Great geniuses Jie Jin and Zhu Yuanzhang, like father and son, are highly valued by Judy. Why did Judy finally bury them in the snow and freeze to death?

He was buried in the snow because Judy went to the home of Crown Prince Zhu Gaochi when she was not in Beijing. Judy didn't like Zhu Gaochi and didn't make him an heir. Xie Tang secretly went to see him. In a rage, Ji Gang, the general manager of Royal Guards, was buried in the snow and froze to death.

Xie Tang is very talented, especially in calligraphy and poetry. He won the favor of Zhu Yuanzhang and was particularly flattering to Zhu Yuanzhang. At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang also praised him from time to time, which made him more and more inflated.

On one occasion, he was too self-righteous, which made Zhu Yuanzhang a little unhappy. Gradually, Zhu Yuanzhang understood that Jie Jin didn't understand the laws of officialdom, and sometimes his remarks were unreasonable. So let him go home and predict that he will be reused in ten years. Ten years later, when Judy was in power this time, she was overjoyed and wanted to make up a grand ceremony. So Jie Jin was a perfect match, and under the planning of Jie Jin, she wrote the Yongle Grand Ceremony.

In the process of compiling this book, Judy admired him very much and boasted about the book in court. At this time, Jie Jin expanded his power and wanted to participate in the discussion of state affairs. He also gave a lot of advice when he was Prince Judy, suggesting that Judy's grandson Zhu Zhanji should be the heir, not Judy's son Zhu Gaochi. He praised Zhu Zhanji for his good character, which was in Judy's mind and satisfied with the explanation.

Therefore, Xie Tang became more proud and always made outrageous things, which made Judy hate him gradually. If a person is always in a state of pride, there will be some misfortunes in life, and then his life will begin to decline. Step by step to the point of freezing to death by snow.