will be severely punished. When the genealogy was revised during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, the regulations were more detailed:
1) Anyone who is unfilial, disloyal, unrighteous, monk-minded, evil witch, superior soldier, humble servant, etc., is considered to be "insulting the ancestors and besmirching the clan" , those who have lost their reputation and integrity will not be allowed to enter the genealogy.";
2) Since the genealogy is all about raising funds, it is stipulated that the clan members should pay eight cents of silver for each clan member, and those who violate it will not be allowed to enter the genealogy;
3) The descendants of the Confucius family not only have certain rules for the characters of the generation, but also the characters they use are determined by the generation and are not allowed to be used indiscriminately. When revising the musical notation, if there is any misuse that does not follow the regulations, it must be corrected, otherwise it will not be included in the musical notation. In addition to inheriting the regulations of the Kangxi period, Qianlong Jiazi's genealogy revision also proposed that those who "adopted a son with a different surname, adopted a son-in-law who assumed the surname, or a son who married his mother and brought him to live together" were also not allowed to be included in the genealogy. Regarding the above aspects, not only each account must make serious guarantees, but also mobilize people with knowledge of the situation to fulfill their reporting responsibilities.
In the Kong family, in addition to the full genealogy compiled and compiled by the patriarch Yan Shenggong, each household and tribe also had its own small genealogy or branch genealogy compiled by itself. These genealogies have their own characteristics and preserve a large amount of precious historical information. For example, the "Lin Qianhu Branch Genealogy" records the imperial edicts of emperors from the Han to the Qing Dynasty that exempted the Confucius from taxes and servitude, and included the inscription on the exemption that was erected under Yucui's gate in the Confucius Temple during the Jiaqing period. "Da Zong Genealogy" contains more detailed information. Under the name of a person, it not only contains the name of the business, the official title, but also the family from which the wife and concubines are married, the daughter of the family whose son marries the daughter, and the man of the family the daughter marries. etc. content. Due to the small number of branch genealogies published, only eight have survived. They are: "Dongjia Xiaopu", "Legendary Xiaopu", "Continued Branch Genealogy", two kinds of "Dazong Branch Genealogy", "Linqian Xiaopu" Household Branch Genealogy" and "Lin Qianhu's Reconstruction of Confucius' Family Genealogy".
Confucius’ genealogy
The 50th ancestor of the Huaxu clan
The 49th ancestor Fuxi (with Nuwa)
The 48th ancestor Shaodian
p>The 47th generation ancestor Huangdi (Ji Xuanyuan)
The 46th generation ancestor Shaohao (also known as Xuan Xiao)
The 45th generation ancestor Ji Ji
The 44th generation ancestor Emperor Ku (Ji Kuang/Ji Wei/Ji Kui)
The 43rd Shizu Deed (Yizuo卨)
The 42nd Shizu Zhaoming
The 41st Shizu Xiangtu
The 40th ancestor Changruo
The 39th ancestor Cao Yu
The 38th ancestor Ming
The 37th ancestor Zhen (also known as Wang Hai, brother of Wang Heng)
The 36th generation ancestor Shangjia Wei (abbreviated as Wei)
The 35th generation ancestor reported the second
The 34th generation ancestor reported the third
The 33rd generation ancestor reported the ding
The 32nd generation ancestor Zhu Ren (one work is Shi Ren)
The 31st generation ancestor Zhugui (one work is Shigui)
The 30th generation ancestor Shang Wang Chengtang (Zi Tianyi, also known as Zi Lu )
The 29th generation ancestor Prince Taiding (Ziding, also known as Zi Yidi)
The 28th generation ancestor Shang Wang Taijia (Zizhi)
The 27th generation ancestor Shang Wang Taigeng ( Zibian)
The 26th generation ancestor Shang Wang Taiwu (Ziwu)
