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001 School of Political Economics

010101 Marxist Philosophy 010102★Chinese Philosophy 010103 Foreign Philosophy

010105 Ethics 010108 Philosophy of Science and Technology

601 "Principles of Marxist Philosophy", Peking University Press or China It can be published by Renmin University Press or other editions

401 "History of Western Philosophy", edited by Zhao Dunhua, Peking University Press or Quan Zenggu, edited by Fudan University Press, or other editions can be published

"History of Chinese Philosophy", edited by Xiao Zhenfu or other editions are acceptable

030101 Legal Theory

602 Shen Zongling: "Jurisprudence", Peking University Press 2000 Edition


Su Li: "The Rule of Law and Its Local Resources", China University of Political Science and Law Press 2004 Edition

402 Xu Aiguo: "History of Western Legal Thought", Law Press 1999 Edition

Wang Zhe: "History of Political and Legal Doctrine", Peking University Press 1988 Edition

030105 Civil and Commercial Law

603 Zhang Wenxian: "Jurisprudence", Peking University, Higher Education Press, latest edition

Jiang Mingan: "Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure Law", Peking University, Higher Education Press, second edition, January 2005

Jiang Wei: "Civil "Procedural Law", Peking University, Higher Education Press, latest edition

403 Wei Zhenying: "Civil Law", Peking University, Higher Education Press, latest edition

Fan Jian: "Business Law" ", Peking University, Higher Education Press, latest version

030201 Political Science Theory

604 Yang Guangbin: "Introduction to Political Science" Second Edition, Renmin University of China Press 2004

Wang Huiyan: Second Edition of "Principles of Political Science", Higher Education Press, 2006 Edition

407 Mao Zedong: "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volumes 1-4, People's Publishing House, 1991 Edition


Deng Xiaoping: "Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping" Volumes 1-3, People's Publishing House 1993 Edition

030204 History of the Communist Party of China

604 Yang Guangbin: "Introduction to Political Science" Second edition, Renmin University of China Press, 2004 edition

Wang Huiyan: "Principles of Political Science" second edition, Higher Education Press, 2006 edition

407 Mao Zedong: "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volumes 1-4, People's Publishing House, 1991 edition

Deng Xiaoping: "Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping" Volumes 1-3, People's Publishing House, 1993 edition

030301 Sociology

606 Wang Ji: "Theoretical Sociology", Shaanxi Normal University Press, 1990 edition

Zheng Hangsheng: "New Edition of Introduction to Sociology" (newly revised and revised), Renmin University of China Press, 1987-2002 Previous editions

406 Luo Rongqu: "New Theory of Modernization", Peking University Press 1993 Edition

030501 Basic Principles of Marxism 030502 History of the Development of Marxism

030503 Marx Research on the Sinicization of Doctrine 030504 Foreign Marxism Research 030505 Ideological and Political Education

607 "Marxist Philosophy", "Marxist Political Economy", all versions are available

407 Mao Zedong: " "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volumes 1-4, People's Publishing House 1991 Edition

Deng Xiaoping: "Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping" Volumes 1-3, People's Publishing House 1993 Edition

120401 Administration

608 Zhang Guoqing: "Xing

"Introduction to Political Science", Peking University Press

408 Wednesday: "Management - Principles and Methods" fourth edition, Fudan University Press

Wang Huiyan: "Political Science" Principles", Higher Education Press, 2001 edition

002 International Business School

409 Stiglitz: "Economics" (Second Edition, Volumes 1 and 2), Renmin University of China Press, 2000 edition

410, 609 Stephen P. Robbins: "Management" (Seventh Edition), Renmin University of China Press, 1997 edition

003 School of Educational Sciences

120403 Educational Economics and Management

610 Si Xiaohong: "Principles of School Management", Shaanxi People's Education Press, 1994 edition

Li Guoqing: "Education", Shaanxi Normal University Press 2002 edition

Wang Daojun: "Education", People's Education Press 1998 edition

412 Wang Youzhi: "Basics of Psychology - Principles and Application", Capital University of Economics and Business Press, 2006 edition

Wang Tianyi: "History of Foreign Education" (Volume 1 and 2), Beijing Normal University Press, 1993 edition

Wu Shiying: "Foreign Education "History Course", People's Education Press, 1999 edition

Sun Peiqing: "History of Chinese Education", East China Normal University Press, 2000 edition

