Write eight jars of water, and the inkstone will stain the waterlogged pool black. What do you mean by wooing hundreds of parents before Longfeng flies?
This is an allusion to Wang Xianzhi, the son of Wang Xizhi. Wang Xianzhi learned to write with water instead of ink, and used up eight barrels of water. He washed the inkstone in his own pool and dyed it black so that he could get the ink out. Wang Xianzhi learned to imitate the advantages of others and borrowed from the works of many famous writers, so he was called the father of a hundred schools of thought. From the beginning, it is obvious that it is a dragon and a phoenix flying, which shows that he has made great achievements in calligraphy through his hard work, but this dragon and phoenix dance is not what we call cursive, which means that the words are beautifully written. It is as magnificent as dragon and phoenix dance.