The 25th generation ancestor Shang Wang Zhongding (Zizhuang)
The 24th generation ancestor Shang Wang Zuyi (Zi Teng)
The 23rd generation ancestor Shang Wang Zuxin (Zidan)
The 22nd generation ancestor Shang Wang Zuding (Zixin)
The 21st generation ancestor Shang Wang Xiaoyi (Zilian)
< p>20th generation ancestor Shang Wang Wuding (Zizhao)19th generation ancestor Shang Wang Zujia (Zizai)
18th generation ancestor Shang Wang Kangding (Zixiao)
17th generation ancestor Shang Wang Wu Yi (Zi Qu)
The 16th generation ancestor Shang Wang Wending (Zituo)
The 15th generation ancestor Shang Wang Diyi (Zixian)
The 14th generation ancestor Wei Zhong (also known as Song Weizhong, whose real name is Zi Yan, younger brother of Wei Ziqi)
The 13th generation ancestor Song Gongji (Ziji)
The 12th generation ancestor Song Dinggong (Zishen)
11 The ancestor of the Song Dynasty, Min Gong (son ***)
The 10th ancestor of the Song Dynasty, Fufu He (son of He)
The 9th ancestor of the Song Dynasty, Fufu Zhou (son of Zhou)
The 8th ancestor Shi Zisheng (子胜)
The 7th ancestor Zheng Kaofu (Zizheng)
The 6th ancestor Kong Fujia (Zijia)
The 5th ancestor Mu Jinfu (Zimu)
The 4th generation ancestor (Gaozu) Qifu (Zi Qi)
The 3rd generation ancestor (great-grandfather) Fangshu (Zifang), people with the surname Kong call him "Kong" "Uncle Fang")
The 2nd generation ancestor (grandfather) Bo Xia (Zi Xia)
The 1st generation ancestor (father) uncle Liang He (Zi He), the people with the surname Kong call him "Kong He" ")
Confucius: named Kongqiu, courtesy name Zhongni, he was the first to change the surname "Zi" to "Kong", and was the true ancestor of the surname Kong
The 1st grandson (son )Kong Li
The 2nd grandson (grandson) Kong Ji
The 3rd grandson (great-grandson) Kong Bai
The 4th grandson (great-grandson) Kong Qiu
p>The 5th grandson Kong Ji
The 6th grandson Kong Chuan
The 7th grandson Kong Qian (also known as Kong Shen and Kong Shun)
The 8th grandson Kong Yu, Kong Shu and Kong Teng (Han Emperor Liu Bang named Kong Teng the enshrined king)
The 9th grandson Kong Zhong (son of Kong Teng)
The 10th grandson Kong Wu (the eldest son of Kong Zhong), Kong Anguo ( The second son of Kong Zhong)
The 11th grandson Kong Yannian (son of Kong Wu)
The 12th grandson Kong Ba (son of Kong Yannian) was named Baochenghou by Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty
< p>13 grandsons Kong Fu (Kong Ba’s eldest son, named Jiahou of Yin Shao by Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty), Kong Jie (Kong Ba’s son), Kong Xi (Kong Ba’s son), Kong Guang (Kong Ba’s son)14 The 15th grandson Kong Fang (son of Kong Fu, Bong Chenghou), Kong Yong (son of Kong Jie), Kong Fang (son of Kong Guang)
The 15th grandson Kong Jun (original name Kong Mang, son of Kong Fang), Bong Chenghou
The 16th grandson Kong Zhi, Marquis Bao Cheng
The 17th grandson Kong Sun, Marquis Baoting
The 18th grandson Kong Yao, Marquis Fengshengting
< p>The 19th grandson Kong Wan (Kong Yao’s eldest son, praised as Marquis Cheng, no son), Kong Zan (Kong Yao’s second son)The 20th grandson Kong Xian (Kong Zan’s son), Zong Shenghou< /p>
The 21st grandson Kong Zhen, Marquis of Feng Sheng Ting
The 2nd grandson Kong Yi, the Marquis of Fengshengting
The 23rd grandson Kong Fu, the Marquis of Fengshengting
The 24th grandson Kong Yi, the Marquis of Fengshengting
The 25th grandson Kong Xian , Fengshengtinghou
The 26th grandson Kongcheng, Chongsheng doctor
The 27th grandson Kong Lingzhen, Chongshenghou
The 28th grandson Kong Wentai, Chongsheng Shenghou
The 29th grandson Kong Qu, Chongshenghou
The 30th grandson Kong Changsun, Gongshenghou
The 31st grandson Kong Siyan (the second son of Kong Changsun, the second son of Kong Changsun, Kong Shenghou) The younger brother of Ying Cui), the Marquis of Shaosheng
The 32nd grandson Kong Delun, the Marquis of Baosheng
The 33rd grandson Kong Chongji, the Marquis of Baosheng
The 34th grandson Kong Cuzhi , Baoshenghou, King Wenxuan and Governor of Yan
The 35th grandson Kong Xuan, Wenxuan Gong
The 36th grandson Kong Qiqing, Wenxuan Gong
The 37th grandson Kong Weihao, Wenxuan Gong
