The ink in the erasable pen is specially made, and the written words are gray, like the hair of a gray rabbit, not as black as the words written by an ordinary pen, but look more powerful, and sometimes the written words are still hollow. The eraser on the erasable pen is tailor-made for it. If you erase the words written by the pencil, it will get dirtier and dirtier, which is useless at all. But as soon as you wipe the words written with it, it will be clean and leave no trace. Erasers that can wipe fountain pens are usually on the tip of the pen, but sometimes on the pen cover.
Erasable fountain pens have another little-known feature: they become nothingness after heating. Therefore, erasable pens are not allowed in formal exams. But erasable pens are still very popular. Many students use it for their homework. Once a clerical error or wrong answer is found, just turn the pen, hold the eraser tightly and wipe it hard, and the wrong answer will disappear immediately. Usually, when you open the exercise book, you will feel very clean and comfortable, without any alteration or correction fluid. Generally, homework teachers who can wipe pens will type "A" back.
Of course, nothing is perfect, and erasable pens also have their shortcomings, such as: they can't be used to practice writing; Can't be used to sign; Can't be used for formal exams, such as senior high school entrance examination and college entrance examination.
Nowadays, erasable pens are more and more accepted by many people. I believe that more miracles will be created!