004 School of Journalism and Communication

050301 Journalism

611 Li Liangrong: "Introduction to Journalism", Higher Education Press

Shao Peiren: "Communication", Higher Education Press

Fang Hanqi : "History of Chinese Journalism and Communication", Renmin University of China Press 2002 Edition

Zheng Chaoran: "History of Foreign Journalism and Communication", Renmin University of China Press 2002 Edition

413 Ding Fazhang: " "News Commentary Tutorial", Fudan University Press, 2003 edition

Luo Yicheng: "New Theory of News Interviewing", Wuhan University Press, 2001 edition

Liu Minghua: "News Writing Tutorial", Chinese People's University Press, 2002 edition

Li Yan: "Radio and Television Journalism", China Radio and Television Press, 2001 edition

Zheng Xingdong: "Newspaper Editing Tutorial", Renmin University of China Press 2002 Edition

Zhang Tianding, Guo Qi: "Editing and Publishing", Henan University Press 2003 Edition

050407 Radio and Television Arts

612 Tong Qingbing: "Literature Theoretical Tutorial", Higher Education Press, 1998 edition

Huang Borong: "Modern Chinese", Higher Education Press, 2001 edition

Peng Jixiang: "Introduction to Art", Peking University Press, 1994 Annual Edition

Lu Hongshi et al.: "History of Chinese Film", Culture and Art Publishing House 1998 Edition

(France) Georges Sadoul: "History of World Cinema", China Film Publishing House 1995 edition

414 Zhang Fengzhu: "Chinese Contemporary Radio and Television Literature and Art", Communication University of China Press 1999 edition

Gao Xin: "Television Art", Beijing Normal University Press 1998 Annual Edition

Lu Ye: "Introduction to Contemporary Radio and Television", Fudan University Press 2002 Edition

Gao Youxiang: "The Theory and Practice of Television News", China Social Sciences Press 2002 Edition

Guo Zhenzhi: "History of Chinese and Foreign Radio and Television", Fudan University Press 2005 edition

Ouyang Hongsheng: "Introduction to Documentary Film", Sichuan University Press 2004 edition

Liu Jian: "Tutorial on TV Program Directors", Communication University of China Press, 2004 Edition

(USA) Syd Field: "Basics of Film Script Writing", China Film Publishing House, 2002 Edition

Bi Yiming: "Language and Communication", China Radio and Television Press 2005 Edition


Ode: "Chinese Broadcasting Science", Beijing Broadcasting Institute Press 2001 Edition

077001 Educational Technology

643 He Kekang: "Educational Technology", Beijing Normal University Press 2002 Edition

Yin Junhua: "Introduction to Educational Technology", Higher Education Press

He Kekang: "Teaching System Design", Beijing Normal University Press 2002 Edition

443 Feng Boqin : "Computer Network" second edition, Higher Education Press

Cai Wandong: "Computer Network", Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology Press

Tan Haoqiang: "C Language Programming" (Second and third editions), Tsinghua University Press

005 Institute of Press and Publication Science

050302 Communication Studies

611 Li Liangrong: "Introduction to Journalism", Higher Education Press

Shao Peiren: "Communication", Higher Education Press

Fang Hanqi: "History of Journalism and Communication in China", Renmin University of China Press 2002 Edition

Zheng Chaoran: "History of Foreign News Communication", Renmin University of China Press 2002 Edition

413 Ding Fazhang: "News Commentary Tutorial", Fudan University Press 2003 Edition

Luo Yicheng: "New Theory of News Gathering", Wuhan University Press 2001 Edition

Liu Minghua: "News Writing Tutorial", China Renmin University Press 2002 Edition

Li Yan: "Radio and Television Journalism" ", China Radio and Television Press, 2001 edition

Zheng Xingdong: "Newspaper Editing Tutorial", China Renmin University Press, 2002 edition

Zhang Tianding, Guo Qi: "Editing and Publishing", Henan University Press 2003 Edition

006 Sports College

040301 Sports Humanities Sociology

614 Lu Yuanzhen: "Sociology of Sports", Higher Education Press July 2001 edition

Deng Shuxun and others: "Exercise Physiology", Higher Education Press, first edition in July 1999, second edition in July 2005

Shi Bing: " "Teaching Theory of Physical Education and Health", Shaanxi Normal University Press, August 2006 Edition