The 38th grandson Kong Ce, Wenxuan Gong
The 39th grandson Kong Zhen, Wenxuan Gong
The 40th grandson Kong Zhaojian, Wenxuan Gong
41 The 42nd grandson Kong Guangsi was the chief administrator of Sishui
The 42nd grandson Kong Renyu was Wenxuan Gong and the magistrate of Qufu County
The 43rd grandson Kong Yi was the Wenxuan Gong and the chief administrator of Qufu and a good doctor
The 44th generation grandson Kong Yanshi (Kong Yanze’s brother), Wenxuan Gong and the magistrate of Qufu County
The 45th generation grandson Kong Shengyou: Wenxuan Gong is also the county magistrate, and has no children
The 45th generation grandson Yansheng Kong Zongyuan (the son of Kong Yanze and the younger brother of Kong Shengyou)
The 46th generation grandson Yanshenggong Kong Ruoxu (the second son of Kong Zongyuan), Kong Ruoyu (the third son of Kong Zongyuan), Kong Ruomeng (the eldest son of Kong Zongyuan)
The 47th generation Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Duanli (son of Kong Ruoyu), Kong Duancao (the second son of Kong Ruomeng), Kong Duanyou (the eldest son of Kong Ruomeng, Nanzong)
The 48th generation Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Hu (son of Kong Duanli), Kong Duanyou Fan (the second son of Kong Duancao), Kong Jie (the fourth son of Kong Duancao, Nanzong)
The 49th generation of Sun Yanshenggong Kong Fu (son of Kong Hu), Kong Li (also known as Kong Cu, Kong Hu) Fan's second son), Kong Jie (Kong Fu's son), Kong Zheng (Kong Fan's eldest son)
The 50th generation of Sun Yanshenggong Kong Yuanyong (Kong Fu's eldest son), Kong Yuanxiao (Kong Fu's second son), Kong Wenyuan ( Kong Tie’s son, Nanzong), Kong Yuancuo (Kong Tie’s eldest son), Kong Yuanhong (Kong Tie’s second son)
51st Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Zhihou (Kong Yuanxiao’s son), Kong Zhiquan (son of Kong Yuanyong), Kong Wanchun (son of Kong Wenyuan), Kong Zhigu (son of Kong Yuanhong)
52 Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Huan (son of Kong Zhihou), Kong Zhi (son of Kong Zhiquan) , Kong Zhen (son of Kong Zhigu), Kong Zhu (son of Kong Wanchun, Nanzong)
53rd Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Sihui (son of Kong Huan), Kong Sicheng (son of Kong Zhi), Kong Sixu (Kongjin Son, grandson of Kong Zhiyan, 11th grandson of Kong Renyu, Nanzong)
The 54th generation of Sun Yanshenggong Kong Kejian (son of Kong Sihui), Kong Kezhong (son of Kong Sijun, grandson of Kong Zhu, Nanzong)
The 55th generation of Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Xixue (son of Kong Kejian), Kong Xulu (son of Kong Kezhong, Nanzong)
The 56th generation of Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Na (son of Kong Xixue), Kong Yi (Kong Xi Son of Lu, Nanzong)
The 57th grandson of Yan Shenggong Kong Gongjian (son of Kong Na), Kong Gongcheng (son of Kong Yi, Nanzong)
The 58th grandson of Yanshenggong Kong Yanjin (son of Kong Gongjian) ), Kong Yansheng (son of Kong Gongcheng, Nanzong)
59th generation Sun Yanshenggong Kong Chengqing (son of Kong Yanjin), Kong Chengmei (son of Kong Yansheng, Nanzong)
60th generation Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Hongxu (the eldest son of Kong Chengqing), Kong Hongtai (the second son of Kong Chengqing), Kong Hongzhang (the son of Kong Chengmei, Nanzong)
The 61st generation Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Wenshao (the son of Kong Hongxu), Kong Wenyin (the son of Kong Hongzhang, Nanzong)
The 62nd generation grandson Yan Shenggong Kong Zhenqian (the eldest son of Kong Wenshao), Kong Zhenning (the second son of Kong Wenshao and the father of Kong Shangtan), Kong Zhenyun (the son of Kong Wenyin, Nanzong)
< p>63 Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Shangxian (son of Kong Zhenqian, had two sons: Kong Yinchun and Kong Yingui, both died young), Kong Shangqian (son of Kong Zhenyun, Nanzong)The 64th generation of the sages of Sun Yan, Kong Yanzhi (formerly known as Kong Yinzhi, the son of Kong Shangtan), Kong Yanzhen (the son of Kong Shangqian, the Southern Sect)
