Adobe Illustrator certification exam question bank

Adobe Illustrator certification exam question bank

Question: The following description of the filter is correct:

A: Adobe Illustrator 9.0 cannot use Adobe Photoshop filters.

B: Adobe Illustrator 9.0 can use Adobe Photoshop filters.

C: Put the third-party filter module in the Help folder of Adobe Illustrator 9.0, and the Illustrator file can be used.

D: Put the third-party filter module in the Plug-Ins folder of Adobe Illustrator 9.0, and it can be used by the Illustrator file without restarting the software.

Correct answer: b

Question: Which of the following operations can be done by the free transform tool in the toolbox?

A: Come on.

B: swirl (Twirl)

C: Scale

D: perspective.

Correct answer: a, c, d

Question: The check mark in the leftmost column of the action name in the action palette is red:

A: There is an error in this operation.

B: this operation is not executable.

C: This action can be modified.

D: This action contains the command to close.

Correct answer: D.

Question: The second icon on the leftmost side of the action name in the action panel is red:

A: There is an error in this operation.

B: this operation is not executable.

C: This action can be modified.

D: This action contains a command to close the dialog box.

Correct answer: D.

Question: In the EditPreferenceGeneral dialog box, you can set the value of constraint angle, and its default default value is:

A: 0 degrees

10 degree

C: 15 degrees

D: 45 degrees

Correct answer: a

Question: In the Edit Preferences General dialog box, you can set the value of the constraint angle, which is used to:

Answer: Set the angle of the rotating tool.

Set the angle of the coordinate axis

Set the angle of the zoom tool.

D: Set the angle of moving the tool.

Correct answer: b

Problem: In Edit Preferences &; In the Undo dialog box, you can set the number of recovery operations, and the following statement is true:

A: Adobe Illustrator 9.0 can set up up to 50 recovery operations.

B: Adobe Illustrator 9.0 can set up a maximum of 200 recovery operations.

C: Adobe Illustrator 9.0 can set up a maximum of 99 recovery operations.

D: As long as there is enough memory, you can set up unlimited multi-step restore operations.

Correct answer: b

Question: How many temporary disks can Adobe Illustrator set up?

A: 1

B: Two.

C: Three.

D: Four.

Correct answer: b

Question: Can I create in Adobe Illustrator 9.0? Opinion? (View) Which of the following descriptions is correct for local observation?

A: Adobe Illustrator 9.0 can only create one? Opinion?

Can you pass? Edit view? (view edit view) command to change the building? Opinion? Or delete it.

C: Can you pass? Edit view? (view edit view) command to change the building? Opinion? Content of

D: in adobe illustrator 9.0? Opinion? Once established, it will not change with the changes of this part of the editing content.

Correct answer: b

Question: Which of the following operations about opening a PDF file are correct?

A: Adobe Illustrator 9.0 can open multiple pages of PDF files at once.

B: Adobe Illustrator 9.0 can open multi-page PDF files, but only one page can be opened at a time.

C: Adobe Illustrator 9.0 cannot open multi-page PDF files.

D: Adobe Illustrator 9.0 can only be placed in PDF files.

Correct answer: b

Question: Which of the following is correct about the blending operation of the border color by the blending tool?

A: The blending tool cannot blend border colors.

B: The blending tool cannot blend the edge colors of open paths.

C: The blending tool can blend border colors.

D: The blending tool can only blend the edge colors of closed paths.

Correct answer: C.

Problem: Use the blending tool to blend two closed graphics with the same border color and different fill colors. What are the color modes of the two fill colors?



C: RGB gray scale (gray scale)

D: all of the above will do.

Correct answer: D.

Problem: Use the blending tool to blend two closed graphics with the same border color and different fill colors. Which of the following descriptions is correct?

A: You can execute the ObjectUngroup command, and then use the direct selection tool to move any graphics in the mixture separately.

B: You can use the direct selection tool to select one of the original closed shapes and change its color, but the mixed color is not affected.

C: You can use the direct selection tool to move any figure in the mixture individually.

D: When you move one of the original closed shapes with the direct selection tool, the whole mixture will change.

Correct answer: D.

Question: Are two closed figures with different fill colors and different border colors completed? Path finder? (Pathfinder)? Intersection? (Intersect) command, the resulting intersection fill color and border color should be:

A: The fill color and border color are the same as the original picture.

B: The fill color and border color are the same as the original picture at the back.

C: It is the mixed color of the fill color and the border color of the original two graphics.

D: It is the same as the filling color of the front figure and the border color of the back figure.