Lu Yijin et al.: "Human Anatomy", Higher Education Press, First Edition, April 2001

Shi Bing: "Economics of Sports Industry", Shaanxi Tourism Publishing House, September 2002 Edition

Zhou Xikuan: "Basic Theoretical Tutorial on Sports", People's Sports Publishing House, October 2004 Edition


040302 Sports Human Science

614 Lu Yuanzhen: "Sociology of Sports", Higher Education Press, July 2001 Edition

Deng Shuxun et al.: "Exercise Physiology", Higher Education Press, first edition in July 1999, second edition in July 2005

Shi Bing: "On Physical Education and Health Teaching", Shaanxi Normal University Press, August 2006 edition


Lu Yijin et al.: "Human Anatomy", Higher Education Press, first edition in April 2001

Xu Haowen, Feng Weiquan et al.: "Biochemistry of Exercise", Higher Education Press, 1998 First Edition

Yao Hongen: "Sports and Health Care", Higher Education Press 2001 Edition

040303 Physical Education and Training

614 Lu Yuanzhen: "Sports "Sociology", Higher Education Press, July 2001 edition

Deng Shuxun and others: "Exercise Physiology", Higher Education Press, first edition in July 1999, second edition in July 2005

Shi Bing: "On Physical Education and Health Teaching", Shaanxi Normal University Press, August 2006 Edition

Lu Yijin et al.: "Human Anatomy", Higher Education Press, 2001 April The first edition of the month

Li Xiang: "School Physical Education", Higher Education Press, the first edition of June 2001

Tian Maijiuzhu

Editor: "Sports Training", People's Sports Publishing House, 2000 August 2nd Edition

040304 National Traditional Sports Science

614 Lu Yuanzhen: "Sociology of Sports", Higher Education Press, July 2001 edition

Deng Shuxun and others: "Exercise Physiology", Higher Education Press, first edition, July 1999, second edition, July 2005

Shi Bing : "On Physical Education and Health Teaching", Shaanxi Normal University Press, August 2006 Edition

Lu Yijin et al.: "Human Anatomy", Higher Education Press, April 2001 First Edition


Editors-in-Chief Cai Zhonglin and Zhou Zhihua: "Martial Arts", Higher Education Press, third edition 2000

007 College of Liberal Arts

601 "Principles of Marxist Philosophy", Beijing Published by the University Press or Renmin University of China Press or other versions are acceptable

401 "History of Western Philosophy", edited by Zhao Dunhua, Peking University Press or Quan Zenggu, edited by Fudan University Press, or other versions are acceptable

"History of Chinese Philosophy", edited by Xiao Zhenfu or other editions are acceptable

616 Yuan Xingpei: "History of Chinese Literature", Higher Education Press

Zhu Dongrun : "Selected Chinese Literary Works of the Past Dynasties", Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House

Zhu Donglin: "History of Modern Chinese Literature", Higher Education Press

Hong Zicheng: "History of Contemporary Chinese Literature", Beijing University Press

Zheng Kru: "History of Foreign Literature", Higher Education Press

416 Gao Mingkai: "Introduction to Linguistics", Zhonghua Book Company

Guo Xiliang: " "Ancient Chinese", Tianjin Education Press or Commercial Press

Huang Borong: "Modern Chinese", Higher Education Press

Tong Qingbing: "Literary Theory Tutorial", Higher Education Press

Bibliography for the re-examination:

010106 Aesthetics

Yang Xin, Gan Lin: "Principles of Aesthetics", Peking University Press

040102 Curriculum and Teaching Theory

Li Jingyang: "Chinese Teaching Theory", Shaanxi Normal University Press

050101 Literature and Art

Tong Qingbing: "Literary Theory Tutorial", Higher Education Publishing Society

050102 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

Gao Mingkai, Shi Anshi: "Introduction to Linguistics", Zhonghua Book Company

Ye Fingsheng, Xu Tongqiang: "Language" "Outline of Chinese Language and Philology", Peking University Press

050103 Chinese Philology

Guo Xiliang: "Ancient Chinese", The Commercial Press

050104 Chinese Classical Philology

Zhang Shunhui: "Chinese Literature", Zhongzhou Painting and Calligraphy Society

050105 Ancient Chinese Literature

Yuan Xingpei: "History of Chinese Literature", Higher Education Press

Zhu Dongrun: "Selected Chinese Literary Works of the Past Dynasties", Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House