The 65th generation of the sages of Sun Yan, Kong Xingxie (the son of Kong Yanzhi), Kong Xingxu (the son of Kong Yanzhen, the Southern Sect)
>The 66th Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Yuqi (son of Kong Xingxie), Kong Yuyuan (Kong Xingxu’s son, Nanzong)
The 67th Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Chuanduo (Kong Yuqi’s eldest son), Kong Chuanjin (Kong Yuyuan’s son, Nanzong)
The 68th generation Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Jiyi (son of Kong Chuanduo), Kong Jitao (son of Kong Chuanjin, Nanzong)
The 69th generation Sun Yanshenggong Kong Guangqi (son of Kong Jiyi), Kong Guangpyo (son of Kong Jitao, Nanzong)
The 70th generation Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Zhaohuan (son of Kong Guangqi), Kong Zhaoxuan (son of Kong Guangpyo, Nanzong)
The 71st generation Sun Yanshenggong Kong Xianpei (the eldest son of Kong Zhaohuan, the brother of Kong Xianzang, no children), Kong Xiankun (the son of Kong Zhaoxuan, Nanzong)
The 72nd generation grandson Yanshenggong Kong Qingrong (son of Kong Xianzang, adopted by Kong Xianpei, ascended the title in 1794), Kong Qingyi (son of Kong Xianxing, fifth generation grandson of Kong Chuanjin, Nanzong)
p>The 73rd generation Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Fanhao (son of Kong Qingrong), Kong Fanjia, Kong Fanhao (Kong Fanying’s brother, no son, Nanzong)
74th generation Sun Yan Shenggong Kong Xiangke (Kong Fanhao Sons), Kong Xiangzhuang, Kong Xiangkai (the eldest son of Kong Fanying, adopted by Kong Fanhao, the sacrificial officer of Nanzong and Dacheng’s most holy master Nanzong)
The 75th generation grandson Yanshenggong Kong Lingyi (son of Kong Xiangke, courtesy name Gusun): 1877 (5 years old in the third year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu) inherited the title of Duke Yan, and died of illness on November 8, 1919, in Duke Yan’s Mansion, Taipusi Street, Beijing
The 76th grandson of Duke Yan, Kong Decheng (1920-2008): the son of Kong Lingyi His mother was Mrs. Wang. On the 100th day after his birth, he inherited the title of Duke of Yansheng by the order of President Xu Shichang. In 1935, the National Government changed the title to "The Official of the Most Holy Master of Dacheng". In 1936, he married the granddaughter of Sun Jianai, a famous eunuch of the former Qing Dynasty. Ms. Sun Qifang; When the Kuomintang government retreated to Taiwan in 1949, Kong Decheng moved to Taiwan with him and rebuilt the Taipei family temple. He served successively as the enshrining officer of the Dacheng Supreme Saint, "Dean of the Examination Yuan", "Counselor of the Presidential Office", and concurrently served as the Chinese Department of National Taiwan University Professor, offered courses on Shang and Zhou bronze Yi vessels, comprehensive research on three rites, and bronze inscriptions; passed away peacefully due to cardiopulmonary failure at 10:50 a.m. on October 28, 2008 at the Taipei Branch of Tzu Chi Hospital at the age of 89; Daughter: Kong Wei'e; sons: Kong Weiyi, Kong Weining; eldest grandson: Kong Chuichang
77th generation grandson Kong Weiyi: son of Kong Decheng, died early and did not take the title
78th generation grandson Dacheng, the most holy ancestor Kong Chuichang, the Master’s Enshrined Officer: Kong Weiyi’s son, was officially granted the title of Dacheng’s Most Holy Ancestor Enshrinement Officer on September 25, 2009, and enjoyed the treatment of a specially appointed official
Kong Youren, the 79th generation grandson: Kong Chuichang’s son, was born in 2006 New Year's Day, born in Taiwan
Generation characters after the 79th generation: Qin, Shao, Nian, Xian, Yang, Jian, Dao, Dun, An, Ding, Mao, Xiu, Chu, Yi, Chang, Yu , Wen, Huan, Jing, Rui, Yong, Xi, Shi, Xu, Chang, from Hu Tingdong's great-grandfather to his daughter, taught for seven generations. Hu Tingdong, the longest-serving teacher during the Republic of China, was a descendant of Hu Liqian of Dongyu Village. He taught in private schools from around 20 years old until he was 86 years old and still taught in Waihefu Village Primary School. He died that year.
