Four-character calligraphy with the content of "courtesy, righteousness, benevolence, wisdom and faith"

Benevolence: put yourself in others' shoes, and don't do to others what you don't want. Things are for people, not for yourself. They are compassionate, generous, gentle and kind.

Righteousness: Righteousness, if appropriate, is to adapt to the current situation, adapt to local conditions and suit people; Confucius said, "A gentleman is righteous, a villain is profitable, and injustice and wealth are like clouds to me." This is justice and justice.

Ceremony: Sincerity is the foundation, and respect is the foundation. In Zhai Zhuang, the state of honesty is ceremony.

Wisdom: A wise man knows everything. Distinguishing right from wrong, right from wrong, evil from right, true and false means that people are motivated by right and wrong, and arts and sciences are examined by wisdom.

Faith: Believers are not suspicious, not bad and honest. That is, "from the heart, never waver." Those who don't make false statements or cheat are for the sake of faith.