050106 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature

Zhu Donglin: "History of Modern Chinese Literature", Higher Education Press

Hong Zicheng: "History of Contemporary Chinese Literature", Peking University Press

050107 Chinese Minority Languages ??and Literature

Yuan Xingpei: "History of Chinese Literature", Higher Education Publishing House

Zhu Donglin: "History of Modern Chinese Literature", Higher Education Press

Hong Zicheng: "History of Contemporary Chinese Literature", Peking University Press

050108 Comparative Literature and World Literature

Chen Chun, Liu Xiangyu: "Introduction to Comparative Literature", Beijing Normal University Press

Zheng Kru: "History of Foreign Literature", Higher Education Press

Secretarial Comprehensive:

Xia Shuzhang: "Administrative Management", Sun Yat-sen University Press

Li Qin: "Introduction to Sociology", Shandong University Press

008 College of Foreign Languages

210 Zhou Linfei: "

"New University French" (Volume 3-4), Higher Education Press

211 Editor-in-Chief Ying Yuntian: "New University Basic Russian Course" (Volume 1-2), Higher Education Press

212 "Standard Japanese" (beginner to lower level, intermediate level to upper level) (focusing on elementary level), jointly compiled by People's Education Press and Japan Mitsumura Book Publishing Co., Ltd., 1988 first edition

214 Zhang Shuliang, Zhao Zhong: "College German" (Volume 1-2), Higher Education Press

617 Zhang Hanxi, Wang Lili: Advanced English "Advanced English" revised edition (Volume 1-2), Foreign Language Teaching and Research Publishing House

417 Hu Zhuanglin: "Linguistics Tutorial" (Revised Edition), Peking University Press

Wang Qiang: "English Teaching Method Tutorial", Higher Education Press

Zhang Peiji: "English-Chinese Translation Tutorial", Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press

Lv Ruichang: "Chinese-English Translation Tutorial", Shaanxi People's Education Press

418 Wu Weiren: "History of British Literature and Selected Readings", Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

Wu Weiren: "History of American Literature and Selected Readings", Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

Zhang Peiji: "English-Chinese Translation Tutorial" ", Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press

Lu Ruichang: "Chinese-English Translation Tutorial", Shaanxi People's Education Press

Zhu Yongtao: "Introduction to the Society and Culture of English-speaking Countries" (Volume 1 and 2) ), Higher Education Press

009 Conservatory of Music

618 Zhang Hongdao: "History of European Music", People's Music Publishing House, October 1983 Edition

Yang Yinliu: "Manuscript of the History of Ancient Chinese Music", People's Music Publishing House, February 1981 Edition

Wang Yuhe: "History of Modern Chinese Music", People's Music Publishing House, October 1994 Edition


419 Qian Renkang: "Tutorial on Analysis of Musical Works", People's Music Publishing House, December 1986 Edition

420 Sposobin et al.: "Tutorial on Harmony", People's Music Publishing House, 2000 1 Monthly edition

Walter Piston: "Harmony", People's Music Publishing House, 1956 edition

Wu Shikai: "History of the Development of Harmony Art", Shanghai Music Publishing House, 2004 edition

Chen Mingzhi: "Fugue Writing", Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House, 1980 Edition

619 Cai Zhongde: "Annotated Translation of Materials on the History of Chinese Musical Aesthetics", People's Music Publishing House, March 2004 Edition

Li Ronyou: "Musicology Research on Han Portraits", Jinghua Publishing House, May 2001 Edition

421 Chen Sihai: "History of Ancient Chinese Music", People's Music Publishing House Press, March 2004 edition

Wang Yuhe: "History of Modern Chinese Music", People's Music Publishing House, October 1994 edition

Yuan Jingfang: "Introduction to Chinese Traditional Music", Shanghai Music Press, October 2000 edition

620 Wu Guodong: "Introduction to Ethnomusicology", People's Music Publishing House, March 1997 edition

Yuan Jingfang: "Introduction to Chinese Traditional Music", Shanghai Music Press, October 2000 edition

621 Peng Song, Yu Ping: "Outline of the History of Ancient Chinese Dance", internal textbook of Beijing Dance Academy

Zhu Liren: "Outline of the History of Western Ballet" , Shanghai Music Publishing House, May 2001 edition

