How about Wen Yuan Primary School in Jinshui District of Zhengzhou?
Wen Yuan Primary School in Jinshui District of Zhengzhou is good. According to relevant public information, Wen Yuan Primary School in Jinshui District of Zhengzhou City has a team of high-quality and experienced teachers, and the teaching quality has been highly praised. The school pays attention to the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality, actively promotes quality education, and offers many characteristic courses such as art, physical education, science and technology, and English. And pay attention to the interaction and communication between teachers and students, so as to establish a good relationship between teachers and students. The school provides students with various extracurricular activities and clubs, such as dancing, chorus and calligraphy. , enriching students' extracurricular life. The school has a beautiful campus environment, complete teaching buildings, gymnasiums, libraries and other facilities, and students have good daily study and living conditions. This is a public primary school. Founded in 1956, the school is one of the key schools in Jinshui District.