From Hu Tingdong’s great-grandfather to his daughter, there have been seven generations of teachers, including 15 daughters-in-law and sons-in-law. The following are the highlights:
The first generation
Hu Liqian (also known as Jiuxu): born in the fourth year of Xianfeng and died in 1939. He was a scholar during the reign of Emperor Guangxu. He loved teaching and was engaged in education all his life. He first taught in a private school and then in an elementary school. Hu Liqian was well-known for his rigorous scholarship and tireless teaching, and was praised in his hometown. And master the art of medicine. He warned his descendants that if they are educated, they should not be officials or engage in business. Teaching, practicing medicine, educating people, and rescuing people are the most ideal professions. Under the influence of his education, teaching and medical practice were passed down from generation to generation. He was 86 years old and still taught in Waihefu Village. He died that year. He had three sons, the eldest son and the third son were all engaged in education throughout their lives. (The second son Shao died).
The second generation
Hu Jun (also known as Zheng Bing): Hu Liqian’s eldest son, was born in the first year of Guangxu and died in 1943. He served as a primary school teacher throughout his life. Teaching is hard and serious. He is also knowledgeable in medicine, especially acupuncture. They have three sons and one daughter. Except for the second son who is engaged in farming and medicine, the eldest son, third son, daughter and son-in-law (Wu Jiuchang) are all primary school teachers. (The third son, Hu Weiguo, died at the age of 19 while working as a teacher in Mingchawan Village).
Hu Ju (also known as Zhengchun): the third son of Hu Liqian, was born in the 13th year of Guangxu and died in 1954. Graduated from Wutai Middle School. He has been teaching all his life, has excellent academic performance and is highly competitive in the countryside for employment. His students praised him as "highly respected and worthy of being a teacher."
"Hu Ju is also good at medicine and is especially good at calligraphy and painting. His cursive characters are like dancing dragons and phoenixes, vigorous and unrestrained, with a unique style. He is especially good at writing "Kuixing Duo", "The longevity man rides a deer", and "Zhang Guolao rides a donkey" , "Sun Yat-sen Returns to the Country on Horseback" and other calligraphy and paintings. Many people still treasure his calligraphy, painting and calligraphy in the places where he was active. He had three daughters. His second daughter, Hu Yingzhao, was a primary school teacher. The three sons-in-law were all engaged in education throughout their lives (now retired).
The third generation: Hu Weizhou was born in the 31st year of Guangxu and died in 1950. . Graduated from Yulin Military and Political University in Shaanxi Province. After graduation, he did not want to work in the military and political circles and preferred to be a primary school teacher. He taught without corporal punishment to students, was persuasive, and taught well. The masses called him the "Little Boy". District education cadre, and served as district education assistant from 1939 to 1949. He also knew medicine and was good at writing official script. He had four sons. The eldest son was a teacher at first, and later became a farmer. ).
Hu Junnv, born in the 27th year of Guangxu, died in 1992. She taught primary school for more than 30 years and practiced medicine in her later years. Dai
Hu Tingdong: The son of Hu Weizhou, born in the 21st year of the Republic of China, graduated from Shanxi Normal University. He taught primary school throughout his life and was good at inspiring students. He has been rated as a model teacher many times. He is now retired. /p>
Fifth generation
Hu Xiaolian: Hu Tingdong’s daughter was born in 1955. She graduated from high school and worked as a private teacher for the first time. In 1985, she was named a district-level model in Wutai No. 2 Middle School. English teacher. She worked hard in teaching and died of leukemia in 2003.
Hu Xiaoling: Hu Tingdong’s niece, born in 1962, has been a private teacher for 13 years.
: Hu Tingdong’s daughter-in-law teaches in the middle school of Jinzhong City (formerly Yuci City)
The sixth generation
Luo Hanxin: Hu Xiaolian’s son, graduated from Xinzhou Teachers College and teaches in Anhui. p>
The Seventh Generation
A brief summary (data source is a compilation of historical materials on education in Laosan District, Wutai County)