422 Li Yongming: "Ballet Teaching Method", internal textbook of Shaanxi Normal University Conservatory of Music

Tang Mancheng, Li Zhengyi: "Chinese Classical Dance Body and Rhythm" ", Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts Press, 1992 edition

622 Guan Suxia, Li Guoqing: "Pedagogy", Shaanxi Normal University Press

Wang Daojun, Wang Hanlan: "Pedagogy", People's Education Publishing House

Zhao Songguang: "Psychology of Music Education", Shanghai Music Publishing House

424 Cao Li: "Music Education", Capital Normal University Press, June 2001

Dai Dingcheng: "Perspectives on Music Education", East China Normal University Press, December 2001 Edition

465 Wang Hongjian: "Introduction to Art", Culture and Art Press, 2002 Edition

010 Academy of Fine Arts

050401 Art

626 Wang Bomin: "General History of Chinese Painting" (Volume 1 and 2), Sanlian Bookstore Publishing House, 2000 Edition

426 Yu Jianhua: "On Chinese Painting" Category Edition", People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 1986 edition

Zhou Jiyin: "Compilation of Chinese Painting Essays", Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House, 2005 edition

627 Zhong Mingshan: "History of Chinese Calligraphy", Shaanxi People's Fine Arts Publishing House

427 "Selected Papers on Calligraphy of the Past Dynasties", Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing House

628 Ouyang Ying: "History of Foreign Art", China Academy of Art Press 2000 Edition

428 Peng Jixiang: "Introduction to Art", Peking University Press 2001 Edition

Ing Gombrich: "History of Art Development", Tianjin Fine Arts Publishing House 1983 Edition

629 Zhang Fuye: "History of Foreign Arts and Crafts", Central Compilation and Translation Publishing House, 2001 Edition

429 Wang Shouzhi: "History of Modern Design in the World", New Century Press, 2001 Edition

Bian Zongshun: "History of Chinese Arts and Crafts", China Light Industry Press, 1996 edition

631 Peng Jixiang: "Introduction to Art", Peking University Press, 2001 edition

431 Yang Xin, Gan Lin: "New Edition of Principles of Aesthetics", Peking University Press, 1996 edition

050403 Fine Arts

628 Ouyang Ying: "History of Foreign Art", China Academy of Art Press, 2000 edition

432 Bo Songnian: "Chinese Art History Tutorial", Shaanxi People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2000 edition

Yu Jianhua: "Chinese Painting Theory Collection", People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 1986 edition

428 Peng Jixiang: "Introduction to Art", Peking University Press 2001 Edition

Ing Gombrich: "History of Art Development", Tianjin Fine Arts Publishing House 1983 Edition

050404 Design Art

629 Zhang Fuye: "History of Foreign Arts and Crafts", Central Translation and Compilation Press 2001 Edition

429 Wang Shouzhi: "History of Modern Design in the World", New Century Publishing Press 2001 edition

Bian Zongshun: "History of Chinese Arts and Crafts", China Light Industry Press 1996 edition

431 Yang Xin, Gan Lin: "New Edition of Aesthetic Principles", Peking University Press 1996 Annual Edition

011 Northwest Environmental Development Center

071200 History of Science and Technology

634 Ju Jiwu: "History of the Development of Chinese Geography", Jiangsu Education Press, 1987 edition

434 Zhao Ji: "Chinese Physical Geography" (Third Edition), Higher Education Press 1997 Edition

012 Northwest Ethnic Center

635 Lin Yaohua: "Ethnic General Theory of Learning", Minzu University of China, 1997 edition

435 Wang Zhonghan: "History of Chinese Nationalities", China Social Sciences Press, 1994 edition

014 School of Mathematics and Information Science

636 Department of Mathematics, East China Normal University: "Mathematical Analysis" (Volume 1 and 2), Higher Education Press

436 Edited by Peking University: "Advanced Algebra", Higher Education Press

Bibliography for the re-examination:

Yang Zixu: "Modern Algebra" (Second Edition), Higher Education Press

Cheng Qixiang et al.: "Basics of Real Variable Functions and Functional Analysis", Higher Education Press

Liu Zhihan: "Ordinary Differential Equations", Shaanxi Normal University Press

Liu Xinping, Wei Qien: "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics", Xi'an Publishing House

Xiong Jincheng: "Lecture Notes on Point Set Topology" (Second Edition), Higher Education Press