Correct answer: a

Question: Are two closed figures with different fill colors and different border colors completed? Path finder? (Pathfinder)? Hollow out? After the (Exclude) command, the fill color and border color of the remaining part should be:

A: The fill color and border color are the same as the original picture.

B: The fill color and border color are the same as the original picture at the back.

C: It is the mixed color of the fill color and the border color of the original two graphics.

D: It is the same as the filling color of the front figure and the border color of the back figure.

Correct answer: a

Question: Are two closed figures with different fill colors and different border colors completed? Path finder? (Pathfinder)? Union? After the (Unite) command, the combined fill color and edge color should be:

A: The fill color and border color are the same as the original picture.

B: The fill color and border color are the same as the original picture at the back.

C: It is the mixed color of the fill color and the border color of the original two graphics.

D: It is the same as the filling color of the front figure and the border color of the back figure.

Correct answer: a

Question: Are two closed figures with different fill colors and different border colors completed? Path finder? (Pathfinder)? Trim? (Trim) command, the resulting partial fill color and border color should be:

A: The fill color and border color are the same as the original picture.

B: The fill color and border color are the same as the original picture at the back.

C: It is the mixed color of the fill color and the border color of the original two graphics.

D: The cut parts of the two figures keep the original fill color. What is the border color? Nothing? (None)

Correct answer: D.

Question: If the current graphic file of Adobe Illustrator 9.0 is complicated and contains a lot of Chinese fonts and embedded images, which of the following descriptions is correct about how to generate PDF files?

Answer: Save this file as an Acrobat PDF file directly.

B: it can only be generated by PDF Writer.

C: it can only be generated by Acrobat Distiller.

D: it can be generated by PDF Writer or Acrobat Distiller.

Correct answer: C.


There is an option to split long paths in the File Document Settings dialog box. Which of the following statements is true?

A: This option is only applicable to curve paths.

B: Separate paths can be restored.

c:? Split a long road? Complex paths can be changed to simple paths for easy output.

D: This option is only applicable to straight roads.

Correct answer: C.


A: You can crop any open path.

B: Only closed paths can be cropped.

C: You can cut an open semi-circular path with filling color.

D: Closed paths without fill colors cannot be cropped.

Correct answer: C.

Problem: Use the knife tool to cut the curve opening path with the fill color (note: this curve path does not intersect), and the result is:

Answer: Make two open paths with the same fill color.

B: An open path divided into two different fill colors.

C: a closed path divided into two different fill colors.

D: Make two closed paths with the same fill color.

Correct answer: D.

Question: Which of the following statements about scissors tools is correct?

A: The clipping point that the scissors tool clicks on the curve path is the curve point.

B: The cutting point that the scissors tool clicks on a straight path is a straight point.

C: Scissors can only cut paths.

D: Scissors can cut closed paths and open paths.

Correct answer: a, b, D B, d.

Question: To mix more than two graphics in Adobe Illustrator 9.0, the following description is correct:

A: These figures must all be closed figures.

B: Select all the drawings, and then execute the ObjectBlendMake command.

C: Click the graphics in turn with the blending tool.

D: Mixed commands cannot be executed on more than two graphs.

Correct answer: b, c

Question: How many graphics can you mix with the Blending Tool and ObjectBlendMake command at most?

A: Two.

B: Three.

C: Six.

D: there is no limit

Correct answer: D.

Question: After several graphs execute ObjectBlendMake command, the mixed path is:

A: Straight road.

B: curve path

C: It may be a straight road or a detour.

D: If the mixed graph is a closed path, then the obtained mixed path is a straight path.

Correct answer: a

Question: After executing the ObjectBlendMake command, which of the following tools cannot be used to edit the mixed paths of several graphs?

A: Add anchoring tools.

B: delete anchor tool

C: change direction control point tool

Pencil tool

Correct answer: D.

Problem: Execute the ObjectBlendMake command between two closed paths filled with different patterns. The following statement is correct:

A: They can't execute mixed commands.

B: The filling pattern of the mixture is the same as the previous one.

C: The filling pattern of the mixture is the same as the original pattern at the back.

D: The filling pattern of the mixture is a mixture of two patterns.

Correct answer: b

Question: If the fill colors of the two graphics are different, one is the spot color and the other is the printing color in CMYK mode, then the color type of the middle mixture after executing the ObjectBlendMake command is:

A: Spot color

Print color of cmyk mode

C: One part is spot color and the other part is printing color in CMYK mode.

The color of RGB mode.

Correct answer: b

Question: If the fill colors of two graphics are two different spot colors, the color types mixed in the middle after executing the ObjectBlendMake command are:

A: Spot color

B: It may be a spot color or a printing color in CMYK mode.

