Yang Ningshi is very easygoing. One morning, he went out to play with his servant. The servant asked where to go. He said to go to Guang 'ai Temple in the east. The servant said it would be better to go to Shibi Temple in the west. He raised his whip and said, "Let's go to Guang 'ai Temple." The servant said, "Let's go to Shibi Temple." Yang Ningshi then said, "Let's go to Shibi Temple first." Everyone clapped their hands and cheered.
Not only does Yang Canning pretend to be crazy, but he is better at pretending to be crazy, and his poems and calligraphy are more famous. There are many humorous verses in his poems, which are very interesting. Zhang once promoted him, and he appropriately praised his achievements: "The scenery in Luoyang is really sad. It used to be a pile of tiles. I didn't fix it, it's still a pile of ash. " On another occasion, he returned to Luoyang from Kaifeng and happened to encounter a locust plague. When I arrived in Luoyang, the locusts that covered the sun just arrived in Luoyang at the same time. He first sent a poem from Luoyang to Zhang Yin: "Escort locusts to Luo Jing and meet them far away." Zhang Congen smiled at the poem and didn't blame him.
Yang Ningshi's poetry has another realm, because he believes in Buddhism. He likes visiting temples, and all kinds of scenery can make him feel current events, so his poems are also very refined. For example, "the court is as quiet as Zen, and the flowers are as round as sleep" is very beautiful and famous, and it has always been highly respected.
Although Yang Ningshi's achievements in poetry are very high, there is still a big gap compared with his calligraphy. His calligraphy is vigorous and bold, and he learns from Ou Yangxun and Yan Zhenqing. His own freedom and boldness make his calligraphy art unique. When you visit the temple, you will linger when you meet the beautiful scenery. You can read poems, write when you see the wall, and sing while writing, as if it were as smooth as a god. People carefully protect these walls where he writes poems, which shows that his calligraphy skills have reached a high level. People say that his calligraphy is very similar to that of Yan Zhenqing, so they call him and Yan Zhenqing "Yan Yang".
His handwriting was left on the walls of many temples in Luoyang, and when he finally signed it, he rarely used a name, including your company, Yang, a Buddhist of the Western Wei Dynasty, and an old farmer from Kansai. Sometimes he writes regular script, and sometimes he writes cursive script. He is as casual as others, but his level is very high, so many people say that he is the first calligrapher in the Five Dynasties.
There are many excellent students in Yang Ningshi, and Li Jianzhong wrote a poem praising the teacher's calligraphy: "The withered fir and the old frost, the pine smoke and the musk coal are rainy and cold. I am also a born nerd. I went to the temple once and watched it again. " Feng Dao's son gave Yang Ningshi the highest evaluation: "Shao Qing's original works are all monk's houses, and Yu Zhong is not as good as them. You must cherish it before you can report it to the public. There is no book after this book. "
Yang Ningshi accidentally pretended to be crazy and escaped the disaster. From then on, he took "madness" as his way of life. Five generations later, he died happily. He also achieved his calligraphy art with his wild personality.