>015 School of Physics and Information Technology

070201 Theoretical Physics 070203 Atomic and Molecular Physics 070205 Condensed Matter Physics

070206 Acoustics 070207 Optics 070208 Radio Physics

637 Sichuan University editor: "Advanced Mathematics", People's Education Press

437 Zhou Shixun: "A Concise Tutorial on Quantum Mechanics", Higher Education Press 1997 Edition

071011 Biophysics

439 Zhao Kaihua: "Electromagnetism", Higher Education Press, 1995 edition

440 Zhai Zhonghe: "Cell Biology", Higher Education Press, 2001 edition

640 Wang Jingyan : "Biochemistry", Higher Education Press 2003 Edition

080300 Optical Engineering

441 Yao Qijun: "Optics Tutorial" (adapted by the Optics Textbook Writing Group of East China Normal University), Higher Education Press Society 1998 Edition

081002 Signal and Information Processing

442 Yao Yannan: "Principles of Microcomputers", Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology 2002 Edition

Tan Haoqiang: "C Programming ", Tsinghua University Press, 2000 edition

083100 Biomedical Engineering

464 Wang Jingyan: "Biochemistry", Higher Education Press, 2003 edition

439 Zhao Kaihua: "Electromagnetism", Higher Education Press 1995 edition

016 School of Chemistry and Materials Science

450 Editor: Chemistry Teaching and Research Office of Zhejiang University: "General Chemistry" (4th Edition), Higher Education Publishing House

447 Editor-in-Chief of Wuhan University: "Analytical Chemistry" (Volume 1 and 2) (Fourth Edition), Higher Education Press

Editor-in-Chief Fu Xiancai: "Physical Chemistry" (Volume 1 and 2) (Fourth Edition) Fourth and fifth editions), Higher Education Press

647 Editor-in-Chief Hu Hongwen: "Organic Chemistry" (Second Edition), Higher Education Press

Beijing Normal University and three other Co-editor of Normal University: "Inorganic Chemistry" (Volume 1 and 2) (Third and Fourth Editions), Higher Education Press

648 Editor-in-Chief of Wuhan University: "Analytical Chemistry" (Volume 1 and 2) (Fourth Edition), Higher Education Press

Editor-in-Chief Fu Xiancai: "Physical Chemistry" (Fourth and Fifth Editions), Higher Education Press

Editor-in-Chief Hu Hongwen: "Organic Chemistry" Chemistry" (Second Edition), Higher Education Press

017 College of Tourism and Environment

651 Tongji University Editor: "Advanced Mathematics", Higher Education Press

451 Pan Shurong or Wu Guanghe: "Physical Geography", Higher Education Press

452 Zhang Baozheng: "General Geology", Geology Press

453 Liu Peitong: "Environment "Introduction to Geomorphology", Higher Education Press

454 Yang Jingchun: "Geomorphology Tutorial", Higher Education Press

455 Zhang Hong: "Tourism Management", Science Press 2006 First Edition

Gan Zhimao, Ma Yaofeng: "Tourism Resources and Development", Nankai University Press

018 School of Life Sciences

640 Wang Jingyan: "Biochemistry" (Volume 1 and 2) Higher Education Press, 2003 edition

Luo Jisheng: "A Concise Tutorial on Biochemistry", Higher Education Press, 1999 edition

440 Zhai Zhonghe: "Cell Biology" ", Higher Education Press, 2002 Edition

615 Yao Xinsheng: "Natural Medicinal Chemistry", People's Health Press, Third Edition, 2001

019 Department of Food Engineering

656 Edited by Tongji University: "Advanced Mathematics" (Fourth Edition), Higher Education Press

456 Wang Xiaolan: "Organic Chemistry" (Third Edition), Higher Education Press


020 School of Computer Science

657 Edited by Tongji University: "Advanced Mathematics", Higher Education Press

457 Yan Weimin: "Data Structure", Tsinghua University Press (C language) 1999 edition

436 Edited by Peking University: "Advanced Algebra" (Third Edition), Higher Education Press

022 Religious Center

601 "Principles of Marxist Philosophy", published by Peking University Press or Renmin University of China Press or other editions

401 "History of Western Philosophy", edited by Zhao Dunhua, Peking University Press or Quan Zenggu It can be published by Fudan University Press or other editions

"History of Chinese Philosophy", edited by Xiao Ganfu or other editions can be accepted