Color of RGB mode

Print color of cmyk mode

Correct answer: D.

Question: After creating a mixture through the ObjectBlendMake command, which of the following commands can be used if you want to arrange the generated mixture along another drawing path?

A: ObjectBlendMake (Graphic Blending)

B: ObjectBlendeExpand (graphic hybrid extension)

C: Object Blending Replacing Vertebra (Graphic Blending Replacing Path)

D: object blender spin (graph blending inversion path)

Correct answer: C.

Question: In the Layers panel, which key should I press to select more than two discontinuous layers at the same time?

A: command (Mac OS)/Ctrl(Windows)

B: Option(Mac OS)/Alt(Windows)

C: Shift change.

D: label

Correct answer: a

Q: In the Layers panel, if you want to display only the currently active layer, which of the following keys should you hold down and click the eye icon of the current layer?

A: command (Mac OS)/Ctrl(Windows)

B: Option(Mac OS)/Alt(Windows)

C: Shift change.

D: label

Correct answer: b

Question: What is the shortcut key to cancel the operation during the execution of the filter command?

A: Shift gears.

B: Esc(Windows)/Command+。 (Apple operating system)

C: Alt(Windows)/Option(Mac OS)

D: return goods

Correct answer: b

Question: Which of the following descriptions about the reference line is correct?

A: The reference line is always in front of all drawings.

B: The relationship between reference lines and graphics is related to the time sequence of drawing graphics and dragging reference lines.

C: The reference line is usually in front of the figure, but it can be placed on a separate layer, and the relationship between the reference line and the figure can be changed by changing the position of the layer.

D: The reference line is always behind all drawings.

Correct answer: C-A should be chosen.

Question: Which of the following statements is incorrect when storing Illustrator 9.0 files in EPS format?

A: Almost all typesetting software can put graphics into EPS format.

Graphics in RGB mode are converted into CMYK mode.

Graphics in RGB mode and CMYK mode retain their respective color modes.

Graphics in EPS format can retain layer information.

Correct answer: b

Question: There is a gradient grid in the file. What printer should I use to output it?

A: postscript level 1 printer.

B: postscript secondary printer

C: postscript 3 printer

Non-PostScript printer

Correct answer: C.

Question: Which of the following formats can be used for lossless compression?

A: Tiffany.


earnings per share

D: Photoshop

Correct answer: a

Q: Which of the following formats can be used for LZW compression?



earnings per share


Correct answer: D.

Question: Which of the following formats can set the degree of compression?



earnings per share


Correct answer: b

Question: How many layers can I set in Illustrator 9.0?

A: Six.

B: 12

C: 24

D: there is no limit

Correct answer: D.

Question: Which of the following methods can create a gradient mesh?

A: Use the gradient grid tool in the toolbox.

B: Use the object to create a gradient mesh command.

C: Select an object filled with gradient color, then select the object extension command, and select the gradient grid option in the pop-up dialog box.

D: Select an object filled with gradient color, then select the Object BlendExpand command, and select the gradient grid option in the pop-up dialog box.

Correct answer: a, b, c

Problem: A graphic executes the coarse command in the filter menu and the coarse command in the effect menu respectively. Which of the following descriptions is correct?

A: After executing the roughening command in the filter menu, many editable anchor points will be added to the path.

After executing the roughening command in the effect menu, many editable anchor points are added to the path.

C: After executing the coarsening command in the filter menu, the number of anchor points on the graph has not changed.

D: After executing the "roughening" command in the "Effect" menu, the number of anchor points on the graph remains unchanged.

Correct answer: a, d

Problem: When you rotate a graph, its bounding box also rotates. Which of the following methods can restore the border to its original horizontal state?

Answer: Perform object transformation to reset the bounding box (rectangular selection box for graphic transformation recovery).

B: You can select the rectangular selection box separately, and then use the rotating tool to restore it.

C: it cannot be recovered.

D: execute the view display bounding box command.

Correct answer: a

Q: There are four different types of artistic brushes that can be set in the brush panel. Which of the following statements about setting a new brush is correct?

A: All brushes must consist of simple open paths or closed paths.

B: Elements that define a brush cannot include gradients, blends, other brush effects, gradient meshes, dot matrix images, charts, placed files and masks.

C: Art brushes and pattern brushes can't contain words, but calligraphy brushes and scatter brushes can.

D: All brushes can't contain text, but the text can be used as the defining element of the brush after it becomes an edge.

Correct answer